Rated Hokage

Chapter 173 Chapter 172

After Ayari and the child had gone to bed, Shin came out of the room.

It was already getting dark, and Kushina was still waiting for him in the living room, but he really ignored it, but came to the front yard alone to deal with the rest of his work.

At this time, the family land was much quieter, the staff all retreated, and only Samuy was left here to accompany Zhen.

The night outside was getting thicker and thicker, and Samuel was sitting on a chair beside him, so sleepy that he was about to fall asleep.

A sudden sound of footsteps awakened the drowsy Samuyi. She looked up and saw that it was a servant who brought tea and snacks, and then she was a little dazed because the person who came was not Ayano.

"Samyi, you can go back." The real voice also sounded at this moment.

"Yes, my lord."

Samyi bowed, turned around and retreated, and when he walked to the door, he couldn't help but glance back at the red-haired woman standing beside Zhen.

The office was still very quiet, and Kushina didn't dare to disturb Zhenzhen at work. After putting the tea on the table, she stood silently aside.

After reviewing the last document, Zhen really stretched his waist, a pair of slender hands stretched out at the right time, and gently squeezed his shoulders.

This woman has quite a wink.

Thinking to herself, she leaned on the chair with her eyes closed and enjoyed her massage. From her shoulders to the top of her head, she felt the cool touch of her thin fingers passing through the hair and sticking to the scalp.

"Really..." Kushina, who was standing behind, looked at her with her eyes closed and rested, so she couldn't help but speak up.


"You... promised me before that you would ensure that Minato and I will be safe."

"Isn't he all right now?"

"Watergate is now locked up."

Kushina was a little anxious.

Zhen said: "He is still wearing a crime, and it is normal to be imprisoned."

Kushina asked again: "Minato will not suffer any punishment, how long will it take to be released?"

Her voice was urgent, and she stopped massaging her hands.

Zhen took one of her palms in his hand and rubbed it lightly. Her hand was soft and tender, with long and slender fingers, and it was very comfortable to touch.

Kushina just twitched symbolically, then suppressed his nausea and let him grab his hand.

Zhen said slowly: "Now the village is in the midst of a waste of time, and there are many more important things to deal with. After this period of time, the villagers no longer talk about this matter, so he can be released. "

Zhen didn't give an exact time, so Kushina couldn't feel at ease. She wanted to continue to ask, but was suddenly pulled into his arms by Zhen, and sat on his lap.

The office was very quiet, only the two of them were here, and there were slight rustling sounds from time to time.

Because of the cold weather, her hands were really cold, even colder than hers, so cold that it made people shiver.

Jiu Xinnai didn't want to do this, she firmly grasped Zhen's wrist, and looked at him wronged and stubbornly.

Seeing this, Zhen sneered coldly, but he didn't get up in a hurry, and slowly reached out and sorted out the files on the desktop.

This made Jiu Xinnai feel at a loss as to what to do, sitting on his lap was neither good nor bad.

"Really..." She was the first to succumb, and spoke in a pleading voice.

"Really, about the water gate..."

Shin said: "I have already said what should be said, Kushina, people can't be greedy. If I hadn't saved him, he would have died in the hands of the first and second Hokage."

He said slowly: "Even if Minato was tortured, it was what he deserved."

These words made Kushina anxious in an instant. What she fears most now is the terrible punishment that Minato will suffer while in prison.

"Really, please don't treat Minato like this, his injury hasn't completely healed yet!"

As she spoke, she took the initiative to grab Zhen's arm, but Zhen avoided it.

The other party has firmly grasped her weakness.

Jiuxinna struggled with her eyes, and then she took the initiative to wrap her hands around his neck, pressing him tighter.

"Really... I beg you." This time she was pretending to be cute and pitiful, which made Zhen really laugh out loud.

"Kushina, if Minato sees you like this, I don't know what I will think."

Jiu Xinnai's face turned pale when he heard the words, and he forced a few laughs.

How could it be possible for Minato to see himself like this!

It's better to just let her die!

She has been threatened by this person more than once, and she is a little numb to such things in her heart. The only bottom line is not to be known by Minato.

She had been prepared when Kakashi took the initiative to find her, and this Hinata would definitely not let her go in the future.

At least let yourself leave an innocent body for Minato!

at least...at least...

She looked at Zhen who was sitting there, and the slightly raised corner of his mouth suddenly seemed like a devil's smile in her eyes.

She remembered that this bastard seemed to be going to be Hokage soon, it should be, Minato has reached this point now, and this guy has no competitors in the village.

Kushina remembered that he had told Minato that he wanted to be Mrs. Hokage...

The current situation makes it impossible for her to recall the past with a peaceful mind. The past and Minato become things that may be lost at any time. She is afraid of this. She can only walk desperately into the darkness and into the abyss. To protect the fragile and helpless flame that belonged to her and Minato.

Jiu Xinnai took the initiative to get close to Zhen's ear, and said in a low voice: "My lord, can't you help me?"

Fortunately, she got a response: "It depends on your performance."

There was a sense of success in the voice of the other party, he was greedy for his own body, but he stopped at the critical moment every time, and let her peel off her own shell layer by layer, to send, to dedicate, to go Practice yourself.

She was extremely sad, humiliated, and ashamed.

She is like a bat hanging upside down at the entrance of a cave, an immigrant hiding in a deep mountain, violated, discovered, helpless, and without complaint, an animal is sipping at her core... The horror exposed is unbearable wish.

I read this chapter by the side, and the subject wrote it with a computer

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