Rated Hokage

Chapter 129 Chapter 128

Naruto Building.

Obito hurried through the corridor, and met a beautiful figure head-on, his eyes were attracted to him unconsciously.

This is a very strange girl, tall and slender, with blond hair and short hair, wearing a white shirt that is full of her figure, and underneath is a black hip skirt with fishnet stockings, as attractive as it is.

Holding a stack of documents in her arms, she walked past him without even looking at Obito.

Obito's eyes showed surprise, since when did such a girl exist in the village?

There are not many people who have seen the captives of Yunin, and when they were escorted back, they were covered with a black cloth. Except for a limited number of people, many people did not know that Samyi was Yunin.

When the girl was far away, the air still seemed to be filled with the fragrance she left behind.

Obito was in a daze for a while before he quickly shook his head, thinking to himself: Obito, don't think wildly, Lin is the only one in your heart!

He walked into Hokage's office, saw Huomon and Kai standing guard in front of the door, and greeted him casually.

He's here because he needs to actually get stamped to go out on a mission.

"Really, who was that blond girl just now?" Obito couldn't help but ask.

Zhen Wenyan glanced at him in surprise: "My secretary."


Obito was taken aback, and then felt a little unbalanced.

Really this guy is too happy! There is such a beautiful wife at home, and such a beautiful secretary at work!

This filled Obito's heart with envy, jealousy and hatred.

"Why, do you think she is beautiful?" Zhen asked with a smile.

It's not just beautiful...it's so sexy!

Obito thought sourly in his heart, but on the surface he just nodded slightly.

"Don't you like Lin?" Zhen asked again.

"I...Of course I only like Lin!" Obito said hastily.

"It's okay, man." Zhen stamped his task book and handed it back.

"Be careful on the way to the mission."

"Okay, I see."

Obito walked out of the office, and when he came to the first floor of the Hokage Building, he ran into Samyi again. She had just come out of a file room here.

Beautiful, intellectual, sexy, cold and arrogant.

Various words flashed in Obito's mind, his throat rolled and he couldn't help swallowing, and slowed down, but the cold beauty holding the document still passed him by as if he was nothing like before .

There is a saying that cuteness is nothing compared to sexy.

Samui has developed very well. At this age, Lin is just a child compared to her. This has undoubtedly had a huge impact on Obito.

Thinking that she turned out to be a real secretary, Obito couldn't help being envious of being able to stay with Zhen every day.

Damn it!

Obito let out a long sigh, and then walked out of the Hokage Building.

And at the moment in Hokage's office, he was actually sitting on a chair, with his eyes closed, enjoying Samyi's massage behind him.

Samui's method is very ordinary, but it can't stop Zhen from enjoying it.

Since having Samyi in the office, the daily time for dealing with official business is not so boring, and it has a lot of fun.

There is no need to instruct Anbu to run errands, and the secretary will do it.

Although there are no outsiders in the office, it's really not good to be too presumptuous, at most it's just taking advantage of what you have.

He is not in a hurry either, if the matter between a man and a woman only rushes to the last step and ignores the process, it will be too boring.

And the fruit hasn't really matured yet, waiting for her to grow from a green fruit to a peach.

Zhen's daily schedule is basically very fixed. After dealing with Hokage's work, he will study the Immortal Seal, which will take him a lot of time.

He is now able to perform ninjutsu markings on the human body, and he has tested it perfectly on Bai Jue's body.

I really found that ninjutsu engraving can have more functions. In addition to engraving escapism, there are also some extremely practical ninjutsu, which can be used in battle without engraving, and can be used unexpectedly. Effect.

Another example is medical ninjutsu.

Burning the Chakra running route of Palm Immortal Technique on people will allow everyone to heal themselves without medical ninjas around them.

It's just that this kind of conjecture has not been practiced one by one. His current focus is still on the Immortal Seal, constantly improving his level of control over the Immortal Chakra.

With my presence, I can really make some progress every day.

Occasionally, I would take time to visit Nonoyu's to see the group of children. They are similar to the children of this year's ninja school, but because of the high intensity of training, the overall standard is higher than that of the school's children. They are too strong.

The group of students who just entered the school during this period have not had much contact with ninja courses, and most of them are basic theoretical knowledge.

But there are exceptions to everything. In the school, a child named Uchiha Itachi ranks first in all courses, and his level is better than some senior students, which makes the teachers full of praise.

I'm also really curious, now Nonaiyu's subordinates are stronger or weaker than Itachi's talent.

Dou is a genius, and a genius who has no blood succession boundaries.

The only particularity shown in the original work is that his cells are very active and have better self-healing ability.

But such specialness is nothing in the world of Naruto, and Yao Shidou's final achievement can be regarded as reaching the top level among ordinary people.

Nonoyu's ninja teaching level is limited, and he really plans to arrange some new teachers for these children after they grow to a certain level.

As for the outstanding talent, I really plan to arrange him and Uchiha Itachi together.

In the original book, Itachi graduated from the ninja school after only one year, so the two could just be in the same team.

It would be the best if they can promote each other, maybe Dou can walk a different path from the original book and find himself.

In the afternoon, Zhen walked out of the office after finishing his official duties, and saw Kai falling asleep leaning on the wall.

"What happened to him?" Zhen asked Huomen, and stopped Huomen who wanted to wake him up.

"Kay said that he trained too late yesterday and didn't have a good rest." Huomen said.

I was stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

This guy thinks that Anbu's duty on duty is too easy on weekdays, and it takes up his practice time, right?

It was Kai Fei who wanted to join the Anbu at the beginning.

I really think about it, if this continues, will Kai's strength be affected, will he still be the Emperor Kai in the original book?


Kai also woke up at this time, and quickly stood up straight after seeing Zhen.

"If you are tired, go back and rest first." Zhen said to him.

Kai scratched his head: "I'm fine, I'll just take a nap."

"Take a good rest for two days, adjust your schedule, and then come to me."

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