Rated Hokage

128 Chapter 127, Scum's Wedding Night

Ayari's appearance surprised many people, and made many people lament that she deserves to be married to Hinata Makoto. Except for the age difference, the two look very good-looking and well-matched.

Orochimaru, who is Hokage but has been invisible in the village, also came here with a lot of face.

The appearance of Orochimaru caused a commotion at the scene. After all, many people present had not seen this Hokage-sama for a long time.

But Orochimaru's remaining prestige is still there, and everyone still respects him very much.

Orochimaru also said some blessings to Kazuma with a smile under the eyes of everyone. In terms of acting skills, he is not bad at all, otherwise he would not have abducted so many children in the original work and willingly worked for him.

This kind of thing just depends on whether it is useful or not.

Everything in the wedding process followed the rules and proceeded in an orderly manner according to the process, and the guests sent their blessings one after another.

But in the middle of the process, Lin quietly left alone.

Walking out of the Hyuga Clan's land, I felt that the street was much deserted in an instant, and the noisy world was isolated inside that door.

Lin stopped in front of the gate for a moment, looked back for the last time, and left here.

Although the news of Hinata's marriage has spread throughout the village today, it has no effect on the ordinary villagers, at most it is just an extra source of talk.

Walking on the street, she accidentally ran into two acquaintances.

It's Samui and Mabui.

It was impossible for these two people to walk on the street without attracting attention. One had a rare dark skin and looked extremely exotic, while the other was a cold beauty with blond hair and a huge R, which was even more eye-catching.

When Lin asked the Yumu people some questions about the tailed beasts, she often saw them, but the relationship was definitely not good, and they would not say a word.

After all, they are cloud ninjas and captives.

The two were also a little surprised when they saw Lin, and Mabui couldn't help asking: "Miss Lin, is the wedding of the real lord already over?"

Naturally, their identities would not be invited.

Lin calmly said: "No."

Her attitude made Ma Buyi feel bored, so he stopped talking and left with Samuyi.

On the Hyuga Clan's side, during the wedding banquet, Yuhihong and the others discovered that Lin had disappeared, and thought she had gone to the bathroom just now.

"Where did Lin go?"

"I don't know, did you leave early?"

"It shouldn't be, why didn't she tell us anything."

Several people looked at each other, feeling very strange, Lin didn't seem like the kind of person who just left without saying goodbye, and it was still in such an occasion.


Kakashi shook his head slowly: "I don't know either."

Everyone looked at Obito again, and Obito just scratched his head in embarrassment. He went to enjoy the buffet with Kai just now, and he didn't pay attention to Lin's situation.

Xi Hihong said: "I found that Lin's state today is not very right, it seems that there is something on her mind."

Hongdou nodded: "You say so, I also feel the same way."

Does Lin's concern have anything to do with Kakashi?

Could it be that he was stimulated by thinking about himself and Kakashi when he saw that he was really married?

Everyone looked at Kakashi in unison again, and even Kakashi began to doubt himself, was it because of himself...

It seems that I didn't reject Lin's rejection thoroughly enough.

he thought.

"Kakashi!" Obito said suddenly at this moment, "I warn you, don't make Lin sad!"

"Idiot, you don't need to remind me of this kind of thing." Kakashi also responded unceremoniously.

Obito stood on the spot and silently clenched his fists. He had a lot to say and do, but when he thought of what Lin had said to him before, he didn't dare to cross the line easily.

The rest of the people looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

Shura Field!

Kakashi also left, and he went to find Lin.

He intends to make it clear to Lin that he doesn't have the same kind of affection for Lin as a man and a woman, and because of Obito, it is even more impossible for him to be with Lin.

Kakashi found Lin on the bench near the gate of the village, and saw that she was sitting there alone in a daze.


"Why are you here?"

"The wedding isn't over yet," Kakashi said.

"Oh..." Lin just responded, with an indifferent attitude, propped her hands on the bench, and gently shook her legs.

"I just don't want to be there anymore."

