Rated Hokage

138 Chapter 137

Seeing Shinichi sitting on the porch in a daze, Lingli walked over with her big belly.

"Aren't you going to work today?"

He really turned his head to look at her, and then helped her to sit down beside him.

"I'm resting today, I won't go."

"What are you thinking?" Ayori asked with a smile.

"Missing our children," Zhen said.

"There are too many bad people in this world, I'm afraid he will be bullied in the future."

Ling Li smiled and said: "If you follow your temperament, it's fine not to bully others."

But Zhen said: "How can I be so bad."

Think about it carefully, he has done so many things, he is really not a good person, he just wants to make his life better, if it hurts others, it can only be regarded as their bad luck.

Lingli rubbed her stomach, and said suddenly: "I, I only hope that my son can treat a girl wholeheartedly in the future, but he is like some scum, hurting a girl's heart."


He put his arms around Lingli and let her lean on his shoulder, and said, "We two love each other enough, the child will definitely be a good man in the future."

Aya could not help but give him a blank look.

A servant came hurriedly outside the courtyard and handed over a letter, saying it was from the Nara family.

Zhen opened it and took a look. It was just an invitation, inviting Zhen to visit Nara's residence.

"A member of the Nara family?" Aya Li looked on in surprise.

Their relationship with the Nara family is very ordinary, and I haven't heard that they are really close to them. On the contrary, Uchiha, who didn't deal with it very much, is now very close.

I really thought about it there.

"What did they ask you to do?" Lingli asked.

"You'll know when you go."

It may be because of Minato, or it may be because of the Nara family's own clan.

In the afternoon, I went to the door for an appointment and came to Lu Jiu's house.

The mansion of the Nara family is not big compared to Hinata, but although the sparrow is small and well-equipped, the courtyard of the Shikaku family looks quite leisurely and elegant.

Nara is the "deer" of the Ikacho family, and there are many deer in the clan. In the original Naruto, both Shikahisa and Shikamaru are intellectual characters.

In addition, Lu Jiu in the original book is also the squad leader of the ninja class, and has a very high status in the village.

It's just that the current position of Konoha is still vacant. The former squad leader was a Jonin from the Sarutobi family, who died in the battle, and this position was not filled after Orochimaru succeeded Hokage.

"True Monarch!"

Lu Jiu came out to greet him with a smile on his face, his attitude was very warm and familiar, the two of them looked like close friends.

The time when Zhen and Lu Jiu had the closest relationship was on the battlefield. Although Minato was the general in name in many cases, it was Lu Jiu who generally commanded the overall situation.

At that time, everyone was fighting side by side, and they could all be called companions.

After the war ended, there were different factions doing their own thing again.

The Inokacho family has always been a very close and trusting family of Hokage in the past. In the original book, their younger generations are all guided by the sons of the third generation. It has nothing to do with it.

And because of the third generation, Ikacho and Minato have a very good relationship, and everyone knows that they are loyal supporters of Minato Namikaze.

After Orochimaru succeeded, it was reasonable for them to be thrown into the cold palace along with Namikaze Minato.

"The real king can come, let the humble house flourish."

Lu Jiu said polite words with a smile on his face, making Zhenye meet with a smiling face.

"I should have come to visit Senior Lu Jiu long ago. It's just that I'm busy with business and my wife is still pregnant, so I haven't been able to spare the time."

"It seems that I don't know the current affairs."

"Senior Lu Jiu was joking, no matter how busy I am about your invitation, I will still be able to spare time."

Hearing the truth, Lu Jiu couldn't help but mutter in his heart, this kid really doesn't change his face when he talks about such shameless words.

Walking into the living room, I saw Lu Jiu's married wife preparing meals.

Compared with Mikoto, she is just a more beautiful woman.

The two sat there and began to chat, all about the trivial matters of the day, full of unnutritive words and compliments to the truth.

I'm really not in a hurry, I don't interrupt the topic and I don't take the initiative to provoke it. Every sentence of Lu Jiu continued.

Lu Jiu saw that this was going on endlessly, so he said intentionally or unintentionally: "Zhen Jun is now the most outstanding young hero in the village, and is also the powerful arm of Hokage-sama, and it seems that Hokage-sama is planning to train you to be the next Hokage. "

Zhen's eyes moved slightly, and he said: "Senior Lu Jiu is serious, Hokage-sama is now in his prime, and it's too early to talk about a new term."

Lu Jiu lightly smiled and said: "What's the matter, Hokage-sama is now obsessed with ninjutsu research, and everything in the village is taken care of by Zhenjun, and the effect is obvious to all. The village was able to recover to this level so quickly after the war. Relying on you, Shin-kun, you can say that Shin-kun is the second Hokage in the village."

Zhen Lianlian said modestly: "Senior Lujiu's words are serious...Senior Minato should be in charge of the fifth generation."

Lu Jiu's eyes flickered, and he continued to smile: "The position of Hokage is naturally reserved for those who are capable, and Minato is far from as good as the real king at the age of the real king."

This guy has been telling me what to do as Hokage...

It's really strange, thinking to myself.

He said humbly: "Senior Lu Jiu is absurd, I am far inferior to Senior Minato."

When he said this, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a hint of complacency.

This was naturally noticed by Lu Jiu, and he continued immediately: "I'm not exaggerating. Zhenjun's previous performance on the battlefield is obvious to everyone in the village, and he can take care of the village so well. Minato can't do that at all."

I really couldn't help but smile after listening to it, and felt self-effacing again, like a person who listens to compliments and is both happy and smug.

"By the way, Senior Lu Jiu." Zhen suddenly said.

"Do you know about Minato-senpai and Kushina?"

Lu Jiu was stunned, unexpectedly Yu Zhen would suddenly mention this matter.

He murmured: "I know... As Kushina is Jinchuriki, Hokage-sama also has his own considerations in doing this."

Shin said: "A few days ago, Minato-senpai came to ask me to intercede with Hokage-sama, and I have already told Hokage-sama."

Lu Jiu heard the words and stared at Zhen closely: "What did Hokage-sama say?"

He hadn't thought about why he would tell himself such a thing.

"Hokage-sama said that he intends to pull Kyuubi out of Kushina's body and replace him with a new Jinchuriki."

Lu Jiu was stunned, he didn't expect this to happen at all, he felt that there was a high possibility that Orochimaru should disagree with this matter.

And... for another Zhuli?

What about Kushina, the Tailed Beast will die if Jinzhuli loses it!

Zhen then said: "Master Hokage said that he will try his best to ensure the safety of Kushina when the tailed beast is drawn away."

Lu Jiu's heart sank.

Do your best to ensure... Can you say such a thing?


I'm crazy about the holidays

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