Rated Hokage

Chapter 121 120, The Innocent Kushina (5/5)

Chapter 121 Chapter 120, the innocent Kushina (55)

The so-called Rishi Chakra is a mixture of physical energy, mental ability and natural energy in a ratio of 1:1:1.

If the proportion of natural energy is less than one-third, you will not be able to use the magic chakra, and if it exceeds one-third, you will be swallowed by it, and you may turn into a frog stone like Mt. Miaomu, and Chongwu will lose control and go crazy A condition in which natural energy cannot be freely controlled.

If this ratio is not proficient enough, it is easy to go wrong, so you need to take this risk when practicing the immortal mode.

I really tried to condense the fairy chakra in Zhongwu's body, but it was far more difficult than imagined.

The main reason is that when people absorb natural energy from the outside world, they can absorb it quantitatively, but Chongwu cannot do this. He seems to be integrated with these natural energies, and the natural energy shuttles freely in his body.

It’s nothing more than that in the original book, Shigego has been unable to control himself freely. To control the natural energy in his body is like controlling the natural energy of the entire natural world. Chakra amount.

Orochimaru used Chonggo's body fluids to create a curse seal that allows the cursed person to use the magic chakra.

If the user of the curse seal is skilled enough, he can use this power freely, but Chongwu, who is the root of the curse seal, cannot do this, and it is also because of this reason.

I really feel that I can also imitate the curse seal in the original book and create a sealing technique so that the human body can create fairy chakra on its own.

This curse seal can convert chakra by itself like a double four-element seal. When the human body condenses chakra, it will actively absorb a fixed amount of natural energy from the outside world, thus creating a fairy chakra.

After thinking about it for a long time, I think this method can be tried.

If successful, a batch of immortal armies can be created.

He arranged dedicated personnel to take care of Zhongwu, and ordinary people would definitely die, once they go crazy, it is difficult for ordinary people to control.

In the past two days, I really read a lot of books about the sealing technique. The sealing technique is mainly the technique of sealing chakras and restricting the human body. There are differences between odd-numbered seals and even-numbered seals, and each has its own effect.

But most of them directly block the flow of chakra, but there are almost no sealing techniques that can control the flow of chakra that they really want, and the sealing technique left by the country of the vortex is similar.

There are four seals, but it is a more advanced skill to achieve the level of Minato in the original book. This is my own attainment in sealing.

I can only go to Jiu Xinnai for advice, and the other party should sell his face.

At the same time, the Uchiha family.

Mikoto, Kushina and Ayari were sitting around and chatting.

After Mikoto's introduction, Kushina and Ayari quickly became acquainted, and Kushina kept asking Ayari how she felt after being pregnant, whether she could feel the baby moving in the alone room, etc. .

In fact, she was surprised when she learned that Ayari was pregnant with a real child. He looked about the same age as Obito and Rin, and he was going to be a father soon?

This is faster than her.

Mikoto smiled and said, "Kushinna, you want to know so much, hurry up and get pregnant with Minato."

But Jiu Xinnai laughed and said: "He wants to be beautiful, so he has to marry me first."

She sat beside Lingli, but she kept stroking Lingli's stomach with one hand, as if the child in the solitude was hers, which made Lingli dumbfounded.

Ever since she was pregnant, all she felt from the people around her was kindness, which made Ayari very happy.

It seems that everyone likes the child in her womb, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of this child.

Lingli smiled and said: "Jiushina, you have to have a baby quickly, and you can still be good friends with my child."

But Kushina said, "I'm not in a hurry."

She put her face on Ayari's stomach again and listened.

Lingli laughed and said, "It's not time for the fetus to move yet, I'm only two months pregnant."

However, Jiu Xinnai stretched out her finger and "shh" on the edge of her mouth: "This is my baby and I communicating with our hearts."

She is full of curiosity and anticipation for the unborn child, wondering if she will be like Ayari when she becomes pregnant in the future, will Minato be happy...

"Ayari, is the child a boy or a girl?" Kushina asked again.

"have no idea."

"Would you rather be a boy or a girl?"

Lingli touched her stomach when she heard the words, her eyes were gentle: "... a girl."

Miqin was a little surprised. As the patriarch's wife, Ayori's first child was naturally a boy.

"The name is Xing."

After hearing the words, Kushina spoke to Ayari's stomach: "Fortunately, you have to be good, don't make mother work too hard, and when you come out, I will take you to eat delicious food, bring you You are just playing for fun, I will marry you after I give birth to a son."

Ayari couldn't help laughing, and Mikoto was also smiling.

Meiqin then said: "Then you have to hurry up, otherwise your child will just be born when you are lucky enough to grow up, what should you do?"

But Jiuxinna said indifferently: "It's okay, there is a lot of age difference between Lingli and Zhen, and the relationship between siblings is also very good."

Her words froze the smile on Ayari's face.

Meiqin glanced at Kushina, and Kushina realized that she had said the wrong thing. Just as she was about to apologize, Mikoto said first: "Yari, I have something for you, something I used when I was pregnant with Itachi , and it’s still there.”

Lingli nodded and smiled, "Okay."

Kushina smiled a little embarrassedly, and she didn't expect Aya to care about such things.

Ayari also changed the subject and asked, "Kusina, when will you and Minato get married?"

Jiu Xinna was a little shy: "This..."

She also wanted to marry Minato early in her heart, but Minato never mentioned this kind of thing, how could she, a girl, have the nerve to take the initiative to mention it.

"I... I haven't figured it out yet."

Lingli persuaded: "You have to take the initiative to hint him. Men are sometimes very slow in this regard."

She is also a cliché, but she is not slow at all. When she and Zhen are together, she is so active that she can't take the initiative anymore, and she almost forced her to sleep.

When the two are making out at night, they sometimes think about whether to do something, but when the love is strong, they always forget about it.

Jiu Xinnai asked in a daze, "How should I hint?"

Aya ideally thought: "Well... just talk to him about getting married regularly, mention about having a child in the future, and show that you are looking forward to it, as long as he is stupid, he can understand. "

Kushina nodded thoughtfully, thinking she could give it a try.

Lingli said to her again: "Or you can take advantage of the two of you at night..."

However, Jiu Xinnai's face suddenly turned red, and she whispered, "The two of us... haven't reached that point yet."

Ayari was a little surprised, and then clicked her tongue.

The love between these two people is too innocent, unlike the real guy, who has nothing but lust in his mind.

A few days ago, due to the epidemic, I was locked at home for a month, and I was upset.

The status and schedule have been adjusted, and the update has resumed.

What is owed will be made up.

Ask for a ticket at the end of the month.

py under the friend's book

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