Kakashi was very clumsy in chatting. He originally planned to come and confess to Lin, but he didn't know how to speak.

"There are still people who want you to stay there," he said.


"Obito." What he wanted to express was that Obito wanted to stay with her.


Lin felt irritated for a while: "What's the matter with Obito?"

She asked again: "Kakashi, what do you want to tell me?"


Kakashi choked there.

Kakashi, who was wearing clumsy adult clothes in front of him, looked very funny and clumsy.

Lin suddenly understood the other party's intentions, she looked directly into Kakashi's eyes, but Kakashi was dodging.



Lin suddenly said: "Everyone around me knows that I like you, so you know it too."


Kakashi didn't know how to answer this, of course he knew about this kind of thing, and he kept avoiding it.

Lin asked again: "Kakashi, have I confessed to you?"


The only time Lin wanted to reveal her heart was when the two were surrounded by Iwanin, and was interrupted by Kakashi at that time.

At that time, Obito sacrificed himself to save them, and Kakashi blocked her words with Obito's heart.

Lin continued to question: "Have I asked you for anything?"


"Am I bothering you?"


"Then why...why are all of you boys so self-righteous!"

When Lin said this, her tone became very agitated, her breathing became rapid, and her chest fluctuated there.

Kakashi was speechless, and he was a little dazed there. He didn't even figure out what he did wrong, and he was suddenly reprimanded like this.

What was my purpose of coming here in the first place...

Lin's mood quickly became calm again: "Kakashi, you also know what I mean. If you want to refuse, please just say it clearly, okay?"

Kakashi was silent there for a while, but only choked out a sentence: "Rin, Obito likes you very much."


After a short silence, Lin suddenly laughed, she was laughed out of anger.

That bastard Hinata can even openly say the bastard's words, but Kakashi, you can't even refuse it openly?

Instead, he took out Obito as a shield.

Kakashi was originally the best person in their circle. He was promoted to Jonin at the age of 12. Maturity and stability have always been his label.

But after all, he is just a teenager. Boys of this age are mostly no different from those ninja school children in terms of dealing with feelings.

Kakashi is like this suit of inappropriate grown-up clothes on him.

In Lin's mind, Kakashi and Makoto Hinata were compared for no reason, and the result was obvious.

Then she felt that she was really crazy. Why did she compare the two together? Could it be that she was measuring the status of the two in her heart?

Why do I do this, these two people do not belong to me.

Lin felt that she had become like the women in those cliche novels. She couldn't get what she liked, and she didn't like what she could get easily.

If only... I could treat myself like Obito!

Although it was unfair to Obito to think so, she really thought so in her heart.

That bastard, if you really like yourself, why would you marry another woman...

Lin didn't get a clear response from Kakashi, and the smile on her face gradually subsided.

"Okay, let's go back."

She lowered her head and said this, her expression became extremely calm.

Lin's figure walked away, and Kakashi, who was standing there, hadn't recovered yet.

The real wedding finally ended successfully, and the two bid farewell to the guests one by one.

Before Orochimaru left, he specifically said to Lingli: "I want to give birth to a very good child."

This made Ayari feel very shy when she heard it, she only thought it was a blessing from Hokage, and she was really thinking about why Orochimaru cared so much about her unborn child?

When night fell, the guests had already dispersed, and the place was cleaned up by the Hyuga tribe.

The courtyard became quiet, and Zhen and Ayari snuggled up to admire the starry sky.

"There are so many stars in the sky, are there two who will be together like us?"

I really thought about it, but I didn't say that most of these stars are actually big fireballs like the sun. Two stars that seem to be very close are actually far away from each other even in a lifetime.




"Before today, did you think about what it would be like to be married?"

"I thought about it."

"Chai, rice, oil, salt, chicken feathers all over the place?" Lingli suddenly laughed, and said the answer that Zhen once said.

"It's someone else's." Zhen said, holding Lingli tightly, "The two of us must be happier than others."

