Rated Hokage

Chapter 179 Chapter 178

Obito was suddenly summoned by the head of his own family, and he sat in the living room a little cautiously after arriving at Fu Yue's house.

The patriarch Fuyue was still in the study, so Meiqin poured him a glass of water first.

"Thank you Mikoto-sama." Obito took it with both hands with great respect.

Meiqin smiled softly, "Don't be so reserved, just be your own home."

She has always been like this to the juniors in her clan, Obito just scratched her head in embarrassment and laughed a few times.

He is in awe of Fuyue in his heart, but he is much closer to Mikoto in his heart. In his opinion, the gentle and beautiful Mikoto-sama is a model of a good wife and mother, and he also longs in his heart to form a family like the patriarch. .

A virtuous wife, a sensible son, and him, the future Hokage-sama, is the best life...

Not long after, Fuyue called Obito into the study to meet him, and Obito immediately put down his teacup and walked into the study. . "

"How is Mu Dun's practice?" Fu Yue suddenly became concerned about his practice.

Obito was startled when he heard the words, and then slowly said: "The progress is not bad... most of the techniques can be performed smoothly."

It's just that it can be used smoothly, and it needs a long-term practice to use it in actual combat.

Fu Yue saw the clue at a glance, and said: "Don't be impetuous, it is very important to lay a solid foundation."

Obito just bowed his head and said "Oh".

Fuyue said: "I also understand that the practice of Mu Dun is not easy. After all, no one in the village can teach you. It is up to you to explore it yourself. I just think this is an opportunity for you. I hope you can grasp it well."

"..." Obito just remained silent.

Fu Yue suddenly asked again: "How is your Sharingan?"


Obito failed to understand what he meant, and opened Sharingan directly after a little thought. The dark pupils instantly turned scarlet, and three black stripes appeared.

Fu Yue said, "Is that the only way?"

Obito asked puzzledly, "What do you mean?"

Fugaku's eyes also changed, becoming the same sampa pattern as Obito's, but Fugaku's eyes made Obito difficult to resist, and just looking at him felt that his soul would be taken away by the other party.

"Master Fuyue." Obito said slightly flustered.

Fuyue put away his deterrence, and he was not disappointed. He understood how harsh the evolution conditions of Kaleidoscope Sharingan are, and Obito is only in his teens now.

He opened his mouth slowly: "Obito, do you know that Uchiha's Sharingan has a brand new realm besides the ordinary samba pattern?"

A whole new realm?

Obito is a little dazed, the samba-level Sharingan is already considered an elite in the Uchiha, and there is a higher level to go up?

Then he saw that Fuyue's Sharingan pattern changed again, from a black pattern to a pattern of three black dots and curves, which looked even more strange.

"This is called Kaleidoscope Sharingan. With these eyes, you have a power that is completely beyond your imagination. Our ancestor Uchiha Madara relied on such eyes to quell the troubled times and establish Konoha Village together with the first Hokage. .”

After explaining to Obito, Fuyue said in a persuasive manner: "Although the conditions for evolution are extremely strict, Obito, I think you have this talent."

Obito swallowed subconsciously, a little unbelievable: "Really... But I was always at the bottom of the crane when I was in school, and the talent of stopping water in the clan is much higher than mine."

Fu Yue said: "The talent I'm talking about is different from ordinary ninjas. We Uchiha have produced many talented young geniuses in the past, but there are only a handful of them with these eyes."

Obito was absent-minded for a long while before his gaze became fiery, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Master Fuyue, how can I have a kaleidoscope?"

Fu Yue's eyes moved slightly: "First of all, you have to find your other eye."

When Uchiha wanted to take back Kakashi's eyes, he really came forward to stop him. Now if Fujigaku wants to take back Kakashi's eyes, the only way to do Kakashi's ideological work with Obito is not considered Disobedience really means.

He glanced at a scroll on the desk in front of him, which was the inscription on the stone tablet that he had copied from the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Combining the power of Senshou and Uchiha, you can get the eye of reincarnation, which has the power beyond the boundary of life and death!

