Rated Hokage

Chapter 180 Chapter 179

"What's wrong Kakashi, absent-minded."

In the dumpling shop, Kai asked Kakashi beside him with the leftover bamboo sticks in his mouth.

Kakashi said casually, "Is it obvious?"

Kai grinned and said, "It's almost written on my face."

Kakashi glanced away, looked at the pedestrians on the street, and said nothing.

Recently, he has been thinking about writing sharing eyes, should he tell Obito to return the eyes to him, and will Hokage-sama agree...

Sharingan has now become a stumbling block hindering his progress.

"Obito!" Kai suddenly shouted next to him, making Kakashi startled and followed his gaze.

"It's you guys." Obito walked over, his gaze stayed on Kakashi for a second longer, a little unnatural.

"What a coincidence." Kai said with a smile.

"Obito." Kakashi also greeted flatly.


Obito looked at the two and suddenly said, "You two are really inseparable now."

Kai shrugged and said: "Because of the job, after all, we are colleagues, and we need to stay together often, but this is also good. After all, Kakashi is my fateful opponent, and I can exchange ideas at any time. You can also go to Hokage-sama with Obito , see if you can enter the crown."

Kakashi said blankly, "Shut up, Kai."

Obito felt sour when he heard the phrase "destined opponent" in Kai's mouth. He once thought about becoming a very tacit partner with Kakashi, but the reality is that Kakashi is always doing things he doesn't know , always left him far behind.

Obito curled his lips and said, "I don't care about what's so great."

Kakashi looked at Obito, and suddenly said: "Kai, I suddenly want to eat dumplings from the North Street dumpling shop, can you buy it for me?"

Kai couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then looked around the dumpling shop he was in, and even the owner of the dumpling shop also looked over after hearing the sound.

He couldn't help but said, "This is Linan Street."

Kakashi said lightly: "If you help me buy it, I will promise you any form of discussion."

Kai heard the words, his spirits lifted, and he stood up from his seat suddenly: "It's a deal, I'll go right away!"

Kai disappeared in a flash, and Kakashi and Obito were left sitting here. In the past, Obito's jumpy temper would always chatter, but today he seems to have something on his mind, and he is as silent as Kakashi Word.

Kakashi said: "It's been a long time since our team got together."

Obito nodded slowly. After Minato-sensei's accident, they only got together once, and the atmosphere was still very heavy.

"Find time to get together and call Shanglin."


Again there was silence.

The two had their own concerns, and Obito also got an order from the head of his family to get the eyes back from Kakashi. Originally, Obito would not agree to this kind of thing even if he was killed, but Fugaku told him that Kakashi originally With this plan, the patriarch had contacted Kakashi, and Kakashi agreed at that time.

"Obito." Kakashi took the initiative to speak again.


"I have something to tell you..."


"When we were carrying out the task of destroying the Kannabi Bridge, you gave me one of your eyes..."

Obito's eyes trembled, and then he directly interrupted his words: "Kakashi."

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, and then heard Obito say: "I happen to have something to tell you, why don't you listen to me first."

Kakashi nodded slowly.

"Then what..." Obito scratched his head, an embarrassed smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"It's about my Sharingan, because one eye is uncomfortable to use, so... can you give me back the other eye?"

Kakashi was stunned, he never expected that Obito would say such a thing.

Obito continued: "Master Hokage will definitely replace a good eye for you... So, can you give me back my Sharingan?"

Kakashi was silent for a while, and in an instant he had a lot of things he wanted to say and ask, all stuck in his throat.

He said: "This is your eye, and it is only natural to return it to you."

Obito showed a relaxed posture again, laughed and said, "That's great, thank you, Kakashi."

"...It should be me thanking you, Obito."

Obito waved his hand: "That's fine, let's do it for today. I'll go first. I'll let you know when the hospital makes an appointment."


Obito got up and walked towards the street, without saying any meaningless nonsense, only leaving Kakashi a back view.

Kai also hurried back, holding a paper bag in his hand.

"Kakashi! I bought you the dumpling you asked for!"

He put the paper bag in front of Kakashi as if taking credit.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi opened his eyes and said: "Why are red bean dumplings, I want to eat three-color dumplings."

Kai was dumbfounded for a moment: "You didn't say that."

Kakashi said calmly: "I remember what I said."

Kai became anxious for a moment: "You obviously didn't say it, and the red bean dumplings are also delicious, so sweet."

Kakashi said, "I hate that crazy woman, Red Bean."

Kay: "..."

The red beans are indeed crazy, the key is that they can't beat the current red beans.

Seeing Kakashi getting up to leave, Kai quickly caught up: "Kakashi, where is our duel?"

"You didn't buy the three-color dumpling, so the competition has been cancelled."

"I'm going to buy it now!"

"I don't want to eat now."

"Ka! Ka! Si!"

The figures of the two teenagers gradually drifted away and disappeared into the crowd on the street.

The owner of the dumpling shop looked at the paper bag left on the table, came over to open it, took out a bunch, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and laughed: "That guy Chojiro Beijie still hasn't improved his skills, it seems that this year's Konoha Dim Sum Contest The champion is none other than me!"

"Boss, fifty skewers of red bean dumplings!"

Two more figures walked into the store, they were two young and beautiful girls, their heroic voices attracted the attention of other customers.

"right away."

"Red beans, you are crazy, why do you order so many?"

"I'm starving, I feel like I could eat a cow right now."

"You are really not afraid of gaining weight."

The two girls sat where Kakashi and Kai were just now, and the boss quickly brought tea.

Hong Dou gritted his teeth and said, "It's all the bastard Zhen's fault. He didn't buy me dumplings when I was locked up. I'm so hungry!"

Hong on the opposite side was extremely speechless, wondering why you were imprisoned and I didn't know why.

Hongdou woke up very late, and everything was settled. After learning the news of Orochimaru's death, she couldn't accept it at all. She went crazy and destroyed everywhere, directly destroying the only rock elephant of the third generation of Hokage left on the shadow rock.

The key is that Hongdou has shown strength far beyond ordinary people, and the ordinary Anbu can't subdue her. The previous