Rated Hokage

Chapter 154 Chapter 153

"Huomen, what's wrong?"

Kakashi looked at the people beside him, and Huomen was holding a glowing white jade necklace in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on a villager in front of him.

"Great, you have come to save me." The villager said with joy.

However, at the next moment, Huomen suddenly pulled out the short knife behind his back and raised the knife, and the villagers were instantly decapitated on the spot.

"Huomen you..." Kakashi on the side was beyond shocked.

After being beheaded, the villagers did not shed blood, and their bodies turned into a strange man with pale complexion.

"This is..." Kakashi's eyes widened. He remembered that he seemed to have seen this thing in Orochimaru's research institute.

I didn't expect it to change into the appearance of a villager.

Huomen took out another scroll, and sealed the body with seal seal.

"Let's go."

After doing all this, he said to Kakashi.

At the same time, the shelter under the shadow rock is already overcrowded, and the ninjas are here to maintain order.

Several Anbu suddenly appeared at the entrance of the refuge, and the person in charge here immediately stepped forward to greet them.

Anbu usually performs special tasks assigned by Hokage, and they will naturally try their best to cooperate.

"There are some prisoners who escaped from the prison mixed in with the villagers. We need to find them out."

After a brief communication with the person in charge, Anbu walked in, patrolled among the villagers, and quickly found a few villagers and took them out.

After these people were taken out of the refuge, they came to a deserted open space and were directly executed by these Anbu on the spot, without exception, all of them were white.

When these Anbu came back again and found a villager to take out, he met with strong resistance. He cried out for help, claiming that these Anbu were going to kill him.

Obviously it has already noticed the death of its companion, and knowing that it is not the opponent of these Anbu, it can only try to protect itself.

The surrounding villagers whispered, but no one stepped forward. After all, it was Anbu who did the work.

The villager was taken out forcibly, and then the person in charge of the refuge came to say that the people who were taken out just now were disguised by escaped prisoners. The people were in an uproar, and then praised Anbu and Hokage-sama.

These Anbu are all members of the Hyuga family, and they received a real order to go out in the village to find and kill all the Bai Ze who are hiding in the dark.

And the way to find Baijue is also given by Zhen.


"Three generations of Hokage are nothing more than that."

An extremely rampant sound resounded in the sky above Konoha, and a blue figure like lightning was speeding forward. His destructive power was extremely strong, and many houses would collapse wherever he passed.

He has no scruples in his shots, and every move and every style is a posture of fighting for his life.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was fighting with him, was tied up. After all, this place is in Konoha Village. He wanted to lure Raikage to another open space, but Raikage was not fooled. For a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen Zhan was actually beaten by Lei Ying.

There are also many ninjas around who want to come forward to help, but they basically can't get involved in this kind of kage-level battle. Raikage's speed is too fast, so fast that they can't see it, and it's too fast for their shuriken and ninjutsu. They can't catch up with them all, and they can't support them even in a face-to-face confrontation.

Three generations of Hokage had no choice but to let these ninjas not intervene, stay away from this battlefield, and fight against the enemy alone.

But Raikage's goal now is to injure Konoha as much as possible. This is not just as simple as destroying some houses. All Konoha ninjas within his sight have been attacked by him.

Although he has been locked in Konoha Dungeon for too long, his own strength has not weakened much. Sarutobi wanted to stop him, but found it difficult to catch up with his speed.

It seems that only Minato can catch such a treacherous and fleeing enemy.

But Minato now...

Yuan Fei shouted in a deep voice: "Lei Ying, have you forgotten that Yunyin still has a group of prisoners in our hands?"

They captured a group of cloud ninjas during the previous war, but they were not imprisoned in Konoha Prison, so they were not released during the prison riot.

Lei Ying was not moved at all when he heard the words: "Don't underestimate anyone in Yunyin Village, we don't have people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Captives are the enemy's chips, and death is the best destination.

The two chased each other on the roof, Raikage fought and left, and did not entangle each other for a long time. He knew that although he had the upper hand, it was not easy to kill a Hokage, and the other party was already famous. The long-standing Third Hokage.

All he wants to do now is to slaughter Konoha ninjas, the Konoha ninjas who slaughtered the most.

A group of ninjas tried to use the sealing technique to trap the fourth generation of Raikage, but obviously underestimated Raikage's speed, and Raikage rushed to him just after the seal was formed.


With a heavy punch, he was sent flying, crushing a house.

"Don't come near here! Don't come near!"

The Third Hokage shouted loudly.

