Rated Hokage

Chapter 156: Chapter 156

Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato, the two can be said to be very similar in some respects.

None of them came from prominent families, they were all talented ninjas who became famous at a young age, and they were all direct descendants of the former Hokage.

Whenever there are talented junior ninjas in the village, it is inevitable to compare with them, and anyone is dwarfed by the two of them.

Now the two are on opposite sides.

What happened to Kushina wiped out the last trace of hesitation in Minato's heart.

If you want to do it, you will never die.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and it has begun to affect people's sight. The dense rain curtain makes places a little further away seem blurred.

"Oshemaru." Minato's voice was low, suppressing unprecedented anger.

Orochimaru laughed lightly: "Minato, is this the attitude you should have when facing Hokage?"

Minato said expressionlessly: "In my heart, you are no longer Hokage."

Orochimaru's cold and hard face showed a sarcasm: "Really, do you think you have a chance to win?"

"Just relying on Lu Jiu's plan for you? I've already sent him to hell first."

Minato was briefly absent-minded, and his face changed suddenly: "What did you do to Lu Jiu?!"

Orochimaru smiled lightly: "Nara Shikahisa intends to rebel, what do you think I can do to him?"

"Don't worry, I'll let you see him soon."


There was only the sound of torrential rain in the surroundings, but it was even more depressing and dead silent.

The figure of Minato suddenly disappeared in place, shuttled through the heavy rain, and appeared behind Orochimaru in an instant.

The rich chakra gathered and rotated in his palm, condensing into a high-density chakra sphere.

Minato didn't hesitate or stay behind, and Kaizhiwan directly hit the back of Orochimaru's head.

Ordinary people couldn't react to this swift blow, Dashemaru stood motionless on the spot, allowing the blow to hit him hard.


Orochimaru flew upside down.

The Helix Pill was powerful, and the part it hit was the human head. From a distance, the Orochi Pill that fell to the ground was already too horrible to look at, and it was impossible to survive.

One hit worked, giving the Watergate an unreal feel.

Is it a stand-in...

He stared fixedly at Dashewan's body, but he didn't disappear for a long time, and the brains and blood looked extraordinarily glaring and real.

"It's so fast."

Finally, Orochimaru's voice suddenly sounded from the direction behind him.

This made Minato turn around quickly, and saw Orochimaru standing not far away unharmed.

Minato jumped into the air, and immediately threw more than a dozen kunai, which landed in every corner of the area.

These Kunai have strange shapes, with strange lines and characters on them.

The next thing he will perform is the ninjutsu for which he is famous, Flying Thunder God.

Orochimaru couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"Minato, don't you think it's stupid to perform your signature ninjutsu in front of someone who knows your abilities thoroughly?"

After the words fell, I saw Orochimaru's hands forming seals, and the area around him became muddy in an instant, sinking those kunai into the mud, and the rest of the kunai on the wall were also ejected from nowhere The boa constrictor swallowed it.

This didn't seem to be an ordinary Huangquanma and python, and Minato instantly felt that the mark of Flying Thunder God was cut off.

Orochimaru spoke slowly at this time: "Flying Raijin, the S-level time-space ninjutsu created by the Second Hokage, it takes a very high talent to learn this kind of jutsu, but it didn't take me too much time to study it. You should be very good at things like sealing, Minato."

Just like the mark of the flying thunder god on Kushina's body was cut off before, Orochimaru also used the sealing technique this time, and it seems that he came prepared.

Minato's expression remained the same, but once again he took out a kunai from the ninja tool bag on his back waist.

Orochimaru suddenly sighed: "Minato, you haven't improved."

Minato frowned slightly upon hearing this.

"Since you yearn for Hokage so much, come and compete with Hokage."

Orochimaru suddenly changed the gesture of his hands, and two coffins suddenly rose from the ground in front of him.

One is printed with the word "beginning" and the other is the word "two".


Standing there, the lid of the coffin was opened, and two figures came out from it.

After seeing these two people, Minato finally couldn't help showing a look of shock.

This is a person who can only be seen in textbooks, recorded in the history of Konoha, the Konoha Shadow Rock and their statues in the previous two days.

"This is... where?" The white-haired man with a cold face looked at the surrounding environment and said with a frown.

"Feijian, we have come to this world again." The black-haired man on the other side said in amazement.

Both of them were wearing Konoha forehead protectors, but their attire was extremely retro layered armor, which was unique to the Warring States Period and had been eliminated after so many years.

"Did you use the dirt reincarnation to call us back to this world?" Tobima looked at Orochimaru and asked.

Orochimaru has spells that can control their actions, but doesn't intend to use them.

"I am Konoha's Fourth Hokage Orochimaru." Orochimaru said slowly.

"Recalling the two of you back to reality, I hope you can help me kill this cholera Konoha rebellion."

Minato never expected to meet Konoha's late Hokage, who are legendary characters, especially the first Hokage, who is called the God of Ninja.

He grew up listening to their stories, and he always yearned for them in his heart.

Is it an illusion, or some other trick...

The resurrection of the dead sounds too unimaginable, and he doesn't know the existence of reincarnation. This is Konoha's taboo secret that only Hokage knows.

Hearing the words, it was like looking at Minato, feeling that the Chakra in his body was not that strong, and then frowned and said: "Is Konoha's Hokage already so incompetent that he needs the help of the dead?"

Hearing the words, Zhu Jian smiled all over his face: "You are the fourth generation, has the village extended to the fourth generation?"

He looked around and saw the statue on the shadow rock from a distance, his smile froze instantly.

Where is his stone statue?

There doesn't seem to be any of them either. One of the other two belongs to this young man, and the other seems to belong to a monkey.

Orochimaru smiled lowly: "Don't say that, Nidaime, didn't you invent this technique for future generations to use? This person in front of you also knows your unique skill, the technique of Flying Raijin."

Flying Thor?

Tomona also sensed the very familiar Chakra of Sarutobi Hiruzen not far away, and was fighting fiercely with another powerful Chakra.

Looks like Konoha is in trouble.

He said coldly: "Since it is rebellion, let's kill it first."

Orochimaru reminded from the side: "Don't underestimate the enemy, Nidaimu, you are not in your prime now."

Tobima just glanced at him lightly: "You should call me Master Nidaime."

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