Rated Hokage

Chapter 159 Chapter 158

The fourth generation of Raikage is dead, and the remaining remnants of the rebellion have completely disappeared.

Konoha's ninjas shuttled through the streets and alleys, doing the aftermath work.

After the perception ninjas opened the perception barrier and searched the entire village over and over again, the villagers came out of the shelter under the shadow rock.

All the rebels who killed were killed, and those who were captured alive were captured alive.

"Under Hokage's order, we will take over these rebellions."

Several ninjas dressed in Anbu came to the place where the prisoners of war were being held, and the leader took out a token representing Hokage and said to the ninja who was holding the prisoners of war.

This person had no objection when he saw this, and left very simply after the handover.

Apart from these rebels, there are only this group of Anbu left.

"Let's do it." The leader said in a cold voice, drawing out the short knife behind his back.

In those rebellious and terrified eyes, all Anbu drew their knives.

"Why, we have all surrendered..."

"No...don't kill me!"


In Konoha Prison at the same time, the same plot is being played out.

Not all prisoners participated in the riots, and some prisoners had the foresight to stay in the prison without going anywhere even though the cell door was opened.

The two Anbu rushed here before Konoha Ninja took over again.

Looking at the dim prison entrance ahead, the two held short knives, their voices indifferent.

"Eliminate all traces, leaving none behind."



Hokage Building, meeting room.

The atmosphere was unusually quiet, and everyone in the room had different expressions.

A prison riot, who is instigating behind the scenes?

Minato couldn't help but glanced at Orochimaru who was in the upper position, and he thought of what Shikajiu had said to him.

Behind this chaos, someone was helping him.

"Minato." Tobima suddenly called out his name.

"Did you impose the seal on Raikage?"

"That's right," Minato admitted.

Tomona asked Minato, "Can anyone other than you break the seal?"

Minato pondered for a while and said: "If the sealing technique is high enough, it can be untied."

This kind of statement is extremely conservative. All his sealing techniques come from the country of Uzumaki, learned through Kushina, and his level is absolutely second to none in the village.

"When the turmoil happened, Minato was with me." Sarutobi said at this time, "At that time there was Nara Shikahisa, chatting at my house."

Tokima asked, "Where's Shikaku Nara?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the people present suddenly became heavy, and Minato silently clenched his fists.

"Nara Shikahisa is dead." Tsunade said calmly.

"Did he die at the hands of the rebel ninja?" Tomama asked.

Orochimaru suddenly said at this time: "No, I killed it."

Everyone was shocked.

Tokaima looked at Orochimaru: "Why?"

Orochimaru said calmly: "I suspect that he planned this riot, so I killed him."

Feijian frowned and said, "You doubt, are you just doubting?"

Orochimaru asked indifferently: "Why, don't I have this power?"

Sarutobi couldn't hold back his anger, and rushed to the case: "Lu Jiu is a hero of the village. He has helped Konoha through difficulties several times. He is a companion who has lived and died with us on the battlefield. You are just a doubt." How dare you kill him so easily?!"

Everyone at the table, except Zhenhe Fuyue, was filled with grief and indignation.

"Third generations." Tomona said lightly, signaling for him to be quiet first, his eyes swept over all the people present, watching the changes in their expressions.

Orochimaru was very calm when faced with the questioning: "Mr. Sarutobi, have you and I lived and died together?"

Sarutobi's eyes were gloomy, staring at Orochimaru.

"What do you mean!"

He didn't want to face his former disciple directly, so he avoided it again and again when faced with the requests of Shikajiu and Minato.

But Dashewan's actions kept breaking through his bottom line, and the relationship between them had reached the point where they were almost tearing apart.

Orochimaru said lightly: "It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that it was too cheap to kill Nara Shikahisa just like that."


The wind outside suddenly blew in, bringing a coolness to the gloomy room.

Outside the window of the conference room, the rainwater was still sliding down the eaves, pattering on the window sill.

Hashirama couldn't help frowning slightly, looking at the indifferent fourth generation.