But there are still ninjas evacuating the people below.

"Damn..." Yuan Fei cursed in a low voice, and could only go after him with all his strength.


Orochimaru's research institute.

The last time Minato came here, it was still a forbidden area guarded by Anbu.

No one is allowed to enter without Hokage's order.

When I came back again this time, there was no one outside the door, and the door was just opened so casually, and there was no trace of Anbu around, which seemed extremely abnormal.

Minato searched every corner of the village, but did not find any trace of Kushina.

Apart from this, this is the only place that Hai Yi's perception cannot explore.

Orochimaru may still be inside, after all, the only person who fought Raikage in the distance was Sandaime himself.

Minato didn't hesitate, and when he was about to go in to find out, a figure suddenly walked out of it.

He was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed in surprise, "Jiushina!"

Kushina didn't expect that she would see Minato at the door, so she was both surprised and happy.

"Minato! You're all right!"

The two ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly.

"It's great that you're fine, it's great that you're fine..." Kushina kept talking with red eyes, she really thought about the possibility that Minato might have been poisoned by Orochimaru .

"I'm fine, I'm here to save you." Minato reassured her.

He found that Jiu Xinnai looked a little embarrassed, with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.

But thinking that she was taken away by Orochimaru, and that she might have suffered some torture, Minato felt a pain in his heart and blamed himself even more.

"Kushina, how are you, did Orochimaru do anything to you?" Minato asked in a low voice.

He felt that Kushina's body in his arms froze instantly, and the two let go of each other, but Kushina's eyes began to dodge, and the whole person looked embarrassed.

"I...I'm fine..." Kushina said while holding her arm with one hand, lowering her head.

"Oshemaru didn't do anything to me either."

Minato noticed several red marks on her neck sharply.

"What happened to your neck?"

Kushina panicked when she heard the words, and quickly reached out to block it.

"Ah... no... nothing..."

Minato's heart sank with such a pretentious appearance, thinking that Kushina was threatened by Orochimaru.

"Kushina, tell me the truth, I will protect you!"

He wanted to reach out to take away the palm that Kushina was covering, but found that Kushina's arm was shaking.

Her voice was also trembling, with tears in her eyes: "Minato, don't...don't look..."

Minato's arm stopped in mid-air for an instant, then retracted, silently clenched his fist.

"I'm sorry Kushina, blame me for not protecting you well."

Kushina shook her head silently, and she suddenly grabbed Minato's hand again.

"Minato, let's go, Orochimaru wants to kill you, let's leave here, leave Konoha! Go to a place where no one can find us!"

When Minato heard the words, he held her hand behind his back and said, "Kushina, you don't have to be afraid, I will never let you suffer any more harm."

There was a trace of despair in Kushina's eyes, she begged with tears: "Minato, please take me away, I don't want to stay here anymore.

"..." Minato fell silent, and he silently hugged Kushina into his arms again.

"Sorry...we can't go."

He still carries the expectations of many people on his shoulders, and this responsibility is too heavy for him to let go of it.

Minato comforted Kushina who was crying in his arms, but when he turned his head, he could clearly see the red marks on Kushina's neck.

This doesn't look like a scar from torture, and Minato has never heard of such a punishment.

For no reason, he remembered that when he was a child, he went out to perform missions with Teacher Jiraiya. Teacher Jiraiya went to Fengsu Street to find out information, and when he came back, there were these red marks on his neck one after another.

Later, as he grew older, Minato also learned that the thing was called a hickey, which was left after deliberately sucking the skin.

His mind went blank with a "boom".

Why did Kushina resist him just now to watch...

Could it be that Jiu Xinnai was...

Impossible, impossible, Orochimaru should not be such a person!

Minato felt that his brain was a little unable to turn, and an unprecedented anger accumulated in his heart.

"Jiu..." He wanted to ask Jiu Xinna what was going on, but swallowed the words back.

He was afraid that after he opened his mouth, he would stimulate Jiu Xinna even more.

Minato could only hug Kushina tightly silently.

He asked calmly, "Kushina, is Orochimaru in there now?"

"Not here."

"Then how did you escape?"

"I... I took advantage of Orochimaru's absence and tried to escape by myself."

Minato didn't make a sound, he felt that Kushina's body seemed to be sealed, and it hadn't been released yet.

With a gloomy gaze, he walked through the gate and stared at the direction inside the research institute.


"Minato, let's leave now."

Minato took a deep breath, let go of Kushina, and smiled at her again.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a safe place first."

The group number is in the introduction, if you are interested, join the group to play

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