Rated Hokage

Chapter 170 Chapter 169

Let all the villagers choose Hokage?

As soon as these words came out, everyone present, including the members of the Hyuga family, was shocked.

Even the difference between the sun and the sun behind Zhen is unbelievable, shocking Zhen's idea that is different from ordinary people.

Konoha Hidden Village is said to be a village, but it is actually the epitome of a small country. The villagers are the ones who accept the rule, and Hokage is the king who controls everything.

When is it the villagers' turn to choose Hokage?

But after the shock, more people were pleasantly surprised.

In addition to the family ninjas present, there were also many civilian ninjas. In their view, Hinata really gave them a special right.

And these family ninjas are not unacceptable. The most important point of doing so is to be able to break the monopoly of Hokage.

As for the so-called selection of Hokage by the villagers, it just sounds fairer.

"Master First Daime, what do you think?" After Zhen finished speaking, he asked Senju Hashirama beside him.

Only then did Zhujian regain his senses. He looked at the people present and found that their eyes had changed when they looked at Zhen Zhen.

If you really go directly to the villagers and tell you to choose Hokage, the villagers may not realize what is going on, they may only think that choosing Hokage is a more interesting thing, and someone needs to deliberately guide public opinion. Know what democracy is.

But none of the ninjas present were ignorant and ignorant. They had all experienced battlefields and performed major tasks related to the direction of the country, and they understood what power was like.

Hashirama saw fanaticism in everyone's eyes, and that fanaticism was not admiration for Hinata, but a longing for the future that Hinata depicted invisibly.

In such a situation, can he deny it?

Hashirama's throat rolled, looking at Xiang Zhen's eyes full of strangeness.

Is this really just a teenager? What went through to have such an idea?

"I think...it's a great approach."

Zhen looked at everyone present again: "What do you think?"

This sentence "what do you think" made everyone present excited. In the past, it would only be "who has any objection". This situation is like the good and bad things are infinitely magnified.

Immediately, many people voiced their agreement, and the leaders of the major families also nodded in agreement.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Since everyone thinks so, then I will draw up a detailed charter next."

There was an indescribable feeling in Zhuma's heart at the moment, he didn't feel angry, but just felt incredible.

This Hinata was really different from anyone he had seen before.

You said that he covets the position of Hokage, but it can also be described in a more pleasant way: a person who aspires to become Hokage.

This kind of words is often used to describe the former Namikaze Minato.

There are not a few people in the village who want to be Hokage. Even the ninja school can find a lot of children who aspire to be Hokage. Can it be said that they covet the position of Hokage?

This kind of people will only improve themselves blindly. In their view, as long as they reach a certain height, they will naturally become Hokage.

But Hinata is different, he knows how to take the initiative to fight for it, so it seems that Hinata is more utilitarian.

But Hinata is really a man of skill and wisdom.

The only questionable thing is age.

But he has been Hokage's deputy for so long, and the fact that the village is managed in an orderly manner by him alone has explained everything.

Hashirama somewhat understood why the kid hadn't covered up since the trial meeting was over, because he was already sure of winning.

His first generation Hokage can't pose any threat to him at all, unless he is killed by hand, but this is even more impossible.

After leaving Hinata's house, many people took the initiative to join in, chatted with Hashirama, and poured out their longing, all of them looked excited.

Hashirama smiled and chatted with everyone, and then bid farewell to these people.

The night was very dark, and there was no sleepiness in Hashirama.

He wandered around the village for a while, and finally went to Tsunade's place, since sleeping on the streets is not very good after all.

Zhen also arranged a place for him and Toboma, but neither of them went.

There are only two people in Tsunade's family, one is Tsunade, and the other is a little black-haired girl, and this little girl opened the door for her.

In the living room, Tsunade was lying drunk on the sofa, and the coffee table was full of empty wine bottles.

"Xiao Gang."

"Grandpa... hiccup~"

Tsunade scratched at the somewhat messy hair: "Do you want to live with me, Shizune, go to the guest bedroom to tidy up."

Bashirama had no choice but to sit down opposite her, and took a sip from the remaining wine bottle, but unfortunately he had no sense of taste.

He put down the bottle and sighed softly.

Because he is also an alcoholic.

Tsunade on the opposite side looked at him and laughed, lying on his side and said, "What's wrong?"

Hashirama also smiled and said, "Nothing."

Tsunade asked again: "Did you just go to Hinata Ma's place for a meeting?"


"Do you think the village is a mess now?"

"...You can't say that."

"Leave this mess to me, and I can't clean it up well." Tsunade said as he picked up the wine bottle and took a sip for himself. The alcohol content of the sake was not too low, and she was a bit bold to drink like this.

Hashirama pondered for a moment, and asked, "Are you so resistant to being Hokage?"

Tsunade pursed his lips when he heard the words, and looked down at the wine bottle in his hand, the liquid that flowed out from his indecent drinking posture dripped onto his hand, which was wet and sticky.

"That child." She pouted suddenly and signaled Shi Jing who was cleaning up the room.

"It's Shizune, her uncle...wanted to be Hokage, but died on the battlefield."

"Your grandson, who had never met before, also wanted to be Hokage, but he also died on the battlefield."

Zhu Jian was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect the topic to become so serious all of a sudden.

Just listen to Tsunade continue to lower his eyes and say: "Hokage is not something that everyone can do, at least those who can't recognize themselves should not be allowed to do it..."

As she spoke, she took another sip of wine and muttered in a low voice, "They're all idiots!"

Zhu Jian was silent for a while, and then Fu Cai said, "I don't think you should deny them."

"No matter how strong a person is, since he wants to be Hokage, he must understand what kind of responsibility Hokage means. They all have the determination to protect the village, and this alone cannot be denied!"

"No one is born as Hokage. It is a long process to improve yourself. It is not necessary to reach the end to reflect the meaning of the process. Their death is also the embodiment of their own value as a ninja. It is definitely lucky to have such a ninja in the village. Yes, even if they are not Hokage, their meaning to the village is the same as Hokage."

Tsunade fell silent, she hated this high-sounding truth.

Can affirming the value of the dead heal the pain of the living?

What she cares about is not whether the death of Shengshu and Duan is meaningful, but that they have left her.

"What about Orochimaru?"

Hashirama's expression sank: "Xiao Gang, merit and demerit can never be offset. He has already enjoyed everything brought by his merit and reputation, so he should be responsible for the mistakes he made, which cost the lives of thousands of people. ! Death is already his best destination!"

Tsunade looked up at the ceiling in a daze for a long time.

Yes, thousands of lives, who can spare him?

Even if she is Hokage, she should execute Orochimaru without hesitation.

Orochimaru... you are such a bloody bastard!

Tsunade threw away the empty wine bottle and rubbed his face irritably.

"It's annoying."

She stood up and looked at the seat sitting there between the pillars, her mind moved slightly.



"Do you want to play two games together?"

Hashirama was startled when he heard the words, and then seeing Tsunade take out two sieve cups from under the table, his eyes couldn't help but a gleam of luster lit up.

He is not only a drunkard, but also a gambler, and all the fine traditions of Tsunade come from him.

"Master Tsunade, I will prepare the clothes for you at the funeral of Lord III tomorrow..."

Jing Yin came out of the room at this time, and saw that the grandpa and grandson were having fun in the living room.

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