Rated Hokage

Chapter 160 Chapter 159

Kakashi stood in front of the meeting room door with extreme anxiety.

He was told who he was going to meet before he came, and he also knew why he was called to come.

If he is allowed to lie in front of previous Hokages, it will undoubtedly be trampling on his long-standing beliefs.

But the words that Orochimaru threatened him that day are still in my ears.

The door was slowly opened, and it was Tsunade who greeted him inside the door. Kakashi saw the four people sitting at the top, and his spirit tensed up instantly.

He stepped into the quiet room, and everyone's eyes were on the young man.

"Is it Hatake Kakashi?"

"I have seen you, Hokage-sama."

Kakashi bowed his head and bowed to the four people.

Just before Kakashi arrived, Anbu, who was sent to investigate the prison situation, returned, and found nothing as Orochimaru said.

None of the ninjas on duty was spared, except that all the prisoners in the prison also disappeared. The latter situation was obviously handled by someone.

After examining Tomona, he asked Orochimaru again: "Fourth generation, what can this witness prove?"

Orochimaru's gaze went back and forth directly between the third generation and Minato: "Sarutobi-sensei, Minato, Nara Kaku has approached you more than once, what are you discussing?"


Faced with Orochimaru's questioning, Sandaime and Minato fell silent at the same time.

Minato is not good at lying, his status has hardly deliberately deceived others.

And the third Hokage, after the silence, chose to deny it.

"Lu Jiu often comes to visit me, what do you mean by discussing things?"

Orochimaru smiled and continued: "Kakashi, do you know?"

When Kakashi heard him calling his name, he couldn't help but froze, and subconsciously looked at Minato, but Minato didn't have time to take care of him at this time, and bowed his head in silence.

He has never been so afraid like today, not because he is facing some invincible enemy, but because his words and deeds are related to the lives and deaths of too many people.

"Kakashi." Hashirama said kindly.

"Don't be afraid, just tell me everything you know."


At this time, Yamanaka Haiichi wanted to use telepathy to connect Kakashi's mind, but suddenly found that Kakashi seemed to have an extra layer of barriers, completely isolating his chakra.

Kakashi was silent for a while and finally spoke: "Mr. Shikahisa... came to me and asked me to monitor Shin-sama and Fourth Hokage-sama."

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of many people present changed instantly.

"Mr. Shikahisa told me that the current Fourth Hokage is not worthy of being a Hokage, and he wanted me to investigate and collect some bad deeds of Lord Fourth for use in future incidents."

"Mr. Shikajiu also said that if you want to bring down the fourth generation, you can only find a suitable time for Minato-sensei to kill him personally, and then bring out the tainted evidence to the public, and Minato-sensei can successfully succeed Hokage... "

The meeting room became dead silent.

Deliberate rebellion and murder of Hokage are already unforgivable crimes.

Kakashi's words directly characterize the matter.

Minato didn't seem to expect Kakashi to say such words, and looked at his student in a daze.

Jiraiya, Sandaime, Yamanaka Kaiichi and the others all had ugly expressions on their faces.

After Kakashi finished speaking, he lowered his head, and no one dared to look at it.

The changes in the expressions of these people were naturally seen in the eyes of Hashirama and Tobuma.

Master and apprentice turned against each other...

"Since you are so against him, why did you let Orochimaru become Hokage?" Tsunade couldn't help but said suddenly.

She was questioning the third generation.

What these people have done has once again refreshed her cognition, are they all determined to kill Orochimaru?

"Minato, is Kakashi right?" Orochimaru asked Minato.


"Nara Shikahisa's crime is unforgivable, and it is already a gift to him to die by my hands."

Minato silently clenched his fists.

He couldn't respond to Kakashi's words at all. These were actually Shikaku's ideas. When Shikajiu told him these things, he didn't agree at the time, but he also refused thoroughly.

Thinking about it now, if my attitude hadn't been so ambiguous back then, maybe Lu Jiu could have planned everything with him earlier, maybe Lu Jiu wouldn't have died.

It was the same on the battlefield back then, if he had listened to Shikahisa's words, he would have rushed back to the village immediately when Orochimaru succeeded to the throne, and by virtue of his reputation, he might have had a different ending.