Samsara eyes...

Fuyue's heart couldn't stop being hot.


The new Hokage building was built on the old site, and it was completed very quickly.

The decoration style of the new office is very simple, with huge floor-to-ceiling windows, long desks, and the pictures of previous generations on the wall have been removed, leaving only a wall clock there.

However, there is an extra door in the inner part of the office, which leads directly to the lounge next to it. There are all kinds of things in the lounge for Mr. Hokage to take a lunch break and rest on weekdays.

In the office at the moment, foreign guests are really being received.

"Master Hokage, this is a gift from Yuyin this time, please accept it."

Amane's envoy is Konan, she is wearing Urenin's new ninja combat uniform, which was remade after Yahiko came to power with reference to Konoha's ninja combat uniform, the color is not as eye-catching green as Konoha, but extremely thick black, The top is also printed with a pattern of red auspicious clouds, which is quite similar to the robe uniform of the later Akatsuki organization in the original book, but it looks more formal.

Yahiko's aesthetics is very online, this uniform is worn on Xiaonan's body, her figure is set off with bumps and convexes, and she can't help but look a little distracted.

The Xiaonan in front of me is quite different from the original book. She didn't experience Yahiko's death, and she didn't completely become the cold beauty in the original book. A smile appeared on her face from time to time.

The style of Amenorin's forehead has also changed. The rain represented by the original four vertical lines has been changed to a simple pattern of clouds raining. It can be seen that Yahiko's will to change is very firm.

After seeing the gift book presented by the other party, Zhen smiled and said: "There is no need to bother."

Xiaonan said with great respect: "Konoha has helped us a lot, and we also know how to reciprocate. The land of fire is vast and rich. These things are not so rare and precious, and they are also some of our thoughts."

Zhen said: "Konoha and Yuyin are friends, and it is also necessary to help each other."

Xiao Nan nodded: "What you said is that we have a request for Yuyin this time. The next joint Chunin exam hosted by Konoha, we hope to host it together with Guicun."

I was a little surprised, so I asked her to speak clearly.

What Yahiko meant was that he hoped that the Ukage Village could be used as the starting point of the Chunin Exam, and that the candidates’ long journey from Ukaku to Konoha would be one of the content of the exam, and some checkpoints and traps could be set in the middle. Arrange for examiners to maintain order along the way.

After listening to this, Zhen couldn't help showing a strange face, and almost laughed out loud, this Yahiko really can think about it.

"It's a very creative idea," Jin said.

Xiao Nan secretly rejoiced: "So you agree?"

Zhen Zhen looked Xiao Nan up and down suddenly, and said, "It's worth thinking about it."

Xiao Nan felt unexplainably uncomfortable, but still said gratefully on his face: "Thank you very much."

The Urenin has been developing very smoothly recently. They want to get a share of things like the Chunin Exam. The main source of income for a ninja village is mission entrustment. In peaceful times, the Chunin Exam is a way to show one's own strength. One of the important means of this, the brilliant performance of the junior ninja can attract a large number of new tourists to the village.

Originally, Yuyin Village was on the invitation list for the Chunin Exam, but Yahiko seemed dissatisfied, and wanted to share the cake that belonged to Konoha himself.

Now that he has this idea, he really doesn't intend to reject it. He can take the opportunity to beat it up and let the Kingdom of Rain regain its consciousness as a vassal state. It doesn't mean that if I say you are a friend, you can really put yourself in the position of a friend .

Zhen took out another letter and handed it over: "This is for your leader, please take it back, Miss Xiaonan."

But when Orochimaru went to find Uchiha Madara and Heijue, thinking about Uchiha Madara's current state, I really think he is probably dead, even if he is not dead, he is still lingering.

But the reincarnation eye on Nagato is still there, and Heijue probably will continue to make trouble in the dark, without Obito, he doesn't know who will become his new pawn.

I really hope that the other party can find me, so that I can save myself from looking for it.

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