Rated Hokage

Chapter 177 Chapter 176

In the dense forest near the northern border of the Kingdom of Fire, two figures flew past, one in front and one behind.

A male ninja fled in front, while behind was a white-haired ninja with a mask on his face and a dagger on his back.

The reason why such a chase scene was staged was because the spy from Yanyin Village in front of him had exposed his traces while inquiring about information, and all his companions were arrested, and he was the only one who fled all the way here.

While he was running, a black streamer shot out from nowhere, and the sound of a sharp object piercing the air made Kakashi stop suddenly, and the dagger behind his back was unsheathed like lightning, sparks splashed in front of his eyes in an instant, telling that under the spinning The giant shuriken was blocked by him, and he changed its direction by unloading the force, directly cutting off a towering tree beside him.

Looking at the figure of the fleeing ninja, the other party stood upright on the branch of a tree not far away, changed from the embarrassment when he fled just now, and looked at him very arrogantly.

Dozens of figures slowly appeared on the surrounding tree branches, surrounding Kakashi. This is already the border area where the Land of Fire and the Land of Grass meet. It is obviously a trap set in advance.

Seeing this situation, Kakashi couldn't help but grimace, and clenched the short knife in his hand with one hand.

The Iwanin who fled just now said: "This man is Hokage's personal bodyguard, capturing him alive can dig out very important information!"

Dozens of figures swarmed up in an instant. Kakashi lifted the slanted forehead, revealing the Sharingan with the three-pattern pattern. The white dagger in his hand waved along with his figure. Sounds of water, wind, blades, earth and rocks, and the screams of golden weapons were endless. The dense forest was in chaos. Kakashi was tired of resisting the attacks from all directions, and he fought and retreated. Even if he is not weak, he will soon show his defeat.

In the end, Kakashi was forced out of the dense forest and came to the edge of a cliff.

The rock ninjas taunted: "Konoha is really coming to an end. Not only is Hokage a brat, but even the guards around him are! It's just playing tricks."

Kakashi panted slightly, leaning his back against the cliff and scanning all the enemies in front of him.

Twenty-seven people in total, 10 seconds, should be enough.

He took a deep breath, and the aura around him suddenly changed. A whirlwind appeared around him for no reason, and black eye shadow appeared around Kakashi's eyes strangely.

Then, without waiting for any reaction from all the rock ninjas, Kakashi's figure disappeared from their sight out of thin air.

The next moment, the heads of several Iwanin shot up into the sky, blood spurted out, and the warm liquid fell on the faces of their companions. Everyone was so shocked by this abnormal scene that they couldn't speak.

Those with stronger strength only saw a black shadow shuttle through the crowd as if teleporting, and all the people who passed by were decapitated!

The rest of the rock ninjas panicked and looked around in a panic, but they couldn't catch the other party's ghostly trace at all.

In the end, when Kakashi reappeared, he pushed the escaped Iwanin to the ground, and even thrust the dagger in his mouth directly into his mouth.

The other party's horrified eyes reflected Kakashi's stern face.

"Wouldn't it be better to grant the head earlier, I must use this trick."

Kakashi said in a low voice, and the hand holding the knife slammed hard, piercing the opponent's head directly.

The black eye shadow on his face faded, Kakashi slumped on the ground weakly, and looked at the place behind him, there were dead bodies everywhere, blood flowing like a river!

Nearly thirty ninjas, it is hard to imagine that this happened within 10 seconds!

He waited here for nearly ten minutes before seeing another team arrive.


The people who came were Hinata Himono and Kai, and they brought a few Anbu.

"You guys are slow enough," Kakashi said.

"Other spies also need to be dealt with." Huomen said, glancing at the tragic scene of dead bodies on the ground, he didn't show any surprise.

Looking at Kakashi's tired appearance, he said again: "Are you in the immortal mode?"

Kakashi said: "There are too many enemies, there is no way."

Immortal engraving allows him to enter immortal mode and obtain extremely powerful power in a short period of time. This time is directly linked to his own chakra. After all, immortal chakra needs the ratio of physical energy, mental energy and natural energy to condense. And Kakashi, who has Sharingan, was short of Chakra, and he was close to bottoming out after a fierce battle. The time to enter the fairy mode couldn't be shorter.

