Rated Hokage

Chapter 115 114, Likes and Dislikes (1/6)

Chapter 115 114, like and dislike (16)

"Lin, hurry up!"

Obito kept urging Lin who was walking slowly.

"What are you doing?" Lin looked very helpless, she was pulled out by Obito and said that she had a surprise for herself.

"You'll know when you arrive!" Obito said with a mysterious face.

The two of them came to an open space near the outskirts of the village. There were few people here and it was very close to the forest.

Lin saw Zhen waiting there from a distance, and couldn't help being surprised.

why is he here...

Obito had already started shouting at Zhen, and waved his hand as a gesture.

"Really! Here we come!"

The two came close to Zhenzhen, Obito couldn't hide the look of anticipation on his face.

Lin couldn't help asking, "What is this for?"

Shino glanced at Obito: "You ask him."

Obito smiled and said, "Lin, didn't you say before that you want to try the feeling of flying?"

Lin froze for a moment, then looked at Zhen.

Obito continued: "So I begged Makoto to bring the two of us together...to try to fly in the sky together."


Lin was both helpless and funny, and Obito's painstaking efforts made her feel a burst of pressure.

"Obito...I'm actually not that keen on flying," she said.

"Also, flying is nothing special."

As she spoke, she deliberately glanced at Zhen Zhen, as if deliberately speaking to him.

I really laughed in my heart when I heard it, I didn't know who was the happiest in the sky.

Obito was a little dumbfounded, he finally got the real consent, why Lin suddenly didn't look forward to it?

He couldn't help saying: "It's all here, let's try it."

He didn't give up, maybe Lin thought differently after going to heaven.

Lin looked directly at Zhen from the video, and then nodded slowly.

A smile appeared on Obito's face: "Really, let's start."

Really said: "Get ready."

Obito nodded vigorously, although the current situation is different from what he expected at the beginning, but the reality is that he has no other way.

Under the gaze of the two, Zhenzhen's body slowly lifted into the air, and Obito also felt that there seemed to be an invisible force pulling him.

Just hearing a "whoosh", the three of them flew from the ground to the sky in an instant like swords falling off their strings.


Obito, who experienced it for the first time, couldn't help but exclaimed. He thought he would float up slowly like the real thing, and the weightlessness of being in the sky made him feel very uncomfortable.

He looked down, still in shock: "That's...so high!"

Lin couldn't help but said from the side: "Can you slow down, who can stand it so fast every time!"

Really helpless: "Next time I will slow down."

Obito didn't notice the special meaning in Lin's words, because at this moment he found that the feeling of flying in the sky was completely different from what he had imagined. Being at an altitude of tens of meters, looking down made him feel dizzy for a while.

"Obito, how are you?" Lin worried from the side, and she noticed that Obito's face was a little pale.

"I'm fine!" Obito showed a very reluctant smile on his face, and secretly complained in his heart. He knew that he should let Zhendai himself try and get used to it.

He tried his best not to embarrass himself in front of Lin now, so he said to Zhen: "True, let's continue."

I was also surprised that Obito was a little afraid of heights, seeing that he was still trying to be brave, he didn't resist his will, and the three of them flew forward slowly in the air.

Obito's spirit was tense, he was a little afraid to look down, his eyes were almost narrowed, and his body was dangling in the air.

He glanced at Lin at the side, but saw that she was very stable and looked as usual.

Why is it that Lin is fine, but she is so uncomfortable...

Obito complained incessantly.

Lin said at this time: "Obitu, why don't we go down?"

She was worried about what would happen to Obito.

Obito refused to show weakness in front of Lin, and forced a smile: "Go down? Why do you want to go down? Isn't it good? Isn't flying such a simple thing, hahaha..."

He staggered from side to side, and then covered his mouth suddenly, making a gesture to vomit.

"Really, stop for a moment!" Lin hurriedly stopped Zhen.

The figures of the three of them stopped in mid-air. Looking at Obito, I sighed secretly that this guy is really unlucky.

Obito slowed down from the momentum just now, patted his chest lightly, and took a deep breath.

He looked at Zhen and Lin. Needless to say, Zhen could fly, but Lin was also able to move freely in the air with no focus. It was not the first time. Obito didn't understand. Is it talent?

He just felt a little turbulent in his stomach, and if he continued, he was destined to make a fool of himself, but if he continued like this, wouldn't everything he had done be in vain.

Obito gritted his teeth, and finally said helplessly: "Really, how about...you take Lin to fly for a while, and I will go down for a while."

Lin frowned and said, "Why are you still flying, let's all go down."

Obito said, "I've already come up, so I can't be too disappointing, really, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Zhen then let Obito's body fall down slowly, and Lin saw that he was the only one going down, so she pulled Zhen's arm.

There are only Zhen and Lin left in the sky.

Lin asked anxiously, "Why do you..."

Before they finished speaking, the figures of the two flew towards the sky again, this time the altitude was higher than before, the leaves below became as big as palms, and the clouds in the sky were close in front of them.

