Rated Hokage

Chapter 152 Chapter 151

In the cold laboratory, Kushina was curled up in the corner of the iron cage.

There is no window, no clock, and there is a Bai Jue who will deliver meals at regular intervals, which gave her a sense of time.

There are a lot of questions in her mind at the moment, how long will she be locked up here, what does Orochimaru want to do to her, has anything happened outside, how is Minato now...

Now she only hopes that Minato can quickly find out that she is missing, and then come to save herself.

This idea has been in her mind for a long time, but every time the door opens, only the white-skinned weirdo walks in.

The door opened again.

It may be that there were too many disappointments, and Kushina didn't look at the door for the first time, until a voice suddenly sounded in the room.

"Poor Canary."

Jiu Xinnai was startled, then suddenly raised his head, and found that he was really standing outside the iron cage.

Zhen looked at Kushina and said with a smile: "An iron cage like a birdcage, Hokage-sama is still a bad idea."


Kushina quickly walked to the iron cage and looked at him expectantly.

"Why are you here?"

"Looking for something," Zhen said.

"By the way to see you."

Kushina quickly asked again: "Where is Minato, how is Minato?"

"Minato..." Zhen's tone paused on purpose, causing Kushina's heart to twitch instantly.

"What's wrong with him, tell me quickly!"

Zhen smiled again: "I don't know, I haven't seen him for several days."

Jiu Xinnai was extremely anxious and worried, but she couldn't leave the iron cage.

"Where's Hokage-sama?" she asked again.


Hope ignited in Jiu Xinnai's heart instantly: "Really, you help me, let me out!"

But Zhen said: "This is you imprisoned by Master Hokage, how dare I let you go at will."

Jiu Xinna became anxious for a moment, it was the first person she saw besides Bai Jue after she came here.

"Really, please, let me out!"

She is very worried about Minato now, because Bai Jue once said that Orochimaru planned to kill Minato.

Compared to her impatience, Zhen really circled around the birdcage unhurriedly, admiring Kushina who was trapped inside.

Thinking so, I couldn't help stretching out my hand to touch Kushina's hand that was gripping the iron railing.

Shocked, Jiu Xinna quickly withdrew his hand, took two steps back in the birdcage, vigilant and cramped, and couldn't help dodging his eyes looking at Zhenzhen.

She was wearing a light-colored long dress and bright red long hair shawl, and now she showed a more delicate beauty in this birdcage.

Like an extremely delicate flower, Jean really couldn't help but want to pick and ravage it.

Zhen's eyes kept looking at her, and he stood outside the cage: "What's the matter, have you forgotten the attitude you should have when asking for help?"

Kushina lowered her head in silence, and some bad memories flooded her mind again.

Zhen suddenly said: "Now the village is in chaos, the fourth Raikage has escaped from the prison, and Hokage-sama is protecting the village now."

Fourth Raikage?

Kushina was surprised when she heard the sound.

"I remember that the seal on the Fourth Raikage was imposed by Minato-senpai himself."

"...No, no, it's impossible, Minato wouldn't do such a thing!" Kushina muttered to himself.

Zhenzhen said: "Sometimes, people always use whatever means to achieve their goals, and the position of Naruto has become his demon."

Kushina glared at him: "Minato is not what you said! No one loves Konoha more than him, and he will never put his beloved village in danger!"

Zhen Yan smiled and did not deny it, but said: "What if it is because of you?"

Jiu Xinna choked for breath: "What do you mean..."

Just listen to Zhen said: "The multiple-choice question Minato-senpai is facing now is not the position of the village and Hokage, but the village and you."

Kushina was stunned on the spot, she suddenly wanted to understand a lot of things, why she was locked up here now, and the difficulties Minato didn't say at the time...

So Minato and Orochimaru are indeed on opposite sides now.


Kushina suddenly raised her head to look at Zhen and said, "True, you promised to help me!"

Zhen waved his hand and said: "I promised, but I have already done what should be done, but the result is that Minato-senpai is not satisfied, he wants to get more."

Jiu Xinnai became more and more anxious, and her thoughts were spinning in her mind, and she really quietly admired her sad look with her black eyebrows furrowed.

"Really..." She once again came to the front of the iron fence and faced Zhen, her eyes pleading with intent.

"Please, let me out."

She has no other choice, and now she is locked here and knows nothing about the outside world, and she can't do anything but think wildly.

She wanted to see Minato and help him, at least for now she had to stand by his side.

Really said unhurriedly: "Do you know how much risk I have to take if I let you go?"

He is like this again...

Kushina lowered her head, but her eyes were full of mourning and sadness.

"Really, aren't we friends? You also know that Minato and I...why do you do this to me?"

Really put his hand into the birdcage, and caressed Kushina's face.

She didn't dodge, but tensed her body instantly, and really pinched her chin to force her to look at herself, so that she could clearly see the panic, fear, disgust, and self-blame in her eyes.

"Of course I know, because of this, you have a special attraction to me."

"Jiushina, didn't we have a good time that time before?"

The real voice was like a magic barrier, and panic gradually filled Kushina's whole body.

His hand caressed Kushina's face affectionately, Kushina didn't dare to dodge, and silently endured his violation.

The temperature in the research institute was very low, and now Jiuxinna felt an unprecedented coldness, as if it had penetrated into the bone marrow.

Kushina suddenly reached out and held the real palm. His palm was very hot and warm, unlike her skin that had become cold.

There was no wave in her eyes anymore, she just held the real hand tightly and moved it all the way down from her face, past her neck and collarbone.

"...Really, can you let me out?"

The next moment, the originally indestructible iron bars of the birdcage suddenly bent left and right for no reason, and she didn't actually touch them, and a big gap appeared in front of her eyes.

Suddenly he pulled her back into his arms.

"It's really cold on you." Zhen whispered.


Kushina avoided his gaze, and was hugged in his arms and kept silent.

"Let me warm you up."

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