Rated Hokage

171 Chapter 170, amniotic fluid broke

It was daylight.

Minato woke up, lying on the hospital bed and staring at the ceiling in a daze. His body had no other discomfort other than being weak. He lifted the hospital gown on his body, and at some point there was a seal pattern on his abdomen, which made him feel a little better. Chakra can't even be used.

It was very quiet in the ward, with the windows on one side open, and a gust of cool wind blowing in from time to time.

Kushina, who walked in outside the door, was overjoyed to see Minato after waking up, and hurried to the hospital bed.



"Minato, you're fine, that's great." Kushina wept with joy.


Minato's expression was particularly calm, watching Kushina reaching out to wipe away her tears.

"How is the village now?" he asked.

"Now..." Kushina faltered and got up.

Now the whole village is discussing that Minato and Orochimaru are traitors, and the former Konoha hero is now the object of everyone's contempt.

Looking at her appearance, Minato could guess what was going on. It is estimated that there are many Anbu around this ward watching him.

Now he has completely become meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Seeing Minato's downcast eyes, Kushina held his hand and comforted him, "Don't worry, Minato, everything will be fine. You used to protect me, but now I'll protect you."

Minato only showed a forced smile when he heard this.

With the current situation in the village, Kushina, who is a Renzhuli, probably will become a tool in the hands of those people.

I never thought that I would fall to this point.

Originally, what he thought was that as long as he could kill Orochimaru, even at the expense of his own life, but after that battle, Minato always had a premonition that Orochimaru was not dead.

Thinking back on what Orochimaru had done, it made Minato a little hard to understand.

He thought for a long time and asked, "Did Hinata really say how to deal with me?"

Jiu Xinna hesitated: "He said that he would save us."

Save them... continue to live in Konoha as sinners? It would be better to die!

Minato Ningmei thought to himself, he has not fully recovered yet, and when he has the opportunity to let Kushina help him untie the seal on his body in the future, then he can wait for the opportunity to take Kushina away from Konoha and fly away.

He knew he was a complete loser, but as long as he was still with Kushina, everything would be fine.

In the morning, the medical staff came to check Minato's body and found that the toxin on his body had been completely removed, so he told the ninja outside.

"Namikaze Minato, I'm going to change places for you next."

Two Anbu came in and said to Minato unceremoniously.

"Where are you taking Minato?" Kushina asked hastily.

Anbu said: "He is still a criminal in his current status. Naturally, he must be kept under strict supervision. This is also the meaning of the true adult."

Kushina immediately said, "I want to be with Minato!"

But Anbu said: "No, before the final execution is ordered by the Master, Namikaze Minato must be imprisoned in solitary confinement. It is the Master's kindness that you can accompany him for so long."

Minato knew that the situation was irreversible, sighed inwardly, and comforted Kushina: "It's okay Kushina, anyway, they won't kill me yet."

Kushina looked worried, and held his hand tightly: "Minato, I will definitely ask the truth to let you go."

Minato just smiled softly, without any expectations in his heart.

Minato was taken away by Anbu, and Kushina felt uneasy, so she planned to find Zhen again, but thinking that the order to imprison Minato was given by Zhen, it is estimated that going to him now is a snag.

After thinking about it, Kushina diverted to Uchiha's house.

Mikoto was a little surprised when she saw Kushina, but she immediately understood the purpose of her visit.

"Kushina, why are you here?"

Mikoto invited Kushina into the house.

Kushina looked at the study room, "Is Fuyue not at home?"

Meiqin only felt a little dizzy: "He has something to do outside, and you know that there are a lot of things in the village recently."

Poured a cup of tea for Jiu Xinnai, she looked at her best friend with a sad face and sighed, "Did you come here because of Minato?"

Kushina nodded repeatedly.

Mikoto smiled wryly and said, "Kushina, we can't help you with this kind of thing, who would dare to intercede with Minato at such a crucial point."

Early this morning, she learned that the words "traitor" and "get out of Konoha" were painted all over the walls of Nara's house. Who would dare to do things against the will of the people.

