Rated Hokage

Chapter 127 126, I wish I could get married a few more times

The entire street where the Hyuga Clan is located is lively, and the Hyuga family members stand at the door and greet the guests with smiles on their faces.

Lin held the invitation card in her hand, and stood far away on the side of the street, looking a little hesitant.

Because she was struggling with whether to go or not, she hadn't slept well all night.

Although she was still standing here today, she felt a little regretful when she came in front of her.


A familiar shout suddenly sounded in the distance, and it was Yuhihong and Hongdou who came together.

"What are you doing standing here, why don't you go in?" Yu Hihong asked.

"Ah, it's embarrassing for me to go in alone, let's see if I can wait for an acquaintance." Lin said with a smile, she was suddenly relieved when she saw the two people.

She also needs an excuse to let herself in.

Hongdou nodded and said, "Then let's go."

The three walked into the Hyuga Clan's place together. It was the first time for them to attend someone else's wedding as guests, and the other party's status was so honorable. They couldn't help being a little dazed when they just walked in and saw the lively scene inside.

"A lot of people." Hongdou clicked his tongue.

"Yeah, it's so lively..." Xi Hihong also sighed.

"Do you really know these people?" Hong Dou muttered.

They also saw some familiar people, the most conspicuous of which was his father, Maite Dai, who was with Maitekai, wearing a green tights, and he was an eye-catching presence everywhere.

Many people wondered why the real adult even invited this wonderful thing over.

"Teacher Minato!" Lin saw her teacher, standing with Kushina and chatting with the people next to her.

She just greeted him from a distance, but didn't go forward.

The three girls all felt that many of the guests who came here today are quite distinguished.

Rin also saw Obito, but he was staying with Uchiha Fugaku at the moment.

He had discovered Lin early on, and when Lin looked over, he responded with a big smile.

Lin looked around again, and among her peers, Asma, Genma, and Ebisu also came, and the three girls took the initiative to move over, and there were people who could chat.

The wedding has not yet officially started, and the huge courtyard is almost full of people.

There are some tables and chairs around, as well as a dining table with delicate food and snacks, where the two of Metkay and his son are feasting.

Kakashi came late, and what Lin couldn't help laughing at was that Kakashi was dressed too formally, and he was wearing this mask on his face, which looked very unsuitable.

"Kakashi, are you getting married?" Asma complained from the side.

"Shut up!" Kakashi also felt a rare embarrassment, because he felt that he came as a guest, and he was the same age as the real one, so he bought a more mature and formal dress on purpose.

Kakashi glanced at everyone, and suddenly asked, "How much gift money did you get?"

Asma: "3000 taels (around 150)."

The rest nodded one after another: "So do we."

Kakashi pondered for a while, it seems that he gave too much, can he still ask for it back...

Asma asked, "How much did you take?"

Kakashi remained calm: "The same is 3000."

Obito in the distance saw them chatting, so he couldn't help saying a few words to Fuyue and ran over quickly.

After getting closer, Obito asked curiously: "What are you talking about?"

Hongdou said, "Gift money, how much did you take with the soil?"

Obito: "I took 5000."

Asma sneered: "Idiot, what are you doing with so much, we are all 3000."

Obito looked surprised: "I don't know, can I still go and ask for it! It's squeezed out of my living expenses!"

When Kakashi heard the words, he looked at Obito a few more times, and his mood improved a lot in an instant.

"I didn't see the fire door, is he helping?"

"Well, after all, it's his own family business."

"Have you seen the bride?"

"not yet."

Asma suddenly said mysteriously: "Do you know that the bride is actually pregnant."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone on the field was shocked.

Lin even blurted out: "What did you say?"

Hong Dou was also very surprised and asked, "How do you know?"

She knew about Lingli's pregnancy, but she knew that such things should not be publicized, so she never told anyone about it.

Asma said: "Because the bride often goes to the hospital for check-ups, and someone in my family works in the hospital."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that this kind of thing was very incredible.

Even Kakashi, who is really close to Anbu, doesn't know.

Obito scratched his head and choked out a sentence: "It's true that he is going to be a father soon."

Xi Hihong also smiled lightly and said, "I can't tell, I thought he was a very serious person."

Asma said: "Many people who appear to be serious are not serious behind the scenes."

"Lin, Lin?"

"Huh?" Lin suddenly came back to her senses, only to realize that everyone was looking at her.

"What's wrong with you, why are you in a daze?" Hong Dou asked strangely.

"Oh... I, I think this kind of thing is too incredible." A forced smile appeared on Lin's face.

She raised her eyes and saw Kakashi watching her again, feeling flustered for no reason.

"What are you doing here, why don't you go eat?"

Fortunately, at this time Kai came suddenly, holding snacks in each hand, and chewing them in his mouth.

"The food here is really delicious, and it's provided continuously for free. You can eat whatever you want. It would be great if you can get married a few more times!" Kai said excitedly.

Everyone was speechless after hearing this.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and said, "What an idiot."

Obito was a little tempted by what he said, and planned to try it with Kai.

Just as a few people were chatting, there was a commotion in the crowd.

It was the bride and groom who came out.

Everyone leaned over, and Asma and the others could not help but squeeze over to have a look.

The crowd surrounded a couple of newlyweds, the most eye-catching one was naturally the bride, dressed in holy Bai Wugou, standing in the crowd like a goddess in the sky.

"She's so beautiful." Xi Rihong couldn't help but said, "If I were a man, I'm afraid I couldn't help but be moved, no wonder it makes you really unscrupulous."

Lin on the side was just silent, Yuhihong was right, Hinata Ayari is really beautiful, and on this occasion today, countless women feel ashamed.

She looked at Zhen beside Ayari, who was wearing a black and flawless dress with makeup on her face, but in order to look more mature, it would not be so inconsistent to stand with Ayari.

Really responded to the greetings of the people around him with a smile on his face, without appearing to be stage-frightened at all.

He is Hinata's patriarch, Hokage's deputy, Konoha's hero, and the hero of the war victory... Every halo is so dazzling, and only such a beautiful woman beside him is worthy of her.

Lynn thought sadly.

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