If I had been more firm when facing the matter of Kushina, maybe Kushina wouldn't have to suffer those hardships...

Of course, he can also deny Kakashi's words, and attribute all the stigma to Shikajiu, which may be a wise choice in the current situation.

If he loses here, everyone around him may end up dead!

Toikama asked, "Minato, are you trying to kill the fourth generation?"

"Shuimen." Haiyi's voice sounded in his mind again.


"You just need to deny it, we'll go on..."

Who knows, Minato suddenly suppressed his voice and said, "Can't I kill him?"

The voice was full of hatred and murderous intent, not like what Minato could say at all.

Everyone present was shocked, and Kakashi couldn't help raising his head to look at his teacher.

He frowned and said, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

Minato turned around and asked Tomona, "Is Hokage necessarily right?"

Tobima's face darkened, and she wanted to say something, but suddenly Hashirama stretched out her hand to stop her.

Minato stood up from his seat, and he walked slowly in front of Kakashi. Facing his teacher, Kakashi was full of guilt in his heart, and he lowered his head not daring to look at him.

Minato put his hand on his shoulder, and said with his last tenderness: "Kakashi, you didn't choose to believe me, I can understand, and you are not the only one who is disappointed in me."

Kakashi's body trembled uncontrollably.

Toboma's gaze was fixed on Minato: "Intentioning to murder Hokage is already a death penalty!"

However, Minato said something indifferently that made Sandaime and the others change color in astonishment.

"Oshemaru is no longer Hokage in my heart, as long as I am still alive, I will definitely kill him!"

"If you stop me just because of Oshemaru's fourth Hokage, Master II, then in my heart, you, Hokage, are also incompetent."

Feijian was extremely frightened and angry, and suddenly stood up: "Boy, do you really think I can't kill you?!"

The majestic amount of chakra surged out of him in an instant, and swept towards the direction of the water gate!


Chakra rolled up a strong cyclone, blowing Minato's clothes and hair fluttering.

But in the face of such a threat, Minato remained motionless, staring at him with awe-inspiring expression.

Seeing this, Jiraiya got up instantly, and came to Minato with frowned eyebrows. Haiyi also wanted to step forward to express his position. His life and death had long been tied to Minato, but under the threat of the Second Hokage He couldn't move freely under the pressure.

"Between the door."

Hashirama suddenly patted Toikama's arm with one hand, with a calm voice.

Fei Jian was stunned for a moment, and the mountain-like aura was withdrawn in an instant, and the rest room returned to calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

I just heard Hashirama say slowly: "Of course Hokage is not necessarily right. Between the third generation and the fourth generation present here, there must be one who is wrong?"

"Hokage's fault is not his own fault, but concerns the entire village. Have you thought about how to take responsibility and how to make up for it when you do something wrong?"

"Three generations." Hashirama suddenly called out his name.

Sarutobi's nerves tensed instantly when he heard the sound.

"I want to ask you, do you agree with Minato's words?"

"I..." Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly got stuck at this moment, obviously just now he angrily reprimanded Orochimaru on the spot.

Another way to put the question of Hashirama is: Do you want to kill Orochimaru?

At this time, Tobuma also asked in a deep voice: "Monkey, have you participated in Nara Shikahisa's plan?"


Sarutobi was still silent, and Orochimaru was sitting beside him at this moment, with Minato and Jiraiya in front of him.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not give a reply, but Orochimaru suddenly laughed for no reason at this moment, his laughter changed from low to low, and his face revealed a hint of ferocity when he laughed.

He suddenly wiped the corners of his eyes with his hand, yawned and said, "It's really boring to hear you asking such questions, I'm tired of hearing them."

He looked at Sarutobi and said with a sneer, "Mr. Sarutobi, do you still want to continue to play some master-student love drama in front of me?"

His expression became more and more icy, and his voice became more and more icy, as if he had left all his emotions behind, and it seemed that some kind of emotion had gone to an extreme.

"Do you think you can survive today?!"

The audience was dead silent, as if the situation was out of control.

And Fu Yue, who sat silently in the corner and never said a word, felt a little numb in his heart.