Jiu Xinnai's expression darkened, and he said in a low voice: "I see..."

Meiqin then said: "Don't be discouraged, this kind of thing is not hopeless, it's useless for you to find us, I can show you where to go."

Jiu Xinna looked up at her: "Who?"


Kushina was a little dazed: "Aya..."

Meiqin then said: "To be honest, the rumors about Minato doing things in the village... I don't really believe it either. You just need to tell Lingli clearly, she is so kind, she will definitely help you."

Kushina's eyes lit up, and she said, "Miqin, you're right."

Ayari is Hinata's true wife, and her words must be more effective than others.

At this time, Kushina said again: "Miqin, you can go with me."


"I'm stupid. I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing again. Come and help me."


After all, the two are very close friends, and Mikoto couldn't bear to see Kushina like this, so she finally nodded in agreement.

Kushina hasn't seen Ayari for a few days, because she was trapped in Orochimaru's research institute for several days and was released yesterday.

When I came to the Hyuga Clan again, I found that it was very different from before. It was much more popular, and there were often ninjas coming and going on the pavilions. These people were not members of the Hyuga Clan.

Mikoto explained to her from the side that now the office in the village has been moved to the Hyuga Clan's land because the Hokage Building was destroyed.

No one dared to have any objections to such a majestic behavior.

Ayari looked very happy after seeing Kushina, sitting there holding her hand and complaining why she hadn't come to see her for so long.

Ayari's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the due date is getting closer.

Kushina looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

After what happened to Kazuma, she has always been somewhat resistant to seeing Ayari, and she doesn't know how to face Ayari.

The three sat together and chatted for a while, and Kushina talked about his purpose for coming here.

"Ayari, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Lingli couldn't help laughing: "Why do you still say 'begging'? If there is anything that needs me to do, just tell me."

"It's... about Minato."

"Minato?" Ayari looked puzzled.

"What happened to the water gate?"

Judging by her demeanor, it seems that she doesn't understand what's going on in Konoha now.

Miqin thought it might be because the other party was still pregnant, so she really didn't tell her this on purpose, otherwise if Kushina was involved, it might affect her mood.

Now that I and Kushina come here to beg Aya to deal with such a matter, will I really be upset if I really find out...

Seeing Ayari's completely ignorant appearance, Kushina told her about what happened recently, and repeatedly emphasized that Minato was innocent and wronged.

Ayano, who was not far away, watched the three talking there, left here silently, turned around and walked to the front yard.

After hearing what Kushina said, Lingli was shocked: "This kind of thing happened, I never told me..."

Kushina pleaded: "Yanli, please help me and Minato, everything in the village is the truth now, please help me and Minato to intercede."

Ayari did not agree immediately, but remained silent.

She is not a pure idiot, she can naturally understand how serious the matter is, although she has a special status, she may really listen to her opinion, but it does not mean that she can help her friend without a bottom line.

Lingli smiled at Kushina and said, "Kushina, didn't you really promise it? Since he said it, he will definitely do it."

The matter was about Minato's life, so how could Kushina feel at ease, so she knelt down in front of Ayari, as if a sergeant had stepped down from her seat

"Please, Ayari."

Kushina's appearance made her friend Ayari feel a little embarrassed, and Mikoto next to her was also a little embarrassed, but they all understood Kushina's mood now.

Seeing this, Lingli quickly got up and wanted to help her, but her body was inconvenient to move, she couldn't bend down and turn her body sideways, and she couldn't reach her with her hands.

"Jiushina, don't be like this, get up first... hiss~"

Miqin was taken aback, and hurried to help Ayari.

"Ayari, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't move, it hurts a little." Lingli froze, gasping for breath.

"Could it be that your water has broken?" Mikoto, who came by, hurriedly looked under Ayari's dress.

"It's okay, don't worry, there is a doctor at home, where is my sister?" Ling Li said calmly.

Kushina, who was kneeling on the ground, was stunned by the scene in front of her, watching an unknown liquid flow down from under Ayari's wide skirt.

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