"It's not necessarily that you are unhappy." Ling Li said, "If we are just ordinary people, you go out to work every day, and the children go to school, and I will wait for you at home..."

Zhen laughed: "How do you say that our current identities seem to be unhappy."

Lingli lay in his arms and said softly: "If you were an ordinary person, I would be happier."

"...What do you mean by that?"

Lingli didn't answer his question, but asked him suddenly: "Really, do you know when I started to like you?"


With a look of reminiscence on her face, Ayari recounted the past bit by bit.

"At that time, you just came back from the battlefield. I was afraid that you would think wildly, and I wanted to comfort you more. It turns out that you have changed a lot, matured a lot, and become stronger..."

"You will cook me some delicious things, buy me some small gifts, and make me happy... Sometimes I doubt that you are still the Hinata I know."


Lingli smiled as if talking to herself: "Although I don't want to admit it, but thinking about it carefully, I should have fallen in love with you at that time."

"At that time, you were not the patriarch, nor Hokage's deputy, nor the hero of the village..."

"Really, besides me, did anyone else fall in love with you at that time?"

Zhen Wenyan just hugged Lingli's hands tightly, and whispered in her ear: "Idiot, no one likes me except you."

Lingli said: "I like you, but I don't know you, from beginning to end."

Zhen's eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "Yanli, no one understands me better than you."

Ling Li suddenly laughed out loud: "Then you are too lonely."


Facing Zhen's silence, Lingli continued to ask: "Really, is my wife quite incompetent?"

Zhen said: "I like it, you are competent."

Ling Li smiled again: "You can really talk."

Zhen said: "If you are not competent, you should not use other people's standards. You are my wife and I like it. You are competent."

Ayari smiled even more happily, and she asked, "Then will you be a competent husband and father?"


Ling Li looked up at Zhen, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to know, what is the standard of competence here?"

Zhen slowly narrowed his eyes: "How come you are affectionate at one time and routine at another time."

Ayari asked back, "Is this my fault?"

She suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of the living room. Under the warm yellow light, a figure was busy inside.

"My sister is so pitiful." Lingli said suddenly, and then looked at Zhen again.

"But sometimes I feel that I am more pitiful than her."

Shin said, "You are happier than her."

Ling Li smiled and said: "You are too unreasonable. Is it up to you whether I am happy or not? It depends on what I think in my heart, right?"

Zhen said: "You are different from her. She wants to get something from me, and I just happen to be willing to give it."

Lingli continued to laugh and said, "If I were as powerful as you, I would definitely castrate you, and then I would cut off your tongue, which is so unreasonable!"

Zhen took her into his arms as usual, "Then what about your happiness for the rest of your life?"

Lingli looked indifferent: "Just like you, find another man."

"you dare!"

"I don't dare now. When my son grows up, let him eunuch you!"

Zhen: "...my son would never do that."

"Hahaha... Let's try it when the time comes."

Ayari may have been a little tired from laughing, and her expression calmed down.

She put her arms around Zhen's neck: "I'm tired, take me back to the room."

Zhen picked her up and walked towards the living room, and met Ayano who was still doing housework, none of the three said a word, Ayano just consciously made way for the two of them.

In the bedroom, Zhen put her on the bed, Ayari still held her hands, thought she was asking for a kiss, and wanted to lean over to kiss her, but she turned her head away.



"Do you love me?"


"I do not believe."

"That's not love."

"I still don't believe it."

"Then how do you believe it?"

"Would you like to go to my sister's tonight?"


Ayari laughed again.

"Is this what you call love?"

"No conflict, it doesn't affect my love for you."

"Then do you love her?"

"do not love."

Ayari lay on the bed and looked at Zhen in front of her.

"I believe it, you scum."

"Then I'm going."

Lingli didn't say anything, just let go of his arms around his neck, and turned her head to the side.

Zhen walked out of the bedroom, intending to take a shower.

Turning his head, he saw the hazy and graceful figure of Ayano in the living room.

wedding night...

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