Rated Hokage

143 Chapter 142

Sarutobi family.

"Minato, your chess strength has regressed."

Minato looked at the endgame on the chessboard, smiled wryly and said, "My chess skills are not very good."

Sarutobi looked at him with a smile and asked, "Is there anything bothering you?"


Minato just responded calmly.

Yuan Fei's eyes flickered, he might not be able to help him with things that would bother the other party.

"tell me the story."

"I want to marry Kushina."

Sarutobi pondered for a while, and instantly figured out what was going on. Kushina's special identity probably wasn't allowed by Orochimaru.

This is a big or small thing, and Orochimaru is holding on to it, which is nothing more than expressing his dissatisfaction with Minato.

former competitor.

But is it just ordinary troubles, or is he going to fight Minato to the end?

Sarutobi fell silent, his eyes quietly staring at the pieces on the chessboard.

"Have you been to him?"

Knowing that he asked a meaningless question, Sarutobi sighed silently.

"Is there anything I can do?" he asked.


There is really not much he can do, he is no longer in charge of the village, and all the power is now on the side of Orochimaru.

Minato heard the words and looked up at the old man in front of him. This was the third generation of Hokage, why did he end up in this situation now?

It was as if he had disappeared in the village, and he had never heard anything about him again. If he hadn't taken the initiative to visit him, he would never have seen him on weekdays.

Saying that you want to help yourself is just out of guilt for yourself.

Minato looked disappointed and shook his head slowly.

"Need not."

It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself.

At this moment, Minato has fully understood that no one can help him with this kind of thing, and he still needs to do it himself. # Kakashi lay alone on the bed, staring at the Anbu uniform hanging on the opposite wall in a daze.

The redemption that Dashewan said was to let him continue to deliver information for Shikaku and the others, but what kind of information to pass was stipulated by Dashewan, that is, to use himself to mislead Shikaku and the others.

Kakashi didn't understand why Orochimaru didn't do it when he knew they were plotting to rebel, but kept them.

Is it because it is related to Minato-sensei and needs a high-sounding reason?

All the plans of one's own side are known to the other side, is there any chance of winning in this situation?

He glanced at the White Fang dagger lying on the table.

Father, what should I do...


A voice suddenly sounded outside the window, and a human face appeared.

Kakashi knew who it was without guessing, and only Obito could do this besides Kai.

Kai has been practicing with Huomen all day now, and he hasn't been to them for a long time to look for him.

"Yo, Kakashi, you are really at home."

Obito said outside.

"Come out and compete with me! I have learned a new trick!"

Kakashi was already in a state of agitation, and when he heard Obito's shaky voice outside the window, he closed the window directly.

bang bang bang—

Obito kept knocking on the window.

Kakashi was impatient and finally opened the door for him.

As soon as Obito entered the door, he couldn't help but said: "Kakashi, you are too lazy to lie at home and sleep in such a good weather!"

Kakashi ignored it and sat down on the bed.

Obito said again: "Kakashi, come and compete with me, I will definitely win this time."

Kakashi glanced at it: "It's a hundred years too early for you to defeat me!"

He had heard such words too many times, whether it was from Obito or Kai, Huomen had also conveyed similar meanings, but all three of them were defeated by him without exception.

Obito said: "It's different this time, I learned a new move this time!"

Kakashi said lightly: "No matter how powerful the move is, it depends on who uses it. No matter how powerful ninjutsu is for you, it is different from the tail of the crane."

He has already experienced Obito's Mutun, probably because the user is Obito, Kakashi did not feel from him the power that this is the ninjutsu of the God of Ninjas.

It's just that it's a little tricky when you first meet it, and there's nothing wrong with it except for the special attack style.

Obito went crazy: "You bastard! Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, do you want to fight or not!"

Kakashi: "No."

Obito is unwilling and has nothing to do, so he can't fight Kakashi directly and unreasonably.

He pulled the chair aside and sat down, just looking at Kakashi.

"Obito." Kakashi said suddenly.


"Do you think... Minato-sensei should be Hokage?"

"Ah?" Obito was stunned for a moment, surprised that the other party would suddenly ask himself such a question.

He scratched his head: "What do you mean?"

Kakashi asked again: "What do you think of Hokage-sama now?"

Obito thought about it for a while: "It's pretty good."

It was Orochimaru who found him back then, healed his arm, and taught him the wood escape technique...

Obito's heart is still very respectful and grateful to Orochimaru.

And Orochimaru also led the village to victory. Is there anything wrong with such a Hokage?

Kakashi then asked: "If Minato-sensei made the fourth Hokage, would it be better than the current Hokage?"

Obito is a bit difficult, how do these two compare...

One is a teacher and the other is a benefactor.

He thought about it for a while, and then choked out a sentence: "If I become Hokage, I will definitely be better than all previous Hokages!"

Kakashi couldn't help but rolled his eyes, feeling that he was completely wasting his tongue by asking Obito such a question.

Obito also asked, "Why did you suddenly ask such a question?"


In the evening, Kakashi took the initiative to find Minato with a feeling of apprehension.

"Kakashi, what's up so late?"

"...There is something I want to tell you."

Minato looked thoughtfully at Kakashi outside the door. Since he entered Anbu, the number of times he met with a student has been much less. The last time he met was a dinner party initiated by Lin.

"come in."

Minato invited Kakashi into the living room and poured him a glass of water.

"What do you want to tell me?"

Kakashi sat on the sofa, gently stroking the glass of water.

He said slowly: "I've heard about you and sister Jiuxinna."

Minato was slightly startled, then smiled lightly and said indifferently: "Really, who told you."

"Mr. Lu Jiu."


Minato pondered: "What else did he tell you?"

Kakashi also told Shijiu that he had entrusted him to be a spy for both Hokage and Mana.

Minato sighed, "Lu Jiu..."

Lu Jiu is planning to force him to a corner.

Minato said, "Kakashi, you shouldn't be involved in this kind of thing."

Kakashi lowered his head: "So, is what Mr. Shikahisa said true?"

"You really want to...take Hokage instead..."


Minato didn't answer his question immediately, if Kakashi asked him this before today, he would definitely deny it with righteous words.

Even now, he is extremely resistant to relying on some disgraceful means to get something.

But now it seems that it is better to be dishonored than lost.

Minato felt confused, as if he had gone astray, going against the current, struggling to advance and retreat.

"Kakashi... what do you think I should look like?"

If Minato said that he didn't want to do this, everything would be Lu Jiu's arbitrary and self-righteous.

This may be the best result for Kakashi, which means that there is still room for relaxation between his teacher and Hokage, and there will be no more disputes.

Kakashi thought about it.

But if you think about it from the perspective of Teacher Minato?

What about Kushina...

Recall what Orochimaru said to himself when he was at the Orochimaru Research Institute this morning.

It's not that Minato-sensei wants to fight, but Mr. Shikajiu wants him to fight!

Orochimaru is forcing him to fight!

Kakashi's throat rolled: "I think...you are more suitable to be Hokage than the current fourth generation."


Minato suddenly let out a chuckle: "Kakashi, thank you for your approval."

Kakashi asked: "Minato-sensei, you have already made up your mind, right?"

Minato said: "Many times, the road is not one I can choose."

Kakashi was silent for a long time, and then said: "But Minato-sensei, we have been exposed."

He felt that he was doing an extremely risky thing now, and he didn't know if what he said next would be known to Orochimaru again.

But if he didn't say anything, wouldn't Mr. Minato be kept in the dark?

Minato stared at Kakashi.

"……What's the meaning?"

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