Rated Hokage

Chapter 124 Chapter 123, Beauty trap? Just count!

Is there anyone who invites someone to dinner and wears a maid outfit and cheongsam?

This cherished mind is clearly revealed.

But the other party is really rich!

The best way to deal with beauty tricks is to use tricks!

After feasting his eyes, he happily took the main seat.

Yumuren has been paying attention to Zhen's eyes just now, and seeing that he sat on it without any reaction, he cursed in his heart what a pervert!

Shouldn't normal people be surprised by this situation?

After the three of them got everything ready, Zhencai said: "It seems that you have put a lot of thought into it."

I don't know if what he said refers to the food on this table, or something else.

Yumu said with a smile: "After all, I am inviting you to dinner, so naturally you can't be too hasty."

"sit down."

The food is very rich, and I don't know who cooks it. The appearance looks pretty good, and many of them are dishes that I have never seen before. It is probably the characteristic of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Zhen suddenly chuckled and said, "You won't be poisoning it?"

The wooden man said quickly: "Of course not! If you don't believe me, watch me try it!"

After finishing speaking, she picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of each meal, chewed it in her mouth a few times and swallowed it whole.

Looking at Yumuren's appearance, I really just feel a little funny. Of course he is not afraid of being poisoned, and these three people should not be stupid enough to poison him.

Samuyi has been secretly observing Zhen with his eyes, guessing his personality preferences in his heart, Yumuren's impatience can't fool this person at all, judging from his reaction when he walked into the room and saw her and Mabui, Obviously already know what they want to do.

Under the watchful eyes of the three of them, Zhen picked up the chopsticks and took a bite of the dish into his mouth. The taste was very good, much better than that made by Ayano.

Zhen nodded approvingly and said: "It tastes very good, who made it?"

"Samui did it." Mabui said.

Zhen turned her head and took a look at her, Samuel looked as usual, quietly and silently, maintaining the persona of a cold and beautiful woman, her cold and indifferent face coupled with this hot figure, has a fatal attraction to men force.

She stood up and poured water for Zhen with the teapot. When she bent down, she got very close to Zhen. The fragrance of her body penetrated into his nostrils. Perfume sold in the street market.

The cheongsam slid on her body with her movements, revealing a touch of bright white.

I really remember that among the female characters who appeared in the entire Naruto world, only her scale can be compared with Tsunade.

And such a beauty is being pinched in the palm of my hand at this moment...

I really felt that I had been tricked. I stretched out my hand naturally, and the knuckles touched the skin covered by the slit at the bottom of the cheongsam.

A bright liquid gushed out from the teapot spout, poured down in the air and fell into the porcelain cup, stirring and churning inside.

Samyi's body froze, feeling a little itchy in her legs, but she insisted on helping Zhen finish the tea before sitting down slowly.

Zhen Youyou said: "Unexpectedly, your cooking skills are so good."

Samui said slowly: "I used to cook a lot myself."

"These are the characteristics of the Land of Thunder, right?"

"Yes, as long as you can get used to it."

"I'm not picky about food, as long as it's delicious, I'm fine with it."

Seeing the true thoughts from the wooden man, he was really attracted by Samyi, and he couldn't help secretly happy that his plan worked, this guy is really a womanizer!

Then the next thing is to let Samui continue to work hard, firmly grasp the true heart, and fascinate him fascinated.

Then Lei Ying will be saved, and they are all expected to return to Yunyin Village!

This lunch was really comfortable, and although he could easily see that the three had other plans, he was also happy to play this game with them.

Why not take advantage of it?

When he was about to leave, Zhen suddenly said to Samui: "It happens that I still need an assistant, you can come here tomorrow."

The three girls were startled when they heard the words, and Yumuren was overjoyed. In her opinion, it was a sign that Samuel was close to the truth.

Samuyi's expression was a little heavy, she looked at the back of the real departure, and her eyes kept flickering.

Is this a good thing?

Hinata really holds a high position in Konoha, so as his assistant, I am afraid that what he contacts every day is some of Konoha's secrets, and the other party has no worries about letting himself take up this position...

Samui felt that Hinata really didn't intend to let her leave Konoha Village.

Thinking about it, what will happen to her, a prisoner of an enemy village, after she gets tired of playing with her?

Sam couldn't help but clenched her lower lip, and couldn't help worrying about her future.

Yumuren didn't expect this at all, and she was delighted that her plan had made progress in stages.

She grabbed Samuel's hands with both hands, and said excitedly: "Samui, you must continue to work hard in the future!"

Looking at Yumu who was immersed in his own world, Samyi suddenly felt a burst of sadness.

Is it really possible for the three of them to rescue Lei Ying and return to Yunyin Village... Who can guarantee that they will not be identified as traitors after returning?

If possible, it may not be a bad thing to cling to this Hinata and try my best to please him, and to live in Konoha in the future.

"I'm a little tired, I'm going to have a rest first." She broke away from Yumu's hand and said calmly.

Yu Muren watched her walk into the room thoughtfully, and she said to Ma Buyi, "Sam Yi doesn't seem very happy."

Mabui said hesitantly, "Because...she was the one who made the sacrifice all the time, neither of us did anything."

From her position just now, she saw what Zhen did to Samyi, and that hand was always on Samui's leg.

Mabuyi couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body as he imagined being really touched just now.

Selling one's body and giving up one's dignity, this kind of thing is just easy to say, but when it comes to that step, how do you get over the hurdle in your heart?

If he died in the hands of the Konoha ninja on the battlefield, it might not be a relief, and he would not have to suffer this kind of suffering.

At that time, I was not afraid of death, but after surviving the battlefield, after experiencing Konoha's torture ninja interrogation and torture, Mabui began to long for himself to live.

Yumuren said nothing about this, she also wanted to do this kind of thing by herself, but she thought she was not as beautiful as Samui, and she was not as good at dealing with men as Samui.

What should I do...

The wooden man was silent for a long time before walking into Samyi's room.

"Samui..." she spoke slowly.

"It's okay." Samyi who was lying on the bed said suddenly.

She slowly got up and looked at Yu Muren, guessing what he wanted to say.

"It doesn't matter, we are in the current situation, and there is no better choice at all."

"Yumuto, we are friends, and I am willing to do this kind of thing."

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