Lin took a breath and said to Zhen: "Can you stop being so domineering all the time?"

Really lying flat in the air, with his hands behind his head.

He said: "What's wrong with me, isn't that what Obito means?"


Lin was short of breath, seeing him still lying there with his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep.

She pursed her lips and said, "Let me ask you, do you know what Obito's purpose is for doing this?"

Zhen replied: "He likes you and wants to pursue you."

Lin hesitated to speak: "Then you still..."

Really chuckled: "What about me?"

Lin paused for a moment, then said again: "Then you still help him, haven't you ever thought about whether I would like to?"

Jin said: "That's what he has to face, it's none of my business, he was so sincere when he begged me, I just help him."

He turned his head and glanced at Lin, and said, "Don't you like Kakashi?"

"...Yeah, everyone knows I like Kakashi."

"Does Kakashi like you?"

Lin was silent for a long time before saying: "I like Kakashi is my business, how he treats me is his business, I will not ask Kakashi for anything, and I will not do some self-righteous stupid things."

After hearing the words, he laughed lightly.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's a shame that he has done so much."

Lin became angry in an instant: "It's his business that he does so much, why do you want me to pay the bill? Is your contribution from the beginning to get it? After all, you only have yourself in your heart!"

Her violent reaction was somewhat unexpected, and I don't know why she was so angry.

On weekdays, Lin is also famously gentle.

Zhen Zhen asked: "Then why do you need to make him feel that he still has a chance with you?"

Lin asked in turn: "I only gave him the affection of a friend. Is it because I don't accept his affection? Is it because I don't like a person, and I can't even be a friend?"

Zhen said: "Humans are creatures with complicated emotions. How can the bottom line you draw for yourself restrain others? If you draw a bottom line for him, he will be at ease."


Lin's expression gradually became calm. She looked up at the clouds that were close at hand, and suddenly reached out to touch them, but the white clouds that looked soft below were only wet and cold.

She remembered the scene when she touched the cloud for the first time when she really took herself to fly last time.

Looking at the drops of water on her hands, she said in a low voice: "The people on the ground should never know what such a beautiful cloud looks like. If they find that what they have been longing for is just a puddle of water, what should they do?" What a disappointment."

I really didn't answer.

She said, "Let's go down."

The two fell to the ground slowly, while Obito was still sitting slumped on the ground, with a painful look on his face, and he seemed to have not recovered.

Seeing Zhen Zhen's indifferent face, Lin couldn't help but glared at him.

Seeing this, Zhen spread his hands: "Look at me, I didn't expect him to be afraid of heights."

Lin accused: "It's not because you flew so fast at first!"

Zhen chuckled: "When I was with you before, wasn't it so fierce?"

"I..." Lin still wanted to say something, but suddenly realized the ambiguity in the truth, her face turned red instantly, and she gave him a shameful look.

Lin stepped forward and asked, "Obito, how are you?"

Obito glanced at Lin, then at Zhen, and said with a wry smile, "This time it's a big shame."

Lin said, "Why do you have to do such a thing?"

Obito scratched his head, hesitatingly said: "I don't want you...to be happy."


This was Lin's expected answer. Her mood was not disturbed, and she didn't feel moved at all.

But looking at Obito sitting there with a pale face, Lin softened her heart and said, "Idiot, you don't need to do such a thing... You want to become stronger, to be Hokage, and work towards this goal Just work hard and don't do such stupid things in the future."

Lin's gentleness immediately made Obito feel a lot better.

Lin is feeling sorry for me...

He nodded repeatedly and said, "I see, Lin!"

Lin pulled him to stand up and said, "Okay, let's go back."

Obito looked at Zhen at this moment, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, Zhen."

Really just nodded slightly.

Although he failed to achieve his wish, Obito felt that it was worthwhile to exchange for Lin's tenderness.

He suddenly thought that Lin seemed to be adapting well when he was in the sky just now, so he said, "Lin, you didn't seem uncomfortable at all just now."

Lin choked suddenly: "I... I didn't even notice."

Zhen Ze said: "People are different from each other."

Obito smiled: "As expected of Lin, I think Lin, you can learn how to fly from Zhen."

Lin glanced at Zhen, and said, "I don't want to learn."

I really couldn't help raising my eyebrows slightly, this girl did it on purpose, she never gave herself a good face when she saw her just now.

Obito was surprised: "Why don't you learn?"

Lin glared at him: "Why do you care so much!"

The murdered Obito immediately shrank his neck, not daring to say another word.

Lin's eyes moved slightly, and she said in a low voice, "Obito...I have something to tell you."

Obito opened his bright eyes and asked, "Oh, what's the matter?"

Lin looked at Zhen again at this time, and said to Obito: "It's fine for the two of us to talk, you come with me."

Obito was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was overjoyed.

He felt that this kind of taboo really deliberately talking to himself was an expression of extreme intimacy.

"Really, you go back first. I'm sorry to trouble you today. I'll treat you to dinner another day."

He quickly moved to Zhen's side and whispered a few words, then trotted after Lin.

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