Rated Hokage

155 Chapter 154, Fear Pleasure Hate

Orochimaru created a potentially powerful body for his future use.

Theoretically, he has reached the threshold of eternal life, and he only needs to keep changing his body to live forever.

This is something that is extremely taboo to Zhen. Immortality is too far away for him, but if Orochimaru is allowed to continue his life, then Orochimaru will always be a big mountain on his head .

He came to Orochimaru's research institute this time in order to find that body and destroy it.

But when he entered the room, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

All mechanical instruments are operating normally, and all indicators are also very normal.

Only the figure inside the round glass container was no longer the boy he had seen last time.

But red beans!

But the chakra transmitted from Hongdou's body is exactly the same as the boy's body before!

It took me a while to realize that Orochimaru actually gave Hongdou the body he created!

Why... what about Orochimaru himself?

He quickly found the switch button on these instruments and equipment, and pressed it.


The sound of Orochimaru suddenly sounded in the room, coming from all directions, followed by a burst of incomprehensible laughter, which made people's hearts tremble.

After investigating the entire research institute, I found that the sound should have been recorded in advance.

Orochimaru knew he would come...

"Really, are you here to break my back?"

The voice came from the surroundings, low and hoarse, as if a thin thread passed through the paper, making people very uncomfortable.

Zhen stood in this quiet room, motionless and silent.

Orochimaru knew that he would attack him.

The reason why he didn't attack Minato was because he wanted to see the attitudes of the third generation and Jiraiya.

What is the reason for not attacking yourself...

"Really, you seem to have calculated everything. Do you want to take this opportunity to get rid of all threats including me?"

Orochimaru's voice continued.

"I'm not angry because you're afraid of me."


"You are terrified of me, and I am delighted."

"This is the reason why I have not killed you, and I will let you live in this fear all the time."

The sound gradually died away, and the room returned to silence.

Orochimaru sent a message to him in this way, which meant saying goodbye.


The glass container suddenly reacted, the nutrient solution inside was being discharged rapidly, and the needle inserted into the red beans fell off by itself. Finally, the round container slowly opened, and the red beans inside also fell out.

Zhen took her into his arms first, and after a quick look, he found that the red bean was a normal female sign, and Orochimaru had changed the gender of that body.

The red bean in his arms woke up leisurely, looking at Zhen with blurred eyes.

"Master Orochimaru..."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again and passed out.

Holding red beans in his arms, he took off his coat and put it on her naked, and led her out of the research institute.


The sky suddenly began to rain.

Lingli sat quietly on the chair in the corridor, stroking her raised belly with one hand, watching the fish in the garden pond jumping out of the water joyfully.

"It's windy, be careful of catching a cold."

Ayano took out a thick coat and put it on Ayari.

"It's okay, it's not cold." Lingli said.

"Although it's raining, it's getting warmer."

The village is in chaos now, but the Hyuga clan doesn't need to go to the shelter. The whole clan is guarded by a day messenger, so it is extremely safe.

"I don't know, what is Zhen doing now." Ling Li said softly.

"What Master Zhen is doing must be to protect the village." Ayano said.

Ayari just looked down at her stomach.

The breath of spring is getting stronger and stronger. After this rain, the cherry tree in the yard should also bloom.

What a blessing to have a child born in such a beautiful season...

And at this moment on Konoha Street.

Kaiichi Yamanaka and Dingza Akimichi looked at Lu Jiu's body on the ground in silence.

They are all Lu Jiu's closest companions, seeing Lu Jiu die here, their hearts are filled with sadness.

"Lu Jiu, is this what you want..." Hai Yi muttered to himself, he had tried to persuade Lu Jiu more than once, but Lu Jiu acted as if he was possessed by a demon.

The rain continued unabated, washing away the blood that flowed from Lu Jiu's body.

"Minato, where are you?"

In the distance came the sound of three Hokage and Raikage fighting again.

Ding Zuo roared violently, and his figure swelled up rapidly, turning into a giant taller than a house. Holding a giant iron rod in his hand, he locked his eyes on the third generation of Raikage in the distance, and rushed towards him frantically .

The ground trembled as he ran, but the angry Ding Zuo failed to vent his anger as he wished, and such a huge him became Raikage's target.

"Ding Zuo! Get out of here!" Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted anxiously.

Lei Ying's speed was even faster, and he arrived in an instant, and his fist wrapped in a thousand weights slammed heavily on his chest.


The giant's body fell down in an instant, Raikage was overwhelmed, and the blue light on his body flourished, turning into a bolt of lightning and charging towards Ding Zuo, as if to smash it completely.

"Yi Lei Shen Fu Thunder Axe!"


This blow was actually blocked when it rushed in front of Ding Zuo.

Raikage thought it was the Third Hokage, but when he saw the person in front of him, he couldn't help but look surprised.

This person received his powerful kick with one hand, and it was the first time that Lei Ying saw someone who could take his own attack with one hand.

