Rated Hokage

Chapter 144 Chapter 143

gloomy night.

The Hokage building was pitch black, and the chickens and dogs in the village were asleep at this time.

A figure sneaked into the archives secret room quietly, holding a dim flashlight, searching for something and something on one file shelf after another.

There was a dead silence in the secret room, only the sound of him turning the pages and opening the scroll.

"What are you looking for?"

Suddenly, a strong light came, and the light was so dazzling that Kakashi narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

The man was standing behind the light source, his figure and voice were undoubtedly a person he was very familiar with.

"Fire Gate..."

Kakashi tightened his grip on the scroll.


The bright flashlight on the opposite side went out, making Kakashi feel his vision ease.

"Are you following me?"

Kakashi has been in a state of high vigilance, but he didn't notice when the other party approached.

Huomen said indifferently: "It's because your recent state and behavior are too suspicious."

Kakashi slowly closed the scroll: "I have something to investigate, it has nothing to do with you."

Huomen sneered coldly: "Have you forgotten my identity, to say such ridiculous words?"

He is Anbu directly under Hokage, and he is also a real bodyguard. Kakashi's behavior of intruding into the archive room, he can completely capture him.

"You are wasting your time, what you are looking for is not here." Huomen said again.

"Do you know what I'm investigating?" Kakashi frowned.

"I don't know." Huomen said.

"However, the things in the archives are for people to see. The secrets that are really to be kept cannot be written on paper."

This sentence is quite correct, but it is precisely because the things to be investigated are secrets that it is necessary to find clues in these confidential materials.

Kakashi also turned off his flashlight, and fixed his eyes on the person not far away.

He said: "Huomen, this matter is very important to me, I hope you don't come to stop me."

Huomen said, "If I refuse, will you fight me?"



Of course Kakashi didn't want to fight with the other party. The two had been together for a long time, and he admired the other party's character and strength very much. He had long regarded Huomen as his friend.

Doing it means directly putting yourself on the opposite side of Hinata Shin and Orochimaru, which is an act of courting death.

Huomen continued: "Do you think I can stand here, does the real adult have no doubts about you?"

Kakashi was taken aback.

With Huomen's temperament, if he doubted himself, he would have told Zhen a long time ago.

Maybe the other party followed him, which is what he really meant.

At this moment, Kakashi walked towards him step by step, and Kakashi subconsciously held his breath.

"Kakashi, your heart is in a mess."


"Is it because you are stuck in a quagmire?"

Kakashi remained silent.

At this moment, Huomen stretched out his hand to him, and in the palm lay a white hook jade.

"Kakashi, I also consider you a friend, why don't you tell us in advance if there is anything, maybe we can help you."

Kakashi just said: "This matter has nothing to do with you."

But Huomen said: "Everything in the village is related to Master Zhen, and what is related to Master Zhen is related to me."


Hyuga Shin is Orochimaru's deputy.

It stands to reason, that is, the person who stands on the opposite side of Minato-sensei.

Since the positions are opposite, how can it be possible to turn to them for help.

Huomen stared at him with blank eyes, and said, "Kakashi, do you still have a choice now?"

At this moment, Kakashi's mind was full of thoughts.

Orochimaru learned of the plan with Mr. Shikahisa at Nara's house, and Hinata Shin discovered the confidential information here.

The eyes and ears of these two people are everywhere in the village.

Kakashi pondered for a long time, then slowly stretched out his hand to hold the white jade in the palm of Huomen.

For a moment, he felt a little dazed.

This hook jade seemed to carry some special chakras, which disturbed his own magnetic field, making him feel that his vision was a little blurred, and everything in front of him seemed to be distorted.

Huomen said: "This thing can isolate your perception, shield some eyes and ears, one-time."

Kakashi was extremely surprised when he heard this, this thing is too amazing, and it is isolated from perception... Whose perception is it isolated from?

He suddenly thought of Orochimaru, and his conversation with Mr. Shikajiu was inexplicably discovered by Orochimaru.

But why should it be covered up by Orochimaru?

"Come with me."

Huomen turned around and left the file room.

Kakashi still stood on the spot and looked around, maybe it was just like Huomen said, what he wanted to know was not here.

The real secret will only be sealed in the minds of others.

The two walked swaggeringly on the street, Kakashi was holding the white jade tightly in his palm, and he was not used to walking.

Finally they came to the land of the Hyuga clan.

Kakashi sat alone in the living room and waited, and Kakashi seemed to have gone to report.

About ten minutes later, Jian Zhen came out in a pajamas.

Zhen took a look at him and said, "If you're not used to it, just throw away that Gouyu. No one can know what I'm talking about here."

Kakashi put the goama on the table, and the uncomfortable feeling disappeared immediately.

Zhenyou said straight to the point: "What do you want to know, my handle, or Hokage-sama's handle?"

Kakashi's nerves tensed up instantly, and sweat broke out from his tightly clenched palms.

Seeing that Kakashi didn't speak, he said slowly again: "Do you know what is the most important thing when the two armies are at war?"



Zhen said: "Whoever has enough information can take the lead in everything and easily defeat the enemy."

"The entire Konoha Village is under the control of Hokage-sama, and your words and deeds cannot escape his eyes and ears, so you still want to be his enemy, is it any different from courting death?"

"The reason Hokage-sama didn't get rid of you immediately is because he was just playing house with you, and wanted to see how far you can go."

Orochimaru has his eyes and ears, so naturally he also has his own. After he found Bai Jue hiding in the dark when he went to Nara's house for an appointment, he immediately took some countermeasures.

There are some sealing techniques that disturb the surrounding natural energy engraved in this white hooked jade, so that the members of the Hyuga family can hide in the dark perfectly when they are looking for information for the truth.

Kakashi's mood changed sharply, thinking of what Fire Gate said when he brought him here.

"You called me over...can you help me?"

Zhen's eyes moved slightly: "Why should I help you?"

"What can I get?" he asked.

"I can give you, give you what you want, Naruto-sama's handle, some shady things he has done, and what he has been researching for so long."

"But how will you repay me, Kakashi?"

This is no longer a temptation, but a kind of coercion.

Really pushed him to the edge of the abyss, and Kakashi now had no choice but to jump down.

Kakashi's throat rolled down: "What do you want?"

Zhen took out a scroll and spread it on the table.

Kakashi took a closer look, and it seemed to be a seal, engraved with complicated and mysterious lines, surrounded by a "two" character in the center.

"This is……"

"Immortal Seal, No. 2." Zhen said calmly.

"You can also call it a kite."

A kite can soar high in the sky, but it is always connected to a string that binds it.

Flying and falling all depend on the will of the kite flyer.

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