Rated Hokage

Chapter 153 Chapter 152

Samuyi and Mabuyi walked quickly in Konoha Prison, which was already in chaos.

All the cell doors were broken, and except for a few people who did not get out of the cell even though the door was open, most of the people had disappeared.

They didn't have the time to pay attention to this now, and they went all the way to the deepest dungeon, where they saw Yumu who was knocked unconscious on the ground.

The two quickly stepped forward and hugged her up.

"You wooden man, wake up quickly."

Yumuren reacted, she frowned tightly, and muttered to herself: "Master Raikage, I am not a traitor, father, mother... I am not a traitor..."

Samuyi and Mabuyi couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, and there was a little more seriousness in each other's eyes.

The two of them are in Yunyin Village and both have family members.

Samyi also has a younger brother, and Mabuyi has a mother in Yunyin's house.

"Samui, Mabui..."

Yumuren woke up at this time, opened his eyes and looked at the two of them.

Then she stood up abruptly, took another breath and touched the back of her neck.

"Where is Lord Raikage?" She asked.

Samui said, "Wreak havoc is going on in Konoha."

Yumu was stunned for a moment: "Didn't he escape from here?"

She came here to let Lei Ying go regardless of her own dangers and previous misunderstandings, so that he could return to Yunyin. Security is enough.

Samui said slowly: "Yukito, you don't know yet... The fifth generation of Raikage has succeeded, and the fourth generation should have been informed of this news by the Konoha ninja."

Yumu asked in a daze, "Who is the fifth generation?"

"It's Lord Kirabi."

Kirabi is not suitable to be Raikage, but Yunyin needs someone to preside over the overall situation at this time, or needs a banner to appease the people.

In this regard, Kirabi is very suitable.

Samuy also got the news from Zhen.

She whispered, "The fourth generation...may not be ready to leave."

He wants to die here.

She had expressed contempt and loathing for this Lei Ying before, but at this moment, there was still a lot of respect and sadness in her heart.

Sitting on the ground in a daze, the wooden man smiled bleakly after a long time.

"That's it..."

Was she the one who harmed Raikage? You can't say that, she was the one who freed Raikage.

But who will free himself...

The wooden man covered his face with his hands.



The door of the room was violently kicked open, and the sudden appearance of a figure at the door startled the mother and son who were curled up in the corner.

This person was still wearing the prisoner's clothes, and holding this kunai in his hand, when he saw the mother and son, his face instantly showed cruelty.

"Konoha...hehe...Konoha...all have to die! All have to die!"

He rushed towards the mother and son like crazy.

The child was so frightened that he lost his mind, and the mother screamed involuntarily. They were all terrified at the moment, and the mother could only try her best to protect her child behind her.


The room suddenly fell silent, and there was no Kunai who was waiting for the prisoner. They opened their eyes and found that the prisoner had fallen in a pool of blood.

"Are you all right?"

Suddenly there was a voice, they turned their heads and saw that it was a young man who thought he had a pineapple head pierced, and there was still a scar on his face.

Fortunately, he was wearing a Konoha forehead guard.

"Are you... Master Lu Jiu?" The woman asked in shock.

"It's not safe at home now, go to the shelter, there are ninja escorts from our village outside."

"Oh... good!" The woman nodded hurriedly.

Lu Jiu said to her again: "Don't worry, Minato will be able to hit the enemy soon."

Seeing this, the woman rejoiced and said, "Is Minato-sama fighting the enemy? It must be fine! Minato-sama will definitely win."

After seeing off the woman, Lu Jiu stood on the deserted street and breathed a sigh of relief. He had saved many people, and every time he saw one, he would mention Minato, saying that Minato would hit the enemy.

In fact, it is not difficult to deal with a prison riot of this level. All the ninjas in Konoha Village can quickly calm down the chaos.

But in the current situation, it is necessary for the villagers to feel some danger.

"Senior Lu Jiu, all the villagers on North Street have been escorted away."

A ninja on the roof yelled at him.

"Okay, I see. Thank you for your hard work." Lu Jiu responded to him. When he turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly found someone standing behind him.

Moreover, the appearance of this person made his heart beat half a beat slower.

"Ho... Hokage-sama." Lu Jiu widened his eyes, looking at Orochimaru in front of him.

"Lu Jiu." Orochimaru looked at him calmly.

"You are working hard."

"...For the sake of the village, this is the duty." Lu Jiu responded quickly, thinking that Orochimaru was talking about his help in evacuating the crowd.

At the same time, he was also wondering why Orochimaru appeared here, and Raikage's commotion was not small. Lujiu heard the sound of houses collapsing far away, why didn't Orochimaru go to Raikage's place...

"I didn't mean that." Orochimaru said.

"I mean, you've done so much for Minato."

Orochimaru's snake-like pupils are full of indifference, different from the deep and evil in the past, he rarely shows such eyes, this is the emotional barrenness after completely losing interest in something.

Lu Jiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a "boom" in his mind.

he knows...

"You guys have let me down completely." Orochimaru said slowly, "I gave you all so long, and this is the only way to end."

Lu Jiu didn't understand what Orochimaru was talking about, his heart was in chaos at the moment, and he didn't know what to do next.

How should he reply to Orochimaru's words, should he deny showing weakness and delay the time?

Why does Orochimaru come to look for him now? It's not because he intends to kill himself...

As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and an extremely sharp sword pierced his body.

Lujiu froze his body and turned his head to look back. It was another Orochimaru, but the difference was that he held a Kusanagi sword in his hand and pierced his chest, cutting open his heart.

"Fire... Hokage..."

His throat rolled, and only one word came out.

Orochimaru didn't say another word of nonsense, just pulled out the sword, and watched Lu Jiu fall to the ground indifferently.

Seeing that Lu Jiu seemed to be dying, Orochimaru muttered to himself, "Aren't you willing to come out?"

Lu Jiu felt that his consciousness became more and more blurred, and he thought of many things and people in a flash.

Among the two most obvious figures, one is Minato.

The other was a black-robed figure hidden in the darkness.

Am I dying... Minato...

Why... didn't you say that I am the one who assists the Chosen One...

Minato, when will you become Hokage...


When Lu Jiu was dying, he only uttered one name.

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