"Do you really think Konoha is a soft persimmon?"

The blond woman spoke in a low voice, her eyes were icy cold.

Lei Ying flew back and retreated, and suddenly felt a gust of air coming from behind.

"Screw pill!"

Unable to dodge the sneak attack, Lei Ying quickly turned around and shielded his body with his arms.


The huge tearing force directly knocked him off the roof.

"Tsunade, Jiraiya!"

Sarutobi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming.

"It's getting more and more useless, and you actually let others run wild in your own village." Tsunade snorted coldly, and said unceremoniously to Sarutobi.

"Why was Raikage released? I remember he was sealed by Minato." Jiraiya asked.

The two of them were not in the village just now, but were on Adofo Street ten kilometers away. After getting the news, they rushed back to the village.

Sarutobi couldn't give any explanation, just said: "The reason is still unclear."

"Where's Orochimaru?" Tsunade asked.


"Where's the water gate?"


Tsunade became even more angry: "Now that the village is in crisis, where did these two people go?!"

Zilai also said beside him: "They should have other things to do."

Tsunade glanced at the silent Sarutobi Hiruzen, and laughed out of anger: "Master Hokage, is this how you protect Konoha? You forgot the oath you made on the day of succession?!"

In the distance, Lei Ying came out of the ruins, his hair stood on end, his body was covered with explosive muscles, and thunder and lightning wrapped around his side.

"It turned out to be Sannin. It's really an honor to be able to fight against Sandai Hokage and two of Sannin at the same time today."

Tsunade's pretty face was full of evil, and she stared at Raikage with frowned eyebrows. She really wanted to kill this guy herself, but she is not suitable for fighting now. The Raikage strike that she took hard to protect Ding Zuo just now was also dangerous Of.

Once blood is seen, it will inevitably become a burden.

"Ji Lai Ye." She said out loud.

"kill him!"

Jiraiya responded in a deep voice: "I don't need you to tell me."

The battle entered a new stage, Tsunade withdrew from the battlefield, and Jiraiya and Sandaime confronted Raikage.

Tsunade checked Ding Zuo's body. His body had returned to normal size, and he found that the internal organs were severely damaged, and several ribs were broken. Fortunately, his life was not in danger.

But if she hadn't blocked Lei Ying's blow, she might have died.

Haiyi hurried over.

"Master Tsunade, how is Ding Zuo?"

"I can't die." Tsunade said a little irritatedly, and at the same time he performed the Palm Immortal Technique to heal Ding Zuo.

"Take him to the hospital later."

"I understand." Hai Yi said with a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong?" Tsunade asked when he saw Haiyi's mood was wrong.

"... Lu Jiu is dead."

Tsunade slowly stopped the treatment, stood up and said, "Send him to the hospital."

"I'm going right now."

"Wait a moment."

She added: "Tell me where Orochimaru and Minato are."


At this moment, Minato just sent Kushina back home, and lifted the seal for Kushina.

"Minato, where are you going?" Seeing that he was leaving, Kushina hurriedly asked.

"The village is still in danger, just when I was needed." Minato said.

Kushina held his arm tightly and refused to let go, no matter it was the village or what, she didn't care about anything now, she just wanted to stay by Minato's side.

"Minato, don't leave me," she begged.

Minato looked at her with a gentle smile: "Don't worry, I'm just leaving for a while to help the village quell the rebellion, and I'll be back soon."


Minato patted her hand to signal her to let go, but Kushina still begged.


Minato sighed softly: "As Konoha's ninja, I can't stand by and watch."

After that, he forcefully removed Kushina's fingers.

He made a solemn promise to Jiu Xinnai: "We will get married after today... wait for me to come back!"

After all, Minato left the room without looking back. In order to protect Kushina's safety, he also performed several sealing techniques here.

After doing all this, he took a deep breath.

Everything should be over.


"Do you hate?"

A voice suddenly sounded in his ear, and it seemed to be speaking from his heart.

"You hate it!"

Minato sensed that something was wrong, and suddenly let out a deep drink.


His shadow on the ground suddenly squirmed, and a figure in a black robe rose from it. Under the black robe, it was pitch black and no one could see it.

"who are you?"

"I am you." The black-robed figure said in a low voice.

"I'm your other side."

Minato sneered: "Pretending to be a ghost!"

He shot quickly, and the spiral pill in his hand condensed in an instant, and hit the black-robed figure.

This lightning strike missed, and the black-robed figure escaped into his shadow and disappeared.

"The position of Hokage is taken away, and the woman you love is taken away, don't you hate it?"

The voice kept ringing around, impacting Minato's mind.

Doesn't he hate... doesn't he hate...

Minato clenched his fists and said nothing. He jumped onto the roof and looked at the battlefield in the distance.

Raikage, the Third Hokage, and Jiraiya are also fighting fiercely.

He suddenly looked down again, only to see a slender figure standing on the empty street.

The other's eyes were also looking at him, and they seemed to be looking for each other.


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