Rated Hokage

120 Chapter 119, Human Evolution

Half a month later, Zhen received a message from Shayin.

It was a letter from Ye Cang, only two short words.

It's done.

It also has Kazekage's seal on it.

Since then, Shayin Village has changed its dynasty, but the news is tightly sealed and has not been spread to the outside world. It should really be the first outsider to know.

In addition to the letter from Shayin, the letter from Yunyin Village also came.

The letters from Yunyin Village have never stopped, one will be sent every few days, the content is almost the same, begging Konoha to put their Raikage back, willing to pay some price and so on.

In addition to Konoha receiving a letter from Sa Yin, the Daming Mansion also received a letter from the Land of Thunder.

But Daimyo is not stupid, he just wrote back to Konoha and said that Raikage should be dealt with according to your wishes, whether it is killing or cutting, or using him in exchange for benefits.

The things that Konoha lacks now are things that other villages cannot give. I only replied to Yunyin Village's letter once. If you want to exchange it for Raikage, you can exchange it with Hachio from your village.

Then there was another good news, Anbu, who was really sent out to look for Shigego, also came back.

The territory of the Fire Country is not that big, so I sent a few Anbe from the Hyuga family to inquire about a newly born child named Shigego with orange hair in some villages in the Fire Country and the Tian Country.

After spending a lot of time, I finally found it. I heard that the child turned into a monster right after he was born and killed his mother.

Anbu just paid some remuneration and bought the child back from his father.

When I really saw this baby, he was still sealed tightly by Anbu.

"This sealing technique is useless to him, he will go crazy from time to time, but fortunately he can be subdued easily as a child." Anbu said.

Zhen reached out and touched his pink cheeks, it looked like just an ordinary baby, pink and cute.

"Sealing technique is to seal Chakra, of course it is useless to him." Zhen said.

This child can absorb natural energy by himself, and it is easy to break through the seal of Chakra.

Shinichi caressed Shigego with one hand, and tried to control the natural energy in his body.

Although people are surrounded by natural energy all the time, the natural energy does not enter the human body. It seems that there is a door blocking these natural energies.

But Chongwu is different, he can clearly feel that his body does not seem to have a door that a normal person should have, and natural energy can enter his body without hindrance, and then come out again.

But if the surrounding natural energy is too strong, Chongwu's body will mutate, and he will run out of control.

If this child is found out by Orochimaru, he will definitely become his experimental product, and Chonggo will also become an important part of Oroshemaru's research on curse seal and reincarnation.

But it is impossible for such a child who goes crazy from time to time to hide it from Orochimaru in the village. Encountered deeper suspicion.

Zhen thought for a long time, and then said to Anbe beside him: "Send this child to Hokage-sama."

All he wanted was a way to control the energy of nature.

When I really came back home, I saw Ayari chatting with Uchiha Mikoto under the pavilion corridor. Mikoto had visited several times before. Ayari liked this gentle sister very much, and she chatted well with Mikoto. She also went to Uchiha's house I have visited several times and often ask Miqin for advice on pregnancy issues.

Seeing Zhen come back, Miqin immediately stood up with a smile and greeted her.

"True Monarch."

"Mrs. Mikoto."

Ling Li was still sitting there peacefully, and asked, "Why did you come back so early today?"

Zhen walked up to her and leaned over to kiss her cheek: "Wouldn't it be better to come back and accompany you earlier?"

Meiqin looked weird when she saw this, but the two of them didn't care about her as an outsider at all. Is this how young people fall in love.

Ayari was suddenly ashamed and pushed him away.

"Don't make trouble, Miss Meiqin is still here!"

"You can pretend that I'm not here." Meiqin said with a smile.

"Mrs. Meiqin will stay for dinner." Zhen said.

Meiqin said with a smile: "If I stay for dinner, the two of my family will be hungry, and I should leave too."

Lingli said, "Miss Meiqin, I'll go find you tomorrow."

"Okay, it just so happens that Kushina is coming too, let me introduce you."

After Zhen sent Mikoto away, she came back and saw Lingli still lying on the rattan chair, she opened her arms to signal to Zhen.

"hug me."

Zhen really didn't hug her immediately, but leaned in front of her again, looking at Lingli's eyes twinkling.

"Hug me first, and then I'll kiss you." Ling Li said immediately, moving her arms.

"Kiss me first, then I will hug you after you kiss me." Zhen Que said.

Lingli had no choice but to kiss him as promised.

"Sister Meiqin was still there just now, how could you do this in front of her."

"Why can't you? You're pregnant with my child, so you can't even kiss?"

"That can't be in front of others, how embarrassing."

"Just get used to it later."

"screw you."

Holding her in her arms like a princess, Zhen walked towards the living room.

Lingli leaned on his shoulder and asked, "Really, what kind of gifts do you think I should bring to the door tomorrow?"

"This thing is just a thought, you can give it anything."

"I bought a scented wood a few days ago and it hasn't been removed yet. Send it to her."


I bought this thing with Ayari. There is a wooden ball on a wooden circular base, you can drop some aromatherapy essential oils on it, and put it in the room to make the air very fragrant.

It's just that when I really see the wooden ball, I always have some weird thoughts. Unfortunately, there is no GOLF in this world.

"Do you also think Miss Meiqin is pretty good?"

"It's pretty nice."

"Bastard! Can you be serious!"

That night, just after dinner, Orochimaru asked Anbu to call him over.

When I came to the research institute, I saw that Chongwu was lying on the operating table at the moment.

Orochimaru said: "Really, you have sent me a problem."

"What's the matter, Hokage-sama?"

"This child's physique is very special, which is of great research significance, but I don't have the heart to study him right now."

Orochimaru is now focusing on the research of Bai Jue's body and soul, and has no time to take care of other things.

It was a bit of a surprise, and then I realized it.

There is no direct connection between Chonggo, the curse seal and the reincarnation of the dead, and it is normal for Orochimaru to be unable to connect these things in the first place.

He said, "Then I'll take the child away first."

Orochimaru nodded, and then said: "I plan to create a way to imprison the soul, so that after the soul can be transferred to a new body, it will be imprisoned inside."

"Does Hokage-sama have any clues?"

"It's just a preliminary guess, really, what do you think?"

Orochimaru's idea is almost the same as the original book, but this method originated from Shigego, and Orochimaru has not thought of this.

Zhen said: "I think it's feasible, but the means of confinement should be strong enough."

Orochimaru laughed: "This can definitely be done."

"At that time, the perfect body and soul can be fused together. Really, this is evolution!"

"The evolution of the human body!"

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