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Chapter 390 Wedding of the Century! (one)

Although Zhu Yuanyuan did not worry about the preparations for the wedding, he still instructed the company's subordinates that the wedding must be grand and grand. The happiest bride in the world, make her the most envied object of girls in the whole world, and make her the most dazzling bride in the world on that day!

Now the whole manor is set up, there are red happy characters everywhere, red lanterns are everywhere, there are happy characters on the red lanterns, and both sides of the road of the manor are all red roses.

It can be said that the whole manor is full of bright red, showing this festive look.

Yes, Zhu Yuanyuan carried out the wedding according to the traditional Chinese wedding, and also prepared a traditional wedding dress for himself and Xiaoyuan. Zhu Yuanyuan was a big red wedding dress. Well, I'm still preparing I wore a jade crown, which will be installed on the head at that time, such a short hair destroys the temperament of the ancient costume.

And Xiaoyuan's is also a bright red wedding dress, the head and face are made of gold, there are phoenix hairpins, and many other things. Of course, these things are bought now, and they are all arranged by Zhu Yuanyuan to buy them back. Know how much to carry on your head.

Moreover, in order to echo the ancient wedding, Zhu Yuanyuan bought a group of horses from the grassland. These horses have been domesticated by people and can be used directly. He plans to use it as a carriage for the wedding, and there are eight horses. The horse-drawn carriage, the carriage of the carriage is the ultimate luxury, all of which are dazzling gold inlaid with gems of various colors around the carriage, and there is a diamond the size of an adult fist on the top of the carriage, which looks dazzling. extreme.

What are you doing with the carriage?

Of course, I went to pick up Xiaoyuan to come to the manor for the wedding ceremony, but since the Chen family was in the capital, Zhu Yuanyuan discussed it with Mr. Chen and Chen Hua, and he vacated Villa No. 17 in Anlin Bieyuan as a Xiaoyuan's natal family, she will marry here, and the Chen family will also live in the villa in Anlin Bieyuan.

It doesn't matter to Zhu Yuanyuan, the manor can't live in the manor temporarily, he can live in the company, anyway, there is a bedroom in the office, which is specially for him to rest.


In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

At this time, the whole world was talking about it. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan was going to get married. It was impossible to hide it. He said that he asked the employees of Suiji Group to arrange the manor. use.

The Suiji Group buys wedding supplies collectively. Except for the boss of the group getting married, who can have such a big face?

And after inquiries by all-pervasive reporters, they found out that it was the boss of the Suiji Group who got married, and they were all excited. You must know that Zhu Yuanyuan rarely appeared in public, and his photos can be said to be basically outside. No, it's very strange. It can be said that few bosses are so low-key as Xiang Zhu Yuanyuan.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan is probably not low-key, but lazy, but a house. Everything is left to his own hands to do. Anyway, he provides technology and lets his men manage. If you can't do it well, then get out. The group does not need such waste.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanyuan's house does not want to socialize, and he will not go to curry favor with others. He is not panic because he has food in his hand. He holds black technology in his hand, and he is a strong man himself, and he is not afraid of others coming to harm him. To accommodate others?

Everyone wants to ask the Suiji Group. This is the seller's market, and it is a monopoly market. Although some people in the world have sued the Suiji Group for monopoly, Zhu Yuanyuan has never paid attention to this. Go and sue.

It's unusual for you, Mr.

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that these people were just fed up, and it was completely useless to sue people internationally. Those foreigners who violated or monopolized, they didn't care, it was still what happened, but the people in the empire did care. I don't understand this thing at all. Others use this thing as a decoration, and you are still chasing after you to defend this right. There is something wrong with it. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:

Many foreign companies are involved in monopoly, so they are not breaking the law? Zhu Yuanyuan felt that this monopoly law was simply a joke.

So when Zhu Yuanyuan sees someone sue him, he sees it as a joke. You can go and sue him, not in the empire. Xiaoye is an authentic Chinese, and foreigners don't care about Xiaoye.

After Zhu Yuanyuan ignored them, these people came to the empire to protest, haha, it was really funny, at that time Zhu Yuanyuan really watched a good show.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan also feels that this foreigner is really shameless. He is much stronger than the people of the empire. No wonder they are powerful countries. Well, they are thick-skinned and dark-hearted, so they are powerful.

People who are so cheap are invincible!

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that he was absolutely incomparable, and he still wanted the face.

But on this point, there is still something to be said for a foreigner. Well, if you don't want your face, what else can't you do?

Closer to home, all the media are now reporting on Zhu Yuanyuan's marriage. Of course, his otaku boss was dug up, and photos were taken. Paparazzi are really everywhere!

"The real boss of Suiji Group! (Photo by Zhu Yuanyuan)"

It was really taken by some unscrupulous paparazzi. Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the news on the Internet and touched his chin. Well, it was a good shot, quite handsome, and a narcissistic person. starter

"The boss of the Suiji Group is holy, let's take a deep dive together!"

Zhu Yuanyuan clicked on the news and looked at it. It was not bad. It was something from high school. It was estimated that it was leaked by a classmate.

Speaking of which, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't have a very good relationship with those high school classmates. He was the only one in the whole class. He had to go to the night market to work every night, so he didn't live in the dormitory. He rented a house outside by himself. I live, I go back very late every day, sometimes at 12 o'clock in the evening, sometimes at 1-2 o'clock in the morning, and I have to get up at 6 in the morning to go to school, and sometimes I only sleep for 3-4 hours a day.

Well, these are all things that my predecessor did. Zhu Yuanyuan only crossed over in the second half of the third year of high school, so there are only these memories. When he was on earth, he worked as a part-time job, but he also went there during the holidays. Haven `t been there.

But there is one thing that these classmates are right. Zhu Yuanyuan has been a scholar in his two lifetimes, and his grades are very good. Maybe this is the child of the poor family who is in charge early.

"The boss is so young, he started from scratch just after graduation, he is a model for young people!"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the content inside, um, very powerful, what to study hard in school, what to study hard when you were a student, and what to accumulate money when you were in school, stock trading is simply a win every time you speculate.... .. Good guy, you really know how to blow rainbow farts, and Zhu Yuanyuan almost believed it.

But his family knew about his family affairs. Zhu Yuanyuan didn't study hard when he was in college, and he was very low-key. He never caused trouble, but he wasn't afraid of trouble.

So is this media flattering itself?

Well, the filming of Zhu Yuanyuan was very comfortable. I looked at the name of the media. Well, Zhu Yuanyuan said that he remembered you and will have your benefits in the future.


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