Rated Hokage

Chapter 172 Chapter 171

In order to give Ayari a quiet environment, Zhen's office was moved from the study to the front yard.

And the feeling of working at home is much more comfortable than working in the Hokage Building, which makes Zhen not so eager to rebuild the Konoha Building.

But when she thought that after Ayari gave birth, she might not be able to play any office games under her nose, and felt that it would be better to have a professional office place, so that she could rebuild the layout according to her own wishes.

While Zhen was enjoying Samui's massage behind her, Ayano suddenly walked in at this moment.

She took a second look at the stunning Samuel, and then came up to Zhenzhen and whispered: "Master Zhen, Miss Kushina and Mrs. Mikoto are here, and they are with Ayari."

Zhen Wenyan frowned slightly, he didn't tell Lingli these messy things, he just didn't want to upset her now, why did these two women take the initiative to come to the door.

If you think about it with your feet, you can tell that Kushina must have come here for Minato.

And at this moment, Anbu suddenly appeared in the office.

"My lord, Ayari-sama is about to give birth!"

Zhen Zhen, who was lying on the chair, got up suddenly, and his brain went blank for a while.

"What did you say?!"

Ayano at the side couldn't help but exclaimed: "Ayano takes care of her..."

She just left for a while, and something happened.

The next moment Zhen really flew out of the room, and Ayano stood there in a daze for a moment before rushing out.

When Zhen arrived, Ayari's delivery had already begun, and there was a special delivery room and several doctors on call in the Hyuga Clan's field.

She wanted to enter the room but was stopped by the doctor: "Master Zhen, for the sake of you and Lord Lingli, you'd better not go in."

"Why!" Really seemed a little impatient.

"After a man has watched his wife's childbirth process, it will affect the future married life. Lord Aya doesn't want you to go in either."

"Don't worry, my lord, just leave everything to us, and nothing will happen."

Zhen was blocked from the door, so he had no choice but to give up his own thoughts of going in, but Lingli's painful cries from time to time in the delivery room still made Zhen really anxious.

Mikoto and Kushina were still standing outside the delivery room.

Meiqin wanted to say a few words of comfort to Zhen, but her heart skipped a beat when she saw Zhen's unkind eyes.

She forced a smile and said, "Lingli will be fine, mother and child will be safe."

There was really no response, and she frowned at Jiu Xinnai again, while the woman avoided his gaze with a guilty conscience.

Not long after, many clansmen came to the courtyard, all of them were old people from Hyuga's family, and they all came over after hearing that Lingli had given birth.

Many people were reassuring Zhen that he would be fine, but Zhen just kept silent and stood in front of the delivery room door pacing back and forth.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I just noticed that the sun in the sky has moved a long distance.

Finally, I heard the loud cry of the baby coming from inside.

The sound was like a shot in the arm, and the clansmen congratulated Zhen with smiles on their faces.

After another ten minutes, the door of the delivery room opened, and the doctor came out holding a baby.

I really only took one look and thought, this child is really ugly! The skin on the whole body is wrinkled, and it is not a normal blood color.

Fortunately, he knows some basic physiological knowledge, which is true for newborn babies.

"My lord, it's a boy."

Zhen stretched out his hands to pick up the baby, and held him gently in his arms. The baby had already fallen asleep, with his eyes closed and breathing evenly.

I really can't tell what it's like to appear now, Ignoring the congratulations from the people around me, I rushed into the room in three steps at a time, and quickly came to the bed.

"Ayari, child!"

Lying there, Ayari looked at him weakly.

With a smile on Zhen's face, he stretched out his hand to carefully touch the baby in his arms, but unfortunately the baby was still asleep and could not respond to his teasing.

But even so, it was really satisfying.

"Ayari, our child!" Zhen said in his mouth.

Lingli also said weakly: "It's not a daughter."

Shin said: "It's okay, my son is fine, I just like my son!"

Lingli just laughed silently when she heard the words, this idiot obviously said before that she likes her daughter, she looked at Zhen's face with joy from the bottom of her heart, and she was also very satisfied in her heart.

He held the baby in his arms high above his head, and said while everyone was watching.

"Neji! Hinata Neji!"

He himself was watching the child in his hand.

Whether it is Neji in the original book or not, he is his son, and he will make this child stand at the top of the world like him!

Really put Ningji by Ayari's side.

"Thank you, Ayari."

Lingli turned her head to look at her child, and said with disgust: "Why is he so ugly, he doesn't look like you or me."

Zhen Shi smiled and said, "It will look better in the future, just like newborn children."

He squatted in front of the bed, looking at his son and wife.

Lingli suddenly said: "Really, thank you."

Zhen was stunned, and then said: "What silly words, I should thank you."

After talking privately with Lingli, Zhencai came out of the room with Ningji in his arms.

"This child is called Ningji Hyuga, and he will be the next patriarch of our Hyuga family from now on."

The clansmen in the courtyard came forward to congratulate one after another, saying that young master Ning Ci must be a dragon and a phoenix among people in the future.

Mikoto and Kushina who were on the side also came over.

"That...can I hug you?" Meiqin asked with some embarrassment, but also some expectation.

The child was born smoothly, and the haze in his heart was swept away. After all, these two women are good friends of Ayari, so Zhen handed the child to Mikoto.

Meiqin said, "This kid is really cute."

Hearing the words, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, thinking how could you tell how cute she is.

Jiu Xinnai on the side whispered: "It's obviously ugly."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt that she was looking at herself with a serious face.

Meiqin teased Ningji for a while, and then asked like Kushina: "Would you like to give it a try?"

Jiuxinna was stunned for a moment when he heard the words: "I...can I?"

Meiqin smiled and said, "Haven't you been looking forward to the birth of this child?"

Kushina looked at the child in Miqin's arms, and suddenly felt a little at a loss. She carefully took the child into her arms, as if she was holding an extremely precious treasure.

Maybe he was awakened by the noise, but Ningji didn't cry, but looked at Kushina in front of him with a pair of bright and white eyes.

Kushina hesitated and called softly: "Ningji..."

This is the newborn child, she thought of herself and Minato again for no reason, they were also looking forward to having a child of theirs, and suddenly felt sad and wronged in her heart.

"Ningji... Naruto..."

The child didn't respond, but looked curiously at the crying aunt with her white eyes.

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