He has only one thought at the moment.

Crazy, all crazy!

Seeing Orochimaru's current state, Tsunade suddenly felt a burst of sadness.

Orochimaru, were you crying just now... why did you deliberately act like this again?

"Monkey, monkey!" Tomona yelled suddenly, awakening the Sandai Hokage who was in a daze.

Zhu Jian let out a long sigh, he felt that his thinking was too simple, he had already reached the point of life and death, and the relationship between them could not be explained clearly in a few sentences.

When I first established this village, I connected people from different families together to establish bonds. Why did such a thing happen?

They are obviously close relatives to each other, why would they go against each other just for the sake of that illusory power?

He suddenly thought of what the person he killed with his own hands said to him before he died: the village was born because of the fetters, but let the village itself override everything, it is putting the cart before the horse.

"Everyone." Hashirama said.

"Can you go back to your seat and sit down?"

Ji Lai also showed a thoughtful look on his face, so he pulled the water door back to his seat and sat down.

Even if you want to fight, even if you want to fight, it shouldn't be now. Without the permission of the first Hokage, anyone who acts rashly is courting death.

"I think everyone needs to calm down, how about taking a break first?"

"What the first Daime-sama said is that everyone should take a break first." Fuyue said quickly at this time, he felt that he also needed to come out to smooth things over at this time.

Everyone was arranged in different lounges, and they were free to move around in the Hokage Building. The first generation and the second generation did not care whether some people colluded with each other or not.

Kakashi was brought by the Thousand Hands Brothers.

In Hokage's office, Hashirama thoughtfully looked at the photos of himself and his younger brother and the photo of Sarutobi hanging on the wall, then went to the desk and flipped through the documents on it.

Tomona stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and stared at the scenery outside.

He used to stand here admiring the scenery like this.

Things are different, he is already a dead man.

Hashirama walked up to his side and said, "Tobima, don't simply regard these people as juniors. They may have experienced more than us, and the age of Hizaru has actually surpassed us. You have to treat them as equal individuals."

Feijian looked calm, and after a long silence, he suddenly said, "Brother, it's because we didn't live long enough."

Zhu Jian was stunned for a moment, and said unexpectedly: "Why... would you think so?"

Fei Jian said: "Am I wrong in thinking this way? I only found out when I returned to this world that everything here makes me feel nostalgic."

"Death is really too painful."


And the conference room on the other side.

Orochimaru was still sitting in his seat motionless, looking out the window calmly.

The door of the conference room was left open, and Anbu, who was standing guard at the door, also left.

Apart from him in the room, Tsunade was the only one leaning against the wall by the door, watching him quietly.

"Tsunade." Orochimaru suddenly called out her name.

"I can let you see the rope tree, do you want to see it?"

Tsunade looked slightly startled: "Why?"


Orochimaru lowered his eyelids, his snake-like eyes flashed a gleam and returned to calm.

"It's better not to see each other, so that he won't miss this world and have nothing to do. That is the greatest pain."

The conference room fell silent again.

In another lounge.

There are only two people here, Zhen and Fuyue.

"Is Senior Fuyue afraid?"

"Ah... I just think Zhenjun is too bold."

"Don't worry, Senior Fuyue just needs to do what you want when you feel confident. I won't force you this time."

"It's best for Zhenjun to understand me, after all, I'm also the head of the clan."

Half an hour passed for a break.

Everyone returned to the meeting room one after another.

When Zhen walked into the room, he took a look at Orochimaru, and saw that his face was calm, and he was no longer as confident as he was at the beginning.

At this moment, Hashirama said: "Then let's continue."

Everyone was sitting upright, with different expressions.

Kakashi in the field suddenly raised his hand at this time.

"Master First Generation."

"Kakashi, do you have anything else to say?"

"...Yes." Kakashi took a deep breath.

"When Mr. Shikahisa asked me to investigate the matter of the fourth generation, I did find out some things... Can I tell you about these things?"

The pillars are thoughtful.

Everyone also looked at Orochimaru in unison.

This chapter is 4K, it will be gone tonight.

In addition, ask for a monthly pass for October, and I will try my best to update it in October!

Thank you all!

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