Rated Hokage

Chapter 137 Chapter 136

Silent night, cold moon.

boom boom boom~

Kushina opened the door and saw Minato standing in front of her house.

The smell of alcohol made her frown slightly.

"you've been drinking?"

"Hmm... and Lujiu, Haiyi..." Minato's tone was a little unsteady when he spoke, and his body wobbled as he stood there.

He rarely drank like this, and it seemed that he shouldn't bother Jiu Xinnai in his current state.

Jiuxinna held the edge of the door tightly with one hand, logically speaking, she should let the water door in now, even if she didn't do anything else, just sit down and have a rest, drink a glass of water to sober up.

But now her heart is very resistant to this kind of thing. Thinking of what happened during the day today, she feels sick in her heart.

Kushina felt that she was extremely dirty now, and she still felt the same way after taking a shower over and over again. She didn't want to be alone with Minato.

Minato slowly stretched out his hand and pressed it on the doorknob, as if he wanted to stabilize his body, but also seemed to be planning to push the door open and walk in.

At this moment, Kushina pressed against the door forcefully.


Minato looked up at Kushina in a daze, she was standing with her backlit, her appearance was not clear under the dim light, and so was her expression.

"I... have no other meaning... Then I won't go in." He just said, and then fell silent.

Kushina pursed her lips tightly, not knowing how to explain it.

In the past, when they were together, they would always talk endlessly, but now there is a rare embarrassing silence.

Shen Ye entered the water, behind the water gate was a dark corridor, but Jiu Xinnai was standing at the door of our warm light source.

He suddenly couldn't figure out what Kushina was thinking, was he disappointed in himself?

She hinted at herself so many times, but she never responded.

A smile appeared on Minato's face: "Go to bed early."

"……OK, good night."

The door closed slowly, and the light shining on Minato's face was gradually submerged in darkness.


Kushina walked on the ground leaning against the back of the door, burying her head in her knees distractedly.

Why did it suddenly come to this point... # Orochimaru's research institute.

There are more than a dozen adults standing in front of Zhen at this moment, both men and women.

They look like ordinary people, but in fact they are all transformed by Bai Jue, and only true perception can distinguish them.

Orochimaru means to arrange them all over the village and live in the village as ordinary people.

"Are these ordinary Baijue or the Baijue that contains the human soul?" Zhen asked Orochimaru.

Orochimaru said: "They just have a relatively strong learning ability, and they will become very qualified ordinary people."

The meaning of Orochimaru is obvious, this is to use these white tricks to control every move in the village.

It suddenly occurred to me that Orochimaru's methods might be more than these. Those family ninjas in the village may have been infiltrated by Bai Jue. Bai Jue can imitate the chakra of anyone he has come into contact with, and ordinary people can't detect anything at all.

What about Hinata...

If there are more and more white zealots, and others are kept in the dark, then Konoha will only be in the hands of Orochimaru forever, and outsiders will have no capital to fight against it.

The most frightening thing is that what Orochimaru pursues is eternal life!

Thoughts were flying in my heart, I didn't say much, just said that I would arrange their identities.

Orochimaru then said, "I heard that Minato looked for you."

Zhengong said: "He wants to use me to persuade Master Hokage, and to facilitate his marriage with Kushina."

Orochimaru looked as usual: "You promised him?"

Zhen immediately said: "I don't have this power."

Orochimaru laughed: "Don't underestimate yourself, if you come to plead for him, maybe I will agree."

Shin said: "I will only implement Hokage-sama's decision with all my heart, not make decisions for you, Hokage-sama."

This kind of words can only be heard. If he really promised Minato something, then the Orochimaru he is facing now should not have such an attitude.

Orochimaru asked again: "Really, then how do you think I should handle this kind of thing better? Should I let them get married, or not?"

Zhen pondered for a while, as if he was considering his words, and then said: "I think, Hokage-sama, your worries are justified. As a human being, Kushina has to take great risks once she gets married and becomes pregnant. If... "

"If we replace one Inchuriki, can we avoid this risk and keep Kyuubi firmly in our own hands?"

Orochimaru's expression didn't change when he heard the words: "If Jinchuriki is pulled away from the tailed beast, he will die, do you know that?"

Shin said: "I have consulted many books, and the vitality of the Uzumaki clan is very strong. It should not be difficult for you, Hokage-sama, to keep Kushina alive."

"Although Hokage-sama doesn't have to do this, it's also selling Minato a favor, and maybe it can get his loyalty."

Orochimaru didn't care about Minato's loyalty as Makoto said, but asked, "What about the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?"

Zhen said respectfully: "This kind of matter is naturally up to you to decide."

Konoha's Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has only two terms so far, and they are all members of the Uzumaki clan. Apart from Kushina, the only known Uzumaki clan member is Nagato of Yuyin Village.

Other than Zhen, the only people close to Dashemaru are Anbu, and those who are close to Anbu can barely be counted.

For Orochimaru, it is possible to seal the Nine Tails in a white body.

But aside from the Uzumaki clan, can the rest of the people withstand the power of the Nine Tails?

This idea is not very mature. The main problem is that there is no better candidate for Renzhuli in the village except Kushina.

There is absolutely no need for Orochimaru to do such a thing to accommodate Minato, and he is not afraid of Minato at all.

"Really, how long will it take for your child to be born?" Orochimaru asked suddenly.

"...The due date is still about two months away."

Orochimaru grinned, and the smile was inexplicable: "I want to take your child as a disciple, what do you think?"

Sincerely tightened his grip, he immediately said, "This is my honor."

"Since that's the case, how about I give him a big gift?"


Orochimaru came over and patted Zhen on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "You can go back and tell Minato, I agree with his marriage with Kushina, and wait until your child is born to become the new Jinchuriki who will replace Kushina."


Orochimaru narrowed his eyes: "Why, don't you want to?"

"No!" Zhen responded immediately.

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

Orochimaru's decision can also be said to be in line with what Zhen said earlier.

The real child is accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, who is naturally close to Orochimaru, and will be firmly controlled by him after becoming Jinzhuriki.

Just what would Minato think.

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