Rated Hokage

Chapter 145 Chapter 144

Within the territory of the Kingdom of Fire.

In a fairly prosperous town, there was a sudden commotion on the streets.

It was a group of women who were chasing a white-haired middle-aged man.

"Catch the pervert!"

"You bastard, how dare you peek at us taking a shower!"


"Everyone help us stop him!"

Jilai was also running on the street, quickly recording something in a small booklet while running.

"These are good materials!"

Gradually, the group of women behind was exhausted, and Zilai took advantage of the opportunity to hide in a sparsely populated alley.

Looking at what he just wrote, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, it's not in vain for me to spend so much effort."

As soon as he put away his things, Jiraiya's expression changed slightly, and he turned his head slightly to look in the direction behind him. A man in ninja costume appeared there at some point.

He said helplessly: "You guys, how can you find me everywhere? Really, can't you just let me travel and write?"

The person who came was a ninja from the village, if it was an outsider, he would have done it long ago.

"Master Jiraiya, this is a letter from Master Lujiu."

Deer for a long time?

Jilai was also a little surprised, in the past, only the third generation had sent letters to him.

It was the first time that Lu Jiulai took the initiative to seek him out.

He took the letter thoughtfully, opened it and looked at it, and then his eyes showed seriousness.

"I see, you go back first."


The content of the letter is very simple, bluntly saying that Orochimaru has done something to betray the village.

Orochimaru is Hokage now, can he still betray the village?

The content seemed absurd, but it was sent by Lu Jiu, so he had to pay attention to it.

Jiraiya admired Lujiu very much. He thought that after Minato became Hokage, he would be Minato's right-hand man.

He repacked the letter and put it in his pocket.

Look up to the sky.

Tsunade is in a nearby town, just call her to go back together. # Lu Jiu and the others want to defeat Orochimaru and retake the position, and the probability of success is basically zero.

This probability still comes from real help.

It is impossible to drive Orochimaru from the altar through political means, and Orochimaru has an overwhelming advantage.

Only by letting this person die first can we slowly destroy him.

But to pass a coup by force, you have to have enough strength.

Can Minato win Orochimaru?

In addition, Zilai may not be able to do this.

Shikahisa Nara made an extremely irrational decision, so Minato felt a headache after learning all this.

But he didn't blame Lu Jiu either. If his attitude was firm enough, Lu Jiu wouldn't do such a thing. Perhaps in Lu Jiu's view, he was also extremely eager for that position in his heart.

Not only he needs Hokage, but the Zhuludie family also needs him to take the position of Hokage.

Minato went to see Kushina again, and to his surprise, this time Kushina's attitude was completely different from the past.

She looked extraordinarily shy and reserved, and looked at her eyes full of joy and anticipation.

It was like waiting for him to give her a gift.

Minato thought about it: "Kushina, give me some more time, and I will definitely give you a grand wedding!"

Jiu Xinnai was stunned for a moment, feeling shy when he heard the word wedding, but also wondering what the other party meant by waiting for a while.

If the idiot Minato asked for marriage, shouldn't he be more affectionate and romantic? Why did he suddenly say this...

Jiu Xinnai lowered her head and whispered, "Who said I'm going to marry you."

Minato tilted his head and asked strangely, "Eh? Aren't you going to marry me?"

Kushina felt helpless and angry, thinking why Minato was suddenly so dull, shouldn't he propose marriage at this time!

She glared at Minato and said, "I don't know!"

Minato is still worrying about Orochimaru, and Kushina didn't think too much about it, only the idea of ​​solving everything by herself, and then marrying her openly.

Minato said something else to her and left.

Kushina looked at his leaving back and couldn't help talking to herself.

"Idiot, how long do you have to wait..."

Not long after Minato left, Kushina's house welcomed another guest.

It's Anbe.

"Uzumaki Kushina, Hokage-sama wants to see you."

Kushina was puzzled, and followed the other party to Hokage's research institute.

It was the first time she came here, and as soon as she entered the daimyo, she felt that the temperature here was very low, which made her shiver involuntarily.

The research institute was full of things she couldn't understand, and she looked at Dashewan along the way.

"Master Hokage."

"Kushina." Orochimaru simply looked at her, and then walked into another room.

"Come with me."

Kushina was confused and followed behind Orochimaru.

The new room is very spacious, and there are no strange instruments, only a huge iron cage.

The cage is in the shape of a birdcage, but this size is obviously not for captive birds.

"Go in." Orochimaru said.

Kushina was stunned for a moment: "Master Hokage?"

Orochimaru looked at her, and said again concisely: "You, go in."


Kushina looked at the cage again, and couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

But as soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt a pain in the back of her neck, her consciousness blurred instantly, and she only saw a pale-skinned person holding a needle in his hand.

what happened……

Jiu Xinna woke up from the cold, the ground was very cold, she opened her eyes and found that she was already in that cage.

"You're awake." A voice suddenly sounded beside her ear, startling Kushina.

She turned her head to look, and found that there was a person who looked exactly like herself standing outside the cage.

She couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Who are you?!"

The person's appearance suddenly changed, from Kushina's appearance to a strange human with pale complexion.

"I am Bai Jue." The other party said.

Kushina looked around and shook the cage vigorously.

"Hokage-sama! Hokage-sama!"

"Stop shouting, Master Dashemaru locked you here." Bai Jue said.


"Because Namikaze Minato wanted to kill Oshemaru-sama, so Oshemaru-sama locked you up." Bai Zee said, "And Oshemaru-sama happened to be interested in the physique of the Uzumaki clan, so he drew some of your blood to make Research."

"You said... what?" Kushina's pupils slightly dilated.

"What nonsense are you talking about?!" She yelled angrily, "How could Minato want to kill Hokage-sama!"

She beat the cage frantically, and shouted loudly: "Master Hokage! Master Hokage! There must be a misunderstanding!"

Her voice was loud, but her tone was full of panic, she and Bai Jue were the only ones in the empty room.

Jiu Xinnai said to Bai Jue, "Let me out!"

Bai Zee said selfishly: "Because Namikaze Minato wanted to be Hokage himself, so he wanted to kill Oshemaru-sama and replace him."

Kushina scolded angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about?! Minato is not such a person!"

Bai Ze said: "But Nara Shikahisa and Namikaze Minato did conspire for such a thing. Nara Shikahisa also asked Kakashi to spy on Hokage-sama and Shin in the dark. I heard this with my own ears."

Jiu Xinnai didn't believe it at all: "You lied!"

She couldn't open the iron cage with bare hands, so after thinking about it, she planned to use chakra, and the chakra of Nine Tails could help her break through this cage.

But as soon as this idea came up, she found that her power was sealed by something, not only her own chakra could not be used, but also the tailed beast's chakra.

Kushina whispered to herself in disbelief: "How could this be...how could this be..."

She suddenly thought of what Minato had said to her not long ago.

give him some more time...

Bai Jue said again: "Don't worry, I will go out in your appearance later, and people outside will not find that you are missing."

Kushina was furious: "You bastard!"

Bai Jue said: "Now you can only save you by begging Namikaze Minato to kill Oshemaru-sama, but you should hear the news of Namikaze Minato's death soon. He is not Oshemaru-sama's opponent. None of them."

"Shut up!"

"Why should I shut up?"

Jiuxinna struggled in the iron cage for a long time, beating and shaking non-stop, but no one responded except this Bai Jue.

This made her feel deeply powerless, why did things suddenly become like this?


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