Rated Hokage

Chapter 178 Chapter 177

Nanga Shrine.

It is the ancestral land enshrined by Uchiha for generations. Uchiha lived in Nangachuan before Konoha was established. The history of Nanga Shrine is also longer than that of Konoha Village.

Tobima is no stranger to this place, and his understanding of Uchiha and Sharingan even exceeds that of many Uchiha clansmen.

There are many memorial tablets in the main hall, and there are many names that he is familiar with. There are traces of repairs in many places, and the old tables and chairs are the deposits of the heritage of the ninja world.

Went around to the back of the door, inspected the floor and lifted a stone slab, revealing a staircase leading to the ground.

It was pitch black below, and there was no light, and he didn't know where it was going. His face showed a thoughtful look. He learned from the documents left by Orochimaru that there was a huge secret hidden under the Uchiha Nanga Shrine.

Go down the steps and light the torch on the wall. This is a secret room, the space is a little narrow, and there is nothing but a stone tablet.

And this stele looks unremarkable.

Fei Jian looked around the stele for a long time, and tested whether there was a seal on it, but did not get any useful results.

After staying here for a long time, he decided to get nothing out of Feijian and chose to leave. After walking out of this underground secret room, he suddenly found that there were more people in the main hall.

It was a black-haired boy who was cleaning the dust of the shrine with a broom. The clothes on his body were printed with the pattern of the Uchiha family's Uchiha fan. Wearing a forehead protector, he looked like he had just graduated from a ninja school.


The boy was very alert, and suddenly looked towards the door.

He didn't hide from the door either, and walked out straight away, staring straight at the little black-haired boy.

"You are..." The boy couldn't help hesitating when he looked at the somewhat familiar face in the frame.

"What's your name?" Tobuma asked first.

"Shisui, Uchiha Shisui...you are Master Nidaime!" The little boy suddenly remembered something, and said with his eyes widened.

The child looked too much like one of his former subordinates.

Looking at Zhishui's immature face, Feijian was silent for a long time.

"Master Nidaime?" Shisui asked cautiously.

"What are you doing here?"

This is the ancestral land of Uchiha, and few outsiders will come here.

"It's nothing." Feijian just left a faint sentence, and then walked out of the hall without looking back, leaving Zhishui standing there in doubt.

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, Shisui continued his cleaning work, and when he came to the back of the altar, he saw the stone slab that had been removed and the staircase leading to the ground.

This is not a hidden place. Almost all Uchiha clansmen know it, and every clan meeting is held in the secret room below.

Did the second generation go in here just now?

Zhishui's small face frowned slightly, thinking there, and felt that it was necessary to tell Master Fuyue about this matter.


The second generation Hokage has a very special status in the village now.

He doesn't appear in the public eye very much anymore, and he didn't ask anything about the village, but devoted himself to the research institute left by Dashemaru.

Zhen also offered to give everything Tokaima needed, and sent an Anbu team at his disposal.

There are many things left by Orochimaru. The previous Baijue has almost been cleaned up, but there are still some experimental products of Orochimaru's soul reincarnation.

There are also sharing eyes, white eyes, inter-column cells, vortex cells, and various literature on the reincarnation of the human body and soul.

This is tantamount to a huge treasure trove for Tobima.

The road of scientific research of Orochimaru began with Toma, and now Toma has also obtained the results of Orochimaru, which can be regarded as making up for the vacancy of these decades.

I really feel that Sharingan must have been played before, and Baiyan's inventory is really put away, and I plan to study it at the right time.

Regarding Tenseiyan, I really only know that it evolved from white eyes, but I don't know how it evolved.

The original book did not give a detailed process, only know that a lot of white eyes are needed, and there are requirements for the purity of the white eyes, and it seems that Chakra of the Otsutsuki family is also needed.

The secret is all hidden above the moon.

Shisui didn't go back to his home after cleaning the shrine, but went directly to the patriarch's house. He is very familiar with this place, after all, there is a younger brother who is very close to him.

"Shishui is here." Meiqin looked at the little boy in front of the door and said with a smile.

"I'm here to find Master Fuyue." Shisui said.

"Is Zhishui coming?" A figure ran quickly inside the house.

"Shishui, did you come to see me?" Itachi asked happily.

"I'm looking for Mr. Fuyue...but I can accompany you to practice later." Zhishui said with a smile.

Meiqin said: "Fuyue is in the study, you can just go directly."

Shisui went to the study as he said, and met the head of his family and told him about the second Hokage he met at the shrine.

"Secondaime..." Fu Yue sat there, frowning and thinking.

Except for the Uchiha clan, no one will go there at the Nanga Shrine. After all, it is the place of clan worship, and no one else will go there if they have nothing to do.

Could it be that some old person is sacrificed?

Although the second generation has always had a bad impression of Uchiha, there is still a member of Uchiha's clan among the former subordinates, that is, the ancestor of Shisui.

But why go to the secret room below?

Fuyue knew that Tokaima's current research institute of Orochimaru continued the research that Orochimaru had done.

Could it be that there is some secret hidden in that secret room, but there is nothing there except an ancestral stele.


Fuyue suddenly saw a small head poking around from time to time at the door of the study, and immediately said with a smile: "Shishui, if you have nothing else to do, go out with Itachi to play."

"Yes." Zhishui bowed and replied.

Itachi outside the door said dissatisfiedly: "We are not going to play, but to practice."

The two children left the house, and Fuyue was thinking about it, planning to go there to see what happened.

"Are you going out?" Meiqin asked seeing him hurrying out of the study.

"Some things, I'm going to Nanhe Shrine."

The underground chamber of Nanga Shrine.

Following the light of the torches on the wall, Fu Yue stood in front of the stone tablet and kept looking at it.

The words above are just some ancient and obscure sacrificial texts, and there is nothing special about them. Many ancient families now have such things.

Fuyue looked back and forth at the stele, but still didn't find anything. He had seen the stele countless times, and the clan members had also seen it countless times. Every clan meeting was held in front of the stele.

The second generation has been here, and there is no change here. Does it mean that the second generation has returned without success?

Or is it just that he was overthinking, the second generation just looked at the memorial tablet of the old man, accidentally found this secret room, and came in out of curiosity...

Professor Fuyue pressed on the stone tablet, and there was no chakra fluctuation, which meant that there was no sealing technique.

"Uchiha ancestral stele, Uchiha...Uchiha..."

He was muttering something, and suddenly opened Sharingan, and three Bawen appeared in his eyes.

For a moment, the stele seemed to react, and the words on it became faintly blurred.

Fu Yue couldn't help but widen his eyes, trying to read the words clearly, but it was useless.

"Could it be..."

The pattern in his eyes changed further, from three patterns to three black dots and stripes.

At this time, the words on the stone tablet can finally be seen clearly.

"Sen Luo... Vientiane..."

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