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Chapter 391 Wedding of the Century! (two)

After some media reports, Zhu Yuanyuan has become popular all over the world in just a few days, and the popularity of any world star is completely inferior to his popularity.

Today is the wedding day. It is more than four o'clock in the morning. The reason why it is so early is because I have to pass through the deep sea city, that is, I have to walk around the city. It takes a lot of time, but thanks to Zhu Yuanyuan greeted the yamen, so there were people from the yamen who opened the way along the way, which is why he donated money to the yamen.

Well, when donating money, Zhu Yuanyuan also said that the big bosses of the yamen have worked hard, in order to better serve people, so Zhu Yuanyuan donated 100 million Huaxia coins to let the yamen replace better equipment and office use. Equipment, of course, this is also the person who troubles the yamen to open the way for him, so donating some money is nothing.

At the entrance of Qiyuan Manor, a luxury carriage pulled by eight horses was parked, and many red horses had their saddles installed.

In addition to a carriage, Zhu Yuanyuan prepared a thousand horses, called a thousand retired security guards from Suiji Security Company, and let Wu Dajun lead him in a fiery red armor with a red belt around his waist. sword.

The red cavalry led by Wu Dajun is Zhu Yuanyuan's family. It can be said that it is very large, and his best men are also unprecedentedly powerful. All of them are from special forces. These people are his core subordinates. , is a person who has been controlled by the accused magic, and has also practiced the star body refining technique, which can be used as a stepping stone after being blocked by Xiaoyuan's girlfriends.

Well, although Zhu Yuanyuan said he didn't have many friends, he had a lot of subordinates.

In fact, it can't be said that he has no friends. Who let him pass through in the third year of high school?

And after crossing over, he can't suddenly change his routine, and he can't suddenly approach his classmates, otherwise others will doubt whether he has some kind of purpose, so he graduated from high school flatly.

"Brother Wu, is everyone ready?"

There were not many people when Zhu Yuanyuan went to pick up the relatives. He didn't recognize the two relatives of the Zhu family and the Long family, so when he went to pick up the relatives, Zhu Yuanyuan also brought people from his own company, but this employee was probably much stronger than any relatives. At least they are loyal to themselves and there is not so much mess. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Speaking of which, why didn't Zhu Yuanyuan recognize his relatives? It's actually very simple. First of all, the parents on the water blue star died when the original owner was still a baby. He thinks there is no need to recognize relatives. Relatives who haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, whether they recognize or not, are all. Is it a stranger, a relative who has no feelings, is it necessary? He didn't want others to order anything, and he went to recognize his relatives so stubbornly that others might think that his intentions were impure, so he didn't want people to regard him as a villain who was obsessed with power.

Another important reason is that there are too many filth in those big families. Maybe Zhu Yuanyuan's cheap grandparents who recognize the Zhu family may be very welcome and happy. Others are probably very welcome on the surface, but what is the secret? Attitude, ghosts know, maybe others will think that they are here to seize the property and resources of the Zhu family. If someone comes to murder him secretly, wouldn't it be troublesome?

That's why Zhu Yuanyuan was so resistant to admitting his relatives. He didn't want to admit a relative in the end. Inexplicably, a lot of enemies appeared. Although these enemies were all small ants, he could trample a lot of them casually. But it's also disgusting. These people are still relatives in name, and they can't be beaten to death with a stick, which is even more disgusting.

In the end, Zhu Yuanyuan simply didn't mention this matter. His parents were gone, and he didn't want to recognize this relative.

There is no point in recognizing relatives who have no feelings at all.

"Boss, everything is arranged."

Wu Dajun nodded. He was preparing several days in advance. All the cubs under his command had just been trained. All of them learned to ride horses, and they did a good job.

Of course, the ten best men also prepared red envelopes. Chen Ziyuan has many classmates and girlfriends, and they will definitely send red envelopes to get rid of them.

The red envelopes prepared by Zhu Yuanyuan are very large. One red envelope is 88,888. Of course, there are also red envelopes for children, which are a little smaller than the big red envelopes, which are 66,666. .

Because the people Chen Ziyuan contacts are definitely not ordinary people. If the red envelope is too small, it will not only lose the face of Zhu Yuanyuan, the boss of the Suiji Group, but also lose the face of Xiaoyuan. This wedding will last a lifetime. This time, so he was very generous.

Not only that, but Wu Dajun and his 1,000-strong red cavalry also prepared a lot of cigarettes and candies on their horses, all of which are high-quality cigarettes and candies. Cigarettes are products of the empire, Huaxia Supreme brand cigarettes, a A pack of 20 sticks costs more than 1,000 yuan, and in addition to fruit hard candies, there are also a variety of chocolate-filled candies, all of which are delicious. Of course, the price is also very gratifying. Hundreds of dollars.

"Alright, let's go."

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, then took the lead and stepped onto a snow-white horse in front of the prepared golden and red carriage. This horse was a wild horse captured on the grassland, and it was the first horse among the horses. Call it the king of horses.

Later, Wu Dajun and the others also got on the horse together. All of them were wearing red armor, and the horses were covered with red flowers. It was also a festive event, which made people feel extremely happy at a glance. starter

And there are two people on the golden red carriage now preparing to drive the carriage. This carriage is very good. Of course, it is different from the ancient one. The shock absorption is stable, and the space inside is very large. Zhu Yuanyuan specially put a coffee table in it, and There is also a small couch where you can lie down and rest, and there is a freezer in it. This freezer uses energy blocks. There are drinks and various snacks in it. This is for Xiaoyuan to eat. I am afraid that she will be hungry. .

Originally, in ancient weddings, it was necessary to carry a large sedan chair to carry the bride, but the distance was too far. It was necessary to enter the deep sea city for a circle, and then go out to pick up the little kite. This distance was not suitable for carrying the sedan chair, so Zhu Yuanyuan used eight. The horse-drawn luxury carriage has been replaced. Although this seems to be inconsistent with the rules, how can there be so much attention?

Zhu Yuanyuan also wanted to use a space battleship to pick up his relatives.

After Zhu Yuanyuan rides the horse now, there is a camera in front. This is the photography team of Suiji Entertainment. They are professional. There is also a camera in the back and a camera next to it. wedding process.

Not only that, but also arranged for a helicopter to shoot in the air, and a drone to follow Zhu Yuanyuan to broadcast live. On the homepage of the live broadcast of the season, there is a live broadcast, and you can see it directly by clicking on it.

Since Zhu Yuanyuan said that he wants to let the whole world know that he is married, Chen Ziyuan is the happiest bride. Of course, she will not hide her marriage, and broadcast it directly and directly, and others will be jealous if they are jealous!


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