Rated Hokage

Chapter 125 Chapter 124, ninjutsu engraving, perfect body

In the lounge of the Hokage Building, a blank scroll was spread out on the ground in front of Zhen, and as he performed the spell seal, complex and mysterious black lines slowly appeared on the scroll, forming a circular shape A "fire" character in the center of the scroll surrounds it.

It is very troublesome to burn the ninjutsu scroll. In addition to being proficient in the sealing technique, one must also be proficient in the ninjutsu to be burned.

Although it is very convenient to use, it has not been mass-produced, and this thing is contrary to the philosophy of the ninja itself. If you rely too much on it, the ninja will become slack.

"Fire Gate." Zhen called softly.

Huomen appeared instantly.

Zhen really handed over the burnt Fire Escape Scroll to him, and asked him to go out and try it out.

The principle of the ninjutsu scroll is also to predetermine the running route of Chakra in advance, and then release it with the help of the person's own Chakra.

It's difficult to say, but I really didn't study for too long before I learned it.

This is just one of his attempts, the next step he plans to burn ninjutsu on the human body, no seals are required, and ninjutsu can be performed directly by urging chakra.

The recorded ninjutsu can be common escape techniques or some special secret techniques.

The only difference from the scroll is that the chakra that is inscribed on the human body must match the chakra attribute of the person itself, but it can be used multiple times.

Although the chakras recorded on the scroll are one-time, there are not many restrictions. Even Chakra without a certain attribute can perform ninjutsu of that attribute.

Soon, Huomen came back, still holding the scroll in the book, but the word "fire" on it had disappeared.

"My lord, ninjutsu is very powerful!" Huomen replied.

Zhenmulu thought, looking at the scroll in his hand.

"Fire door."

"What an adult!"

"I'm researching a secret technique, would you like to be my test subject?"

Huomen was stunned when he heard the words, and then responded without thinking: "Yes!"

Zhen laughed: "Aren't you afraid of any accidents?"

Huomen said: "My life belongs to Master Zhen!"

This is what the Hyuga Clan taught him since he was a child, to give everything for the clan and the patriarch, and it is an honor for him to be the patriarch's personal bodyguard.

Not all members of the branch family hate the clan. Most of these people are adults who have established their own beliefs after going through the world, and young people like Huomen naturally follow what the clan says.

The progress of ninjutsu engraving has to be done step by step, because it needs to be tested on the human body, so every step must be extremely precise.

Although Zhen is very confident in his level of chakra control, he dare not be careless.

While Zhen is devoted to the study of sealing technique and ninjutsu engraving, Orochimaru has also made progress in the research of soul secret art, and can't wait to find Zhen to share with him.

This really surprised me that Orochimaru could find a route other than Shigego.

Because of his existence, the progress of Orochimaru has been advanced too much. I thought that Orochimaru would stop because of ignoring Shigego's existence.

Obviously, I really underestimated the ability of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru's new inspiration comes from the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and this is the first time he mentioned the forbidden technique of the reincarnation of the dirty soil with Zhen.

It is a life-forbidden technique created by the Second Hokage, which can bring the souls of the dead in the Pure Land back to the present world, but this technique is not complete. The temporarily resurrected dead have many restrictions, and their strength will be greatly reduced compared to their lifetime.

Orochimaru intends to perfect this technique, but it has been temporarily shelved because of Bai Jue and the reincarnation of the soul.

Orochimaru independently figured out the way to stabilize the soul in the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and conducted a new experiment. The result is that the reincarnated soul can already reside in Bai Jue's body.

When I really saw that test subject, his eyes were indeed radiant with wisdom.

Although it is not a perfect form, it is already a great improvement.

This made Orochimaru feel very excited, and kept talking to Zhen about his ideas and conjectures in this regard, and Zhen could only understand a general idea, and couldn't understand things that were too professional.

When Orochimaru was eloquent, Zhen suddenly asked: "Is Hokage-sama planning to create a wise Baijue army?"

Orochimaru's obsession with Baijue is somewhat beyond expectations. Orochimaru began to study soul reincarnation because he wanted to live forever.

What about Bai Jue?

After hearing the real problem, Orochimaru sneered: "I can do this kind of thing now."

"Really, you think too lowly of me."

His tone was full of arrogance, and then he led Zhen into another secret room in the institute.

The temperature here is much colder, and there is only one instrument in the secret room, which seems a bit empty, but the huge glass container in the center is what attracts the real eye.

It was filled with liquid, and a boy with tubes all over his body was floating in it.

Compared with those white bodies outside, this boy's complexion tends to be more cold white of Orochimaru, and his slightly opened and closed eyes are the translucent white of the Hinata family.

Really surprised: "He is..."

Orochimaru said: "The cells of the first generation of Hokage, the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga family, and the physical body of Bai Ze, I will add better things to him in the future."

"This is my masterpiece, and this is my future self."

Really suddenly thought of Ultron and Vision.

Orochimaru creates a perfect body for his own use.

Unlike in the original book, Orochimaru is greedy for the body of Xueji Jijie, his plot is even bigger.

"Is Hokage-sama planning to create the body of a god?"

"God?" Orochimaru raised the corners of his lips, but his eyes were dismissive.

"Is that God of the Ninja World?"

How can a false name satisfy him, he will surpass everything and become the most noble existence!

Orochimaru said: "Really, I can also prepare one for you."

Zhen Wenyan just said: "Thank you Hokage-sama."

Before leaving, Zhen asked Orochimaru for a Wisdom Baijue, which he wanted to use to experiment with ninjutsu engraving.

He really didn't want to experiment directly on Huomen. Huomen was his most capable confidant. If something went wrong, Huomen would directly bear the risk.

This kind of wisdom Baijue Orochimaru is plentiful here, and it acts as a handyman in the research institute, as well as Orochimaru's subordinate.

It's really just that he intends to experiment with ninjutsu engraving on Bai Jue's body, and he plans to carry out the next step of immortal engraving in secret.

Bai Jue must be Orochimaru's eyeliner.

I really feel that it is best not to show all of my strength cards.

Including Orochimaru, no one knows the principle of his mirage ability so far, and they all think it is a high-level illusion.

And the more people think so, the better it is for the truth.

When the imprint of the immortal is completed, his strength will have a qualitative leap.

And not only him, but also the strength of his subordinates.

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