Rated Hokage

Chapter 146 Chapter 145

Hokage Mansion.

Orochimaru seldom comes back here on weekdays, and spends most of his time in the research institute.

Hongdou would give him some meals every day, and even if Hongdou didn't send him, he could inject himself with a nutrient injection.

I came back today because there was a guest at home.

It is also the particularity of this person to make him come back on purpose, who basically never sees customers.

Tsunade stood in the living room, looking around at the layout of the room.

"You don't live here anymore?" she asked.

"Occasionally live."

Orochimaru went to the table and took out two teacups, each pouring tea.

"Why did you come back suddenly?"

"Can't I come back?"

Tsunade sat down casually and asked back at the same time.

Orochimaru said: "It seems that there is something wrong."

Tsunade didn't answer this sentence, but just took a sip from the teacup.

When she was traveling, she suddenly met Jiraiya who came to find her, and then he showed herself a secret letter.

Orochimaru rebelled against the village.

Tsunade felt that it was very absurd, and after returning to the village, he went directly to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru said again, "Why didn't you go to Minato with Jiraiya?"

Tsunade sneered: "Your news is quite fast."

But after she finished speaking, she suddenly fell silent. She briefly sorted out the matter in her mind, and couldn't help frowning.

She asked, "Did something happen between you and Minato?"

Orochimaru held the teacup in one hand and looked outside the house with a normal expression.

"Who knows."

Tsunade pondered there, thinking.

Orochimaru said: "Tsunade, if one day Jiraiya also stood on the opposite side of me, what would you do?"

Tsunade frowned even tighter: "Why?"

Orochimaru smiled lightly: "You should ask him about this kind of thing."

Tsunade got a little impatient, "Oshemaru, don't play charades for me, what's going on between you?"

Now there is probably no one else in the village who can treat the Fourth Hokage with this attitude except her.

But Orochimaru didn't answer her doubts, but said: "The concept is different, the idea is different, and the position is different."

Tsunade stared at him closely, and suddenly asked, "Oshemaru, did you do anything harmful to the village?"

Orochimaru smirked: "Why, are you coming to judge me too? Come and judge me, Hokage."


Tsunade was speechless, she stared at Orochimaru for a long time, then suddenly got up and left.

Seeing this, Shizune who was waiting outside the mansion quickly followed Tsunade's footsteps.

"Master Tsunade?"

Seeing Tsunade, she didn't seem to be in a good mood, she followed behind and asked cautiously, "Master Tsunade, where are we going?"

"Go find Hokage!"

Jing Yin was a little confused, didn't he just come out of Hokage's house?

Tsunade kept walking all the way until he came to the door of Hiruzaru Sarutobi's house, and broke in without knocking on the door.

Seeing Lake Biwa coming out of the living room with a bunch of them in his arms, Tsunade, who was still aggressive before, fell silent instantly.

"Hi." She bowed in greeting.

"Tsunade?" Lake Biwa was slightly surprised, "You're back."

"I just came back and came to visit Sarutobi-sensei." Tsunade responded.

Lake Biwa nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "Hizun is in the study."

After all, she went back to her own business.

Tsunade yelled out the door again: "Shizune, come in and help Biwako-sama do the laundry."

When she came to the door of the study, she saw that the door was ajar.

"Is it Tsunade?"

There was a sound from inside.

Tsunade pushed the door open and entered, Sarutobi was sitting there smoking a pipe, the room was filled with the smell of tobacco.

"I've just been here," he said.

Tsunade stared at him, "What happened?"


Sarutobi silently pointed to a stack of documents on the desktop: "Do you want to see it?"

The documents are placed there, and Jiraiya came here just now, she is definitely not the first Sarutobi to be seen.

Tsunade stepped forward and casually picked up the topmost copy. The content on it instantly made her eyes widen. She was stunned for a moment and picked up all the documents and read them one by one.

She asked in a daze: "These... are they true?"

Sarutobi just said: "Lu Jiu sent it."

The first thing that bears the brunt is that the two daimyos were attacked at the beginning, all of which were instigated by Orochimaru behind the scenes!

Assassinating the daimyo, this is already unacceptable!

Once this kind of thing is exposed, it is tantamount to pushing Konoha directly to the opposite of the Fire Nation.

Muye Village is just a ninja village, and it cannot be self-sufficient at all. Everything it needs is absorbed from the country.

Secondly, Danzo died in the hands of Orochimaru and was killed by Orochimaru himself.

Scroll down and use young children to conduct human experiments...

Each of these is an unforgivable crime to be placed on ordinary people.

Tsunade couldn't believe it: "This is really... what Orochimaru did?"

The current Orochimaru is Hokage!

Sarutobi let out a long sigh.

Tsunade recovered from the shock and asked, "What is Jiraiya planning to do?"

Yuan Fei shook his head: "Zilai didn't say anything, but I have met Lu Jiu before today, and Lu Jiu's attitude is very clear..."

Tsunade said, "Shikaku's attitude is Minato's attitude, right?"


Tsunade asked again, "What do you think?"


Tsunade took a deep breath and cursed in a low voice: "It's disgusting!"

She was clutching a stack of documents. In the final analysis, these were just the products of power struggles, and now they were picked up by another struggle.

A disgusting thing brings out another disgusting thing.

Muye Village has become so rotten now.

She didn't understand why she had to come back to this dirty water, the damned man let him die!

Tsunade then left.

Ten minutes later, two loud noises suddenly spread throughout Muye Village.

Everyone followed the sound, but they were shocked to find that the shadow rock had collapsed!

The original four huge rock statues overlooking Konoha represented the four Hokages who guarded the village, but now there are only two left.

Many black shadows flew over the roof, and the police force rushed to the scene. The perpetrator did not leave the scene, but none of them dared to move.

The opponent is Tsunade, one of the Sannin!

A person who is as famous as today's Hokage.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them didn't understand why Tsunade did this.

I really came here after hearing the voice in the Hokage office. Looking at the original Konoha Kage Rock, there are only rock statues of the third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and the Fourth Hokage Orochimaru left on it, and the first generation next to it The positions of the first and second generation targets became two deep pits.

"It's very troublesome to repair." Zhen couldn't help but said to himself.

"Then there's no need to fix it." Tsunade snorted coldly.

"The first generation and the second generation are not worthy to be juxtaposed with the current Hokage."

The words were full of sarcasm, and Zhenzhen couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly. He didn't care why Tsunade did this, but felt sorry for her two punches that cost a lot of money.

Zhen waved his hand and said to the police ninjas present: "Go back."

Then he ignored the crazy woman, turned around and flew back to the Hokage Building.

Tsunade stared at the real back.

This guy is a subordinate of Orochimaru...

Same disgusting guy!

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