Rated Hokage

Chapter 157: Chapter 156

In the rain curtain, two black shadows looked like ghosts and ghosts, and their momentum was like wind and thunder.

The body shapes are staggered, and the speed of falling is faster than the rainwater. Every collision will splash countless water splashes, and Chakra will separate the surrounding area into a vacuum of rainwater.

Qianshou Feijian couldn't help being surprised, he found that the speed of the young man in front of him was not inferior to his own.

How could such a young man become rebellious in the village?

"May I have your name?"

Backing off with a blow, Tomona couldn't help asking Minato.

"Namikaze Minato."

"The move you just did with the chakra ball was created after the Tailed Beast Jade, right?"


Minato has also confirmed that the white-haired man in front of him is indeed the Second Hokage.

Apart from him, there is no other person in this world who can use the Flying Thunder God Technique, and can use it more skillfully than himself.

"Master Nidaimu, I am not rebellious." He couldn't help but defend himself.

Hearing the words, Fei Jian's expression remained unchanged, and he looked in the direction of the eye shadow rock.

"Being an enemy of Hokage is not rebellion!"

After saying that, he suddenly made seals with both hands, and the surrounding dense rain suddenly stopped in the air, quickly gathering into a turbulent stream of water, condensing into the shape of a huge water dragon more than ten meters long, rolling down towards the water gate!

The water dragon was coming fast, and in the heavy rain, it was impossible to confront it head-on, so Shuimen had to flee in all directions.

Orochimaru, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, glanced at Hashirama beside him, and said, "Aren't you going to make a move?"

Hashirama said, "One person is enough for Feima."

Orochimaru asked: "Aren't you afraid that he is not an opponent?"

But Hashirama laughed loudly: "If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. This is a battle that doesn't belong to us. Fourth generation, it's you, not us, who should protect the village now."

His answer was very free and easy, and he seemed to be indifferent to everything in this world.

Orochimaru was a little confused about his brain circuit.

He asked, "Does it not matter even if the enemy harms Konoha?"

Hashirama chuckled softly, "No, this young man wouldn't do that."

Orochimaru slowly narrowed his eyes: "Why do you think so?"

Hashirama said slowly: "I knew at the first glance that he didn't have that kind of thing in his eyes, and his chakra is very bright and warm."

After that, he took another deep look at Orochimaru: "On the contrary, you, the fourth generation, your chakra makes me feel very uncomfortable."


Orochimaru calmly looked towards the direction where Tomona and Minato were fighting, and said slowly: "So that's the case, it seems that I miscalculated."

The sacrifice for the reincarnation of the dirty soil is Baijue, which has already been completed to a very high degree.

But Orochimaru faintly discovered that this first-generation Hokage seemed beyond his control. At first he felt that his identity as Hokage would allow the two of them to help him unconditionally.

As expected of the God of Ninja...


Huge waves surged, galloping on the ground streets and flooding countless houses.

Minato stood on the undulating water surface, facing the water dragon that kept chasing him, dodging around.

But Feijian in this water area is even faster, while controlling the water dragon with ease, he suddenly flashes behind the water gate, with one hand forming a knife, entangled by the rushing water, fiercely Cut towards the back of Minato's neck.


However, this blow, which was almost invisible to the naked eye, still missed, and the water blade only hit an afterimage.

A falling kunai appeared in sight, as if it had been left behind. Compared with their speed, the falling of this kunai was really too slow.

As the founder of Flying Thunder God, Tobima is too familiar with this trick.

He changed his posture with one hand, and the water under his feet suddenly spun rapidly, and a circular wall of water rose into the sky, enveloping him in it.

The water gate, which was approaching with a spiral pill in hand, was immediately blocked by this water wall.

The spiral pill hit the water wall, and the hydration splashed everywhere, but it couldn't break it.

The pressure between the doors inside the water wall changed again, the surrounding water surged wildly, and two high walls of more than ten meters were erected, closing towards their position.

This ninjutsu, which does not leave any room for escape, was still used by Minato to escape safely.

Feijian couldn't help frowning secretly, thinking that the Flying Thunder God he created would be really troublesome to deal with.

After retreating to a safe position, Minato couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The Flying Thunder God that I am good at relying on is very difficult to play a role at the moment. It is basically impossible to succeed in a surprise attack. I am too familiar with the method and timing of using the Flying Thunder God.

Just a second-generation Hokage is so powerful, and if this continues, it seems that it is only a matter of time before he will lose.

No matter how confident he was, he knew that it was impossible to face the three Hokages at the same time.

Thoughts were spinning in Minato's mind, thinking of a way to break the situation.

The two dead people, the first generation and the second generation, were summoned by Orochimaru somehow, but they all had their own independent consciousness, otherwise the first generation would not have been watching from the sidelines.

"Boy, who is your teacher, who taught you to fly Thunder God?" Tobuma asked Minato at this time.

"My master is Jiraiya, a disciple of Lord III." Minato replied.

The second generation looked surprised when he heard the words. If this is the case, this person still has a relationship with him as a teacher.

He couldn't help but glanced at Orochimaru not far away again, his eyes flickering unceasingly.

The water waves gradually subsided, and Feima stood on the surface of the water and asked, "You said you are not a rebel? Why do you want to be an enemy of Hokage?"

Minato asked rhetorically, "Master Nidaime, what Hokage did must be right?"

At this time, Zhujian also asked Orochimaru: "Fourth generation, can you tell me what happened in the village now? Who is fighting the monkey... the third generation?"

Orochimaru said: "It's the Fourth Raikage, who was originally a prisoner of our village. He was kept in the prison and guarded strictly. He suddenly escaped from the prison and released all the prisoners in the prison to start a riot. "

"Rain Shadow..." Hashirama murmured to himself.

Suddenly, his face moved slightly, and he came to the side of Orochimaru in an instant, and stretched out his hand to block an attack from behind.

Orochimaru's expression remained unchanged, he just glanced sideways at the person coming from behind, his cold eyes were shining with luster.

Tsunade didn't expect that someone could take her blow hard, and the familiar face in front of her made her dazed for a while, thinking she was dazzled.

"Grandpa..." she subconsciously said.

Zhu Jian couldn't help being startled, looking at the mature and beautiful woman in front of him.

"You are...Xiao Gang?"

Xiaogang is already this old, and it is estimated that thirty years have passed since my death.

Hashirama quickly determined the approximate time in his mind.

Thirty years...

Tsunade frowned at Orochimaru, and asked, "Oshemaru, what the hell are you doing?!"

At this time, Tomagama and Minato not far away also noticed this side.

Seeing Tsunade coming here, Minato suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fujian, this is Xiaogang!" Hashirama immediately waved to Feima with great joy.

Tsunade looked at the white-haired man in the distance in amazement. How could she forget the appearance of these two people? Not long ago, he smashed their rock statues.

The original tense atmosphere instantly eased a lot, and the main reason was because of this first-generation Hokage.

After Tomona learned that Minato is a direct descendant of Sarutobi, he had no intention of killing in his heart, and came here instantly after hearing the sound.

"Tsunade...has he grown this big already?"

Looking at Tsunade, he also had a little relief in his eyes.

"Second...Second Grandpa." Tsunade muttered to himself, his brain was not enough.

"Don't be surprised, we are all still dead, but we were recalled to reality by the fourth generation with a special forbidden technique." Tomona saw Tsunade's doubts and explained.

"I created the technique." He added at the end.

Tsunade digested the sudden information, and then thought of more important things, he reached out and grabbed the collar of Orochimaru in front of him.

"Oshemaru, do you know what kind of danger the village is facing right now?!"

Orochimaru grinned, with a mocking expression on his face: "Of course I know, I'm not killing the village right now."

It seems that the fourth generation and Tsunade are the same age...

In addition to Jiraiya who was at the gate of Bo Fengshui just now, aren't they all disciples of monkeys?

Looking at the scene in front of them, Hashirama and Toikama thought to themselves.

Tsunade looked gloomy: "What did you say?!"

Orochimaru said: "Multiple seals have been applied to the Fourth Raikage, and only Namikaze Minato can untie it. Now that the Fourth Raikage has escaped from prison, who else could it be if he didn't do it?"

Tsunade was speechless for a moment, the Minato in her impression would never do such a thing, but now she found that many people in her inherent impression were not what she thought.

Orochimaru is like this, and so is Sandaime, but what about Minato?

Tsunade looked at Minato: "Minato, is that so..."

Minato naturally denied it: "No, I don't know why Raikage escaped. I was with the third...and Shikaku at the time."

Looking at all this calmly, Tobima has already understood that this turmoil is nothing more than a struggle for power.

Because this kind of thing involved him and his eldest brother, Feijian felt a faint anger in his heart.

At this time, Zhu Jian suddenly burst out laughing, his hearty laughter caused everyone to be puzzled for a while.

He said: "It seems that the juniors have lost their way."

The rain is gradually lightening up, and there is a trend of clearing up.

Tsunade slowly loosened Orochimaru's collar.

At this time, Tobima suddenly looked into the distance, and said lightly: "The battle over there is over."

He was referring to the Third Hokage.

Hashirama looked at everyone present with a smile on his face.

"In that case, let Tobima and I be the notaries."

"Whoever is guilty is innocent."

"For the sake of the village, I hope you can cooperate well."

After all, he asked Xia Dashewan for his opinion again.

"Is it okay, fourth generation?"

Hashirama had already included him among the people being judged, yet he still came to ask his opinion, his words were really contradictory.

On Dashemaru's face, there was an inexplicable smile: "Of course, but..."

He paused for a moment: "Since it's a trial meeting, the more witnesses the better, it wouldn't be boring if there were only a few of us."

Frowning secretly, he felt something was wrong.

Since the fourth generation wanted to kill Minato just now, why didn't he do it from the beginning to the end.

Could it be that he had guessed that this would happen, and deliberately let things evolve to this point...

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