Minato couldn't hold back anymore, he got up from his seat and rushed towards Orochimaru.

However, when he was only halfway there, he suddenly felt a terrifying coercion sweeping over him.


This coercion was just a pure chakra impact, but it made his whole body stiff and unable to move. Not only him, but everyone present tensed up at this moment.

Yamanaka Haiyi was almost blown away, but fortunately, Jiraiya who was on the side quickly grabbed his collar.

The meeting room was shaking and dust was falling from the ceiling.

"It's still during the meeting, I hope you can calm down for a while." Hashirama looked at Minato and said slowly.

"As I said, all grievances and grievances will be settled here."

The coercion receded, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now I really noticed that the chakra field in this area was directly disturbed, which is something only tailed beasts can do.

This man is far stronger than a tailed beast, and Nine Tails is like a kitten in front of him.

However, this was something he had expected a long time ago. Senshou Zhujian was not on the same level as them at all, and this meeting was able to go on because of him.

Minato's back was sweating coldly, it was the first time he had met someone whose strength was so different from his own.

This is Konoha's first Hokage, the God of Ninja World who calmed down the troubled times...

Compared with him, these juniors are like young children.

Everyone was a little shocked, Zhu Jian laughed heartily again at this time, and said after laughing: "Since everyone is sitting together, please continue the meeting in a stable manner. If it is always like this, it will also delay everyone. Time will bother me."

When he said this, no one dared to object, and Minato silently returned to his seat.

Hashirama said to Orochimaru again: "Fourth generation, I also hope you can pay attention to your words. After all, the third generation is your teacher."


Orochimaru looked sideways at Sarutobi but showed a hint of sarcasm, turned his head and met Zhen's gaze on him again.

Zhen Zhen's eyes are not as angry and contemptuous as others, but very calm.

This also made Orochimaru's heart calm down instantly.

Why do I want to provoke them so urgently? Those who should be my enemies will never change. Why am I so anxious...

"Then continue." Hashirama glanced at everyone.

"Is the person on duty at the prison still there today?" Tobuma asked.

There was a riot in Konoha Prison, and the ninja on duty was probably murdered.

Ji Lai also thought: "Not all prisoners will participate in this riot, and there may be witnesses."

Tsunade got up and walked out of the conference room, and asked Anbu, who was standing guard outside the door, to investigate the situation, and brought the ninja or prisoner who was on duty at the prison today.

"It's a waste of effort." Orochimaru said.

"How could the person who planned all this leave a tail for himself in this kind of place."

Zhen's eyes moved slightly, what Orochimaru said was right.

Judging from the current time, his subordinates should have taken care of everything.

Not to mention, the person who was summoned by Tsunade was also his own, and the entire Anbu was under his control.

Everyone was thoughtful when they heard the words. If the clues are broken here, as Orochimaru said, how to investigate next.


At this time, Haiyi's voice suddenly sounded in Minato's mind.

This is the telepathy of the mountain clan, and Minato is no stranger to it, so he immediately responded in his heart: "Haiyi?"

Haiyi said in his mind: "We still hold the tainted evidence of Orochimaru in our hands, and I will reveal it when the time is right."

Minato silently glanced at Sandai Hokage and Jiraiya after hearing the words.

"……I see."

At this time, Hashirama suddenly took a look at Haiyi, and Haiyi immediately turned off the telepathy in shock.

Zhen also felt the slight chakra vibration, so it was not surprising to see that it was coming from Haiyi.

Orochimaru said the words, but Tobima still has to wait for the exact news to come back from Anbu.

If the truth cannot be found out about something, then someone must be blocking it.

And the person who blocked them was among these people present!

Tomona looked back and forth between the third generation, the fourth generation, and Minato.

Who are the vested interests?

Orochimaru said at this time: "Just let the witness come over."


Everyone was taken aback, especially the third generation and Minato who were clearly on the opposite side of Orochimaru.

What witness, what is he going to prove!

Orochimaru's eyes were deep and mysterious, and he immediately called Anbu in.

"Go and summon, Hatake Kakashi."

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