Rated Hokage

Chapter 106 Chapter 105

The banquet that night was really late, and he apologized that he was delayed by some clan affairs.

Zilai also joked with a smile and said that it is true that he is exchanging heart and soul with a little girl in the clan.

Lu Jiu smiled and said that a serious person like Zhenjun doesn't seem to have a girlfriend.

The people at the banquet were still the same people, their attitude towards the truth was much more enthusiastic than before, and the friendship they had fought side by side on the battlefield was different.

Even if you have different political opinions, you can sit together and have a drink regardless.

At the young man's table, Huomen was dragged by Kai to sit with everyone. Everyone had met him once, and knew that he was a real bodyguard, and they didn't reject him.

Everyone talked and laughed while drinking drinks, and Obito boasted the loudest, saying that he had already received the attention of the family and would be focused on training.

Shiranui Genma said contemptuously: "You can be trained as a crane tail, and your Uchiha generation is too bad."

This made everyone at the table burst into laughter.

Obito was a little crazy, and found out their own reasons to refute Genma, and Kakashi also added that Genma was right.

He turned his head to Lynn for comfort, only to find that Lynn's eyes were looking away.

"Lin... Lin?"


"What are you looking at?"

"I'm watching... Minato-sensei."

Obito scratched his head, thinking what's interesting about Minato-sensei.

When Minato was mentioned, the topic of the boys was immediately shifted, and Asma lamented that the victory of this war was thanks to Minato-sama.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Ebisu said that it was a pity that such an excellent person as Minato-sama did not become Hokage, but as soon as he said this, he was reminded by the people around him, as well as red beans looked unkindly.

"Is it not good for Oshemaru-sama to be Hokage?" she asked.

"Uh... Mr. Fourth is very good."

This guy Hongdou couldn't tolerate outsiders saying that Orochimaru was not good at all in front of her, and everyone knew it in their hearts.

When talking about things on the battlefield, someone talked about Zhen again, and Asma asked Xiang Huomen why Zhen's fighting style was different from that of other members of the Hyuga clan.

All of them saw the huge phantom on the battlefield that day, as well as the sight of Zhenfei showing his might in the sky.

But the Hyuga Clan in everyone's mind should be ninjas who are good at Taijutsu and Soft Fist.

Huomen shook his head, saying that he didn't know about Master Zhen's strength, and he rarely saw Master Zhen practicing.

Xuanjian smacked his lips and said, "Zhenjun seems to be about the same age as us."

Some people turned their eyes to Hokage, seeing the talking and laughing of the heads of the major families at the same table, and couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, the other party and them seemed to be on a different level.

Having a Kakashi among his peers is enough to shock people.

"Mr. Huomen, can you fly?"

Huomen still shook his head.

"The feeling of flying must be very good." Xi Hihong said.

"I really want to try it too." Jing Yin also said.

When Hongdou heard the words, she planned to turn around and find Shangzhen, so that he could take herself to heaven for a try.

No one can refuse the temptation of flying. Obito looked at everyone's appearance, thought for a while, and asked Lin next to him in a low voice: "Lin, do you want to fly in the sky?"

Lin: "...it's okay."

Her expression was slightly unnatural, but Obito didn't notice it. Hearing this, he just made up his mind in his heart, and he turned around to find Zhen, and he must ask for the secret technique that can fly.

The topic of everyone's chat turned to Yun Ren's captives again, discussing how the village would deal with these people.

"It must have been killed, the cloud ninjas killed so many of our companions." Ebisu said.

Some people nodded in agreement, and Asma said: "If you want to kill them, you can kill them at the front line. Do you have to bring them back to the village and then execute them? Maybe they are planning to use these people as bargaining chips."

Xuan Jian also asked: "What about those companions who died?"

Asma said: "Revenge does not necessarily mean killing people. Being able to exchange these people for more things will also be of great help to our current village."

After he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Xi Hihong: "Hong, what do you think?"

When Xi Hihong heard the words, she just smiled lightly: "I don't know."


"I think it's possible."

It was not until late at the banquet that they dispersed, and everyone went back to their respective homes.

On the way back, Obito suddenly met Lin, talking non-stop.

"Really!" Obito immediately greeted with a smile on his face when he saw Zhen.

Lin, who had been walking with her head down, raised her head quickly.

Zhen looked at the two and asked, "What about a date?"

Obituhan replied with a smile: "Yeah!"

Lin immediately glared at him when she heard the words: "Don't talk nonsense!"

She quickly explained to Zhen: "Obito just wants to talk to me about something."

Zhen nodded and said: "Then you guys talk, I'll go back first, see you later."

"See you later, really." Obito waved goodbye.

Really left, Lin quietly watched his leaving back.

Obito next to her ear was still talking non-stop, but this time she didn't hear anything in her heart.

There are few stars in the sky, and the shadows of people are scattered on the ground.

The lights and shadows of the street lamps flickered, like people's heart fluctuating.

Lin stopped suddenly, and turned to look at Obito.

"Lin... Lin?"

"Obito, I told you I have work tomorrow, so I can't go on a date with you."

"What about the day after tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow." Obito said quickly.

Lin said helplessly: "Obito, don't always put your mind on this kind of thing, don't you want to become Hokage, how can you become Hokage if you don't practice hard?"

Obito scratched his head: "Lin, you're right."

Lin said: "Obito, since you have a clear goal, let's work hard towards it."

Obito nodded vigorously: "I will, Lin!"

"It's late, I'm going home, and you should go back to rest early."

Obito kept waving at Lin's back, with a smile on his face.

Lynn really cares about me.


The news of Yunyin Village's defeat spread quickly in the ninja world, and Konoha won many battles with less, and this feat confirmed Konoha's reputation as the number one ninja village.

In the past, some small powers coveted the weakened Konoha and wanted to steal the fruit, but now they have given up this idea, and the strength of Nine Tails has shocked them.

This battle made Golden Glitter's prestige even higher, and Hinata Makoto's name slowly spread in the ninja world. After all, flying ninjas are too rare.

Afterwards, Yunyin Village quickly sent a letter of peace, asking Konoha to release their Raikage and Yunnin captives. They are willing to pay any price and promise not to invade again.

Of course, Konoha would not easily agree to such absurd request. He would attack as soon as he said he wanted to, and now that he lost the battle, he still wanted to leave safely?

Even if Hokage agreed, the villagers would not agree.

Konoha directly put aside the letter from Yunyin Village and ignored it.

The daimyo also sent a lot of money and treasures to Yuyin very faithfully. The Kingdom of Fire formally established diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Rain, Konoha and Yuyin. Under the intentional guidance, Yahiko, the new leader of Yuyin, was packaged He became a revolutionary dissatisfied with the brutal rule of Sanjiao Hanzo. He established a new order in Yuyin Village and was a pioneer figure dedicated to maintaining peace.

The old hatred of the past disappeared in smoke.

Ninja world will also open a new chapter.

Zhen also began to focus on the internal affairs of the village, and everything was on track.

The research of Orochimaru seems to have made new progress, and he spends every day in the research room and forgets to eat and sleep.

Zhen really planned to try to develop the industry after the village's finances became stable. For this reason, he began to collect craftsmen and designers who were proficient in electrical appliances.

From winter to spring, Konoha finally survived the most difficult year.

Then he really got a news that surprised him.

Ayari is pregnant.

"End of this volume"


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