Rated Hokage

Chapter 107 Chapter 106

There was still snow outside the window.

In the living room, Zhen looked at Ayari who was sitting across from him with a troubled expression.

Ayari also looked a little embarrassed, Ayano was also in the room, but she looked at Ayari with extremely complicated eyes.

"What's your reaction!" She finally couldn't help asking.

Zhen Zhen was really helpless in his heart, this was completely out of his expectation, and also out of his plan, how could he have the heart to accompany a child now, he felt that having this child was a burden at all.

But I can't let Ayari get rid of the child.

He said: "What kind of reaction, since you are pregnant, get married and give birth to the child."

Lingli was annoyed by his perfunctory attitude, and secretly resented that you shouldn't have let me get me so easily!

She said angrily: "Since you are not happy, then I will go and kill him."

Zhen had a headache: "I'm not unhappy."

He went to Lingli and sat down beside her, stretched out his hand to hug her, but she turned away angrily, and tried many times before he could pull her into her arms.

"I was just too surprised, and I wasn't mentally prepared for this."

Lingli immediately felt aggrieved and said, "If you're not ready, am I ready? I'm not married yet!"

Zhen said: "Get married, we will get married right away, and then have a child."

He put his arms around Ling Li and coaxed her for a while, and finally made Ling Li burst into laughter.

He really held her in his arms and enjoyed the future, saying that he had already thought of his daughter's name, and she was called Xing, and it was his luck to have her.

But Lingli said what kind of ghost name was really used, it didn't sound good at all, and why did she have a daughter, wouldn't it be good to have a son.

I really don't know how to explain it, after all, the majority of readers are potential daughter slaves.

Lingli said that she was going to have a son, and if she really bullied her in the future, she would ask her son to help her vent her anger, and she had already figured out the name of the son.

"what is it call?"



I couldn't help being stunned, and then asked again uncertainly: "What's your name?"

Lingli said, "Ningji, Hinata Neji."

Hearing this, Zhen subconsciously glanced at Ayano and her stomach.

Ning Ci is going to be his son? Was this born the same Neji as in the original book?

Don't Hinata and Hanabi also want to be their own daughters?

He couldn't help feeling dizzy.

Feeling the true gaze, Ayano just touched her belly with a look of disappointment.

Really long sigh: "Ningci, let's Ningci."

Neji is also pretty good, except that he was a little rebellious earlier.

But the current Hinata is different from the past. If Neji was really born as his own child, he would be the most honorable person in the Hinata clan.

Lingli said displeased: "Why do you sound so reluctant."

Zhen immediately said: "How could it be, I think Ning Ci sounds very nice, so I call it Ning Ci."

After appeasing Lingli, Zhen called everyone in the clan and said that he and Lingli planned to get married, and they were preparing for the marriage in the near future.

The people in the clan were not surprised by this, after all, the head of the clan went to Lingli's house every night if he had nothing to do, and nothing happened.

But after Zhen learned that his children might be Neji, Hinata, and Hanabi, his mood became weird, and he became absent-minded when dealing with official duties.

When Kakashi came to report on his work, he suddenly asked Kakashi: "Kakashi, have you ever thought about what it's like to be a father?"

Kakashi froze in place for a moment. This kind of thing was a bit beyond his cognition. After holding back for a while, he uttered a sentence: "I'm only 14 years old."

Although the people here are very precocious, it is not too much to say that Kakashi is still a child.

In the previous life, he was really a libertine. He never thought that he would be a father one day. Once the woman he slept with had an accident, he would immediately let the other party kill him.

Zhen said to Kakashi: "Kakashi, you are not young anymore, it's time to think about the big things in your life."

Kakashi was a little puzzled, I just said that I was only 14 years old, didn't you hear me?

After sitting in the office for a long time, only a few documents on the table were processed. # Ayari's house.

Different from being really upset, Lingli is still looking forward to the child in her womb, looking forward to his early arrival.

On the same day, I couldn't hold back and took Ayano to the street to buy some things for the baby.

Ayano said helplessly that the baby would not be born until 10 months later, why are you so impatient.

The clerk in the baby store smiled and said that many new mothers, like Ayori, came to buy these things very early in advance.

Ayari kept talking to Ayano about what she would prepare for her child in the future.

Ayano said that you are pregnant with a real adult's child, everything will naturally enjoy the best, and the status is also the most respected, this child will also stand at the top like the real adult in the future.

Lingli couldn't help being stunned, and then laughed: "This kind of thing doesn't matter, I just want him to grow up happily, and let him choose the child's future."

Ayano was silent, she felt that Ayano didn't even know her current status at all.

If she is pregnant...

That night, Masaki Ayari took her to live in her master bedroom.

In this way, it is very convenient for the servants in the clan to take care of her. There are many things to be busy every day, and it is impossible to accompany Ayari all day.

Ayari said that she doesn't need someone to take care of her, she can do everything by herself, and her sister Ayano is there.

Really helpless said: "You are fine now, what will you do when your stomach grows bigger."

Lingli suddenly turned pale when she heard the words: "After the belly becomes bigger...wouldn't it be ugly."


What a strange brain circuit, he said: "It will change back after giving birth."

Lingli said anxiously: "It will still be ugly for a long time, is there a way to prevent the belly from getting bigger?"

It's so funny: "If your belly doesn't get bigger, where will you let the child live?"

Lingli frowned slightly, as if she was very conflicted, she stretched out her hand to caress her flat stomach, and said to herself: "Ningji, Ningji, I have paid too much for you."

After dinner, Ayori lay down in the bedroom early to rest.

Zhen is still taking a bath in the bathroom. He has to do physical exercise every day. Day after day, his physical fitness is getting better and better. At the same time, this also makes his height grow rapidly.

Standing in front of the mirror, holding the sink with both hands, feeling the soreness of the tensed muscles after high-intensity exercise.

Someone opened the door and came in, it was Ayano, holding a bath towel in her hand.

Zhen then said: "You don't have to do this kind of thing anymore, now Lingli is here, so as not to irritate her."

Ayano didn't respond, she just walked behind Zhenzhen on her own.

Zhen looked at her movements in the mirror, and heard a rustling sound, as if the clothes had fallen to the ground.

The hot and soft body pressed against him, and he heard Ayano whispering in his ear.

"You, can you bear it?"

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