And Kakashi, who has experienced the power of the immortal engraving, feels more and more that his Sharingan is a burden.

His self-created Chidori has high requirements for vision and senses, so it needs the assistance of Sharingan.

After entering the fairy mode, his five senses have been greatly enhanced, no matter how fast the movement is, it will not affect his vision.

But this Sharingan has a special meaning, it is a gift from a friend...

Kai next to him laughed and said, "Kakashi, you are still too slack in your daily practice, as long as you cultivate your chakra to the same level as me, all problems will be solved."

Kakashi rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention.

Kai also has the imprint of the Immortal, number three, but also the most complicated of the three, with seven Taos on his body!

Kai can now open the eight-door dunjia to six doors, and these seven engravings correspond to the normal state and the six stages of the eight-door dunjia.

It's just that neither Huomen nor Kakashi has seen how strong Kai is after lifting all the restrictions.

After cleaning up the battlefield, all the corpses were destroyed in situ. Kakashi did not survive because the village had captured other spies.

Everyone returned to the village and came to the torture department to see the other two spies captured earlier.

The person in charge of the torture department said respectfully to Huomen: "Master Huomen, the interrogation will have a result soon, and we have already broken through one of them's mental defense technique."

Huomen just nodded and said: "After the results are out, put them in the book and send them to Lord Hokage as soon as possible."


The three of them have already left Anbu, and Fifth Hokage established a new organization called "Crown", which means the corona, which is similar in nature to Anbu. They are all directly under Hokage, but the work they do is completely opposite to Anbu. Most of the tasks he does are secret and confidential tasks, and sometimes they are not visible, but Mian is the agent of Hokage, and everything he does is aboveboard.

It's just that the organization has been established for a short time, and it has not yet become famous in the ninja world. There are only four members, and Huomen, Kakashi, and Kai are all members.

The original Anbu has also been expanded, the number of members has increased by half, and many family ninjas have been absorbed. Every ninja family in the village is involved, and many civilian ninjas have also been recruited.

Today's Anbu has become the largest armed force in the village, and has completely annexed the duties of the original Konoha Police Force, responsible for the security and security of the village.

And Uchiha was not banned, but became a good helper for the villagers. On weekdays, the villagers would come to them if they needed help in any urgent matter. Fifth Hokage also built a separate building for Uchiha, called In the Konoha Fire Department, Uchiha became the role of a fire police officer.

Although it seems like a joke, the Uchiha patriarch Fuyue is very happy, and doesn't care about the opinions of the clan people.

After the new Hokage came to power, some family powers in the village would naturally change accordingly. The Hyuga clan naturally became the largest family in Konoha without dispute. In fact, this was already the case when Orochimaru was still in power. Instead of Sarutobi, the members of the group held various important positions in the village.

But after he was really in charge, some of these important positions were released, and members of each family were assigned to them.

And an extremely important position that had been vacant before has now been filled.

The leader of the ninja class, Nara Shikuhisa in the original book, a loyal and steadfast Hokage.

The former squad leader of the ninja class died in the war. After Orochimaru came to the position, this position has been vacant. In fact, the most suitable candidate at that time was Namikaze Minato, but how could Orochimaru be handed over to him.

It is completely possible for Hinata Hinata to serve concurrently. After all, he is someone close to him, and outsiders will not have any meaning, but he bestows it on a ten thousand-year ninja——Maruyoshi Kosuke.

He is not a family ninja, which can make the commoner ninjas in the village feel closer, and the veteran ninjas in the village know that this ugly old man is actually a very powerful person.

At first, Kosuke Maruyoshi was unwilling to violate his oath to be a ninja, but when he talked to him, he told him that the village was in a state of tension in employing people, and there was a moral kidnapping and high hat, and the old guy had no choice but to agree.

Zhen had used him many times before he came to power, and Maruyoshi Kosuke still admires this well-organized young man who can manage the village.

The alternation of power did not cause any unsightly waves, nor can it be called an alternation, after all, this thing has always been firmly in the hands of the real.

The position of his Hokage is very stable.

Hinata Hokage came to the newly built Hokage office, and saw his most respected Hokage-sama inside, chatting with some freshly graduated ninjas in a friendly and friendly manner, and did not go in to disturb them tactfully.

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