Rated Hokage

114 Chapter 113, Obito, let me replace you

After some courtesies during the banquet.

Fuyue asked Zhen about the future plans of the major families and clans, but Zhen directly asked Fuyue if he wanted to belong to the location.

This suddenly made Fuyue a little flattered. He didn't dare to take out a map and point to a certain area on it and say that I have taken a fancy to this place. He just said that he would believe that Zhenjun can plan everything well.

Shin said: "I promised Senior Fugaku before that Uchiha will do his best for the village, and he will give Uchiha the best treatment he can."

Fu Yue said with a smile: "Zhenjun is serious, this is what Uchiha should do."

When Shin spoke, he seemed to represent himself as the village. Now that the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru is indifferent to government affairs, Shin has become the person with the most right to speak in the village. Hinata's status in the village is gradually increasing. To replace the former Sarutobi clan, Fuyue knew this.

There is no competitive relationship between Hinata and Uchiha at all, Fugaku just wants to get closer to Zhen.

Zhen then talked about a piece of land in the village, which he planned to assign to Uchiha.

This area is not big, mainly because there are not many Uchiha clansmen now, and there are very few young and strong ninjas.

Zhen continued: "I also have a detailed plan for the guard."

To be honest, there are too many people in the police force now, and Konoha is planning to cut some people when he is nervous about employing people.

Fu Yue readily agreed to this. He hoped that Uchiha could return to the center of power and abandon those unnecessary things so that Uchiha could win more.

Moreover, taking advantage of the gap between the relocation of the clan to rectify the police force, it happened to be able to stop the mouths of the clansmen.

Konoha is a Konoha jointly built by Senju and Uchiha. In the seat of Hokage, it is always their Uchiha's turn.

Fuyue felt that he might have no hope, but his son Itachi had this opportunity, and itachi's talent could definitely surpass him.

At this moment, Zhen also suddenly turned his gaze to Itachi, who was sitting obediently on the table, and asked, "How does Itachi feel at school?"

Itachi replied sensiblely: "Very good, the students are very enthusiastic."

It's just that the enthusiasm is a bit too much, especially some girls...

Zhen chuckled: "What does Itachi want to do in the future?"

Itachi said, "I want to help Dad."

Fuyue just smiled gratifiedly when he heard this, and reached out to touch his little head, while Mikoto also smiled from the side.

Looking at Itachi's cute appearance, I thought it would be nice to have a son. If Itachi hadn't experienced the things in the original book, he wouldn't have become so cruel and cold.

Ning Ci was also very cute when he was a child. It was all childhood misfortunes, and it took a lifetime to heal.

I really told Fuyue that I was getting married, and I would send invitations to invite Fuyue's family to attend the wedding.

Both Fuyue and Mikoto were a little surprised, after all, they really didn't seem to be of the right age.

Although surprised, Fu Yue still said that he would definitely go.

Meiqin chuckled and said, "I don't know what kind of beauty Zhenjun's wife is."

Zhen said: "I can't compare to you, Mrs. Meiqin. I have always envied Senior Fuyue for marrying a wife like Mrs. Meiqin."

Hearing this, Mikoto smiled, she had a good impression of the young man in front of her, first of all she knew that he had brought great help to Uchiha, and she had also heard Fu Yue mention it.

The second is the real age, which is different from Fu Yue's other social partners. It is really easy to lose one's guard, and his tact will also make people think that he is polite and sensible.

This is the psychology of a woman.

Meiqin thought, maybe she could take the initiative to visit her at another time and meet the real wife.

After eating, Zhen left Fuyue's house. On the way back, he happened to meet Obito, who seemed to have just returned from cultivation.

"Really!" Obito greeted him enthusiastically when he saw the truth, and hurried over,

"What a coincidence, why are you here?"

"I'm here to see Senior Fuyue." Zhen said.

"That's it... Really, I just ran into you, can I ask you something?" Obito suddenly said coyly.

"What's up?"

"Can you, teach me how to fly?"

Really helpless: "Didn't I say it, my ninjutsu is very special, you can't learn it."

Obito said, "I still want to try."

I can't help asking: "Why are you so obsessed with flying?"

Obito smiled and said, "Because Lin told me before that she wanted to try flying in the sky, so I wanted to learn and take her to fly in the sky."


Obito begged: "Really, please teach me."

Zhen said: "Flying requires extremely high control of Chakra. You don't even have a grasp of Mudun, so don't think about such things."

Obito suddenly became distressed.

Zhen: "... Otherwise, I can fly her directly for you, and save you such trouble."

Obito was stunned: "Huh?"

Zhen repeated what he said just now: "I said, if Lin wants to fly so much, I can take her to fly a few times in the sky, so as to save you such trouble."

Obito was stunned for a while, and for a moment he felt that what he really said made sense.

But quickly shook his head again: "No! I must take her to fly in the sky!"

Obito's fantasy scene is Lin snuggling in his arms, and the two of them are flying freely in the sky and on the clouds.

If it is really with Lin...

no! no!

Zhen then said: "Then I can't help it. In my opinion, you don't have the talent, and you probably won't be able to meet Lin's expectations."

Obito instantly turned into a bitter face, and asked pitifully, "Really, is there no other way?"

Really thought about it for a while: "You can ask Hokage-sama to transplant a pair of wings on your back, maybe you can fly."

Obito said, "That's no longer a monster!"

Zhen spread his hands: "There is no way."


Obito was thinking hard there, but he was still unwilling to give up.

Shin said, "I have nothing else to do, so I'll leave first."

Obito grabbed Makoto's arm and refused to let him leave.

Obito suddenly asked: "Really, I remember you made Master Fuyue fly too, right?"


Obito rolled his eyeballs, and then said with a smile: "Then can you...can you let Lin and I fly up, just like you control us from behind."


"Really, please, really~"

"You just help me, this is related to my life-long event, you help me this time, you let me do anything!"

Obito was pleading there, holding Zhenzhen's arm and dangling there.

It's both helpless and funny in the bottom of my heart, and Obito is also persistent enough.

He asked: "Don't you think, you two are in the front and I am in the back, it's very unpleasant?"

Obito said distressedly: "I have no other choice, this is the only way."

"Really, please, just help me this time!"

Seeing that Obito wanted to act like a baby, he reluctantly agreed.

Obito was instantly pleasantly surprised: "Thank you, really!"

Zhen said: "You have to make an agreement with Lin."

Obito patted his chest: "Don't worry! Lin will be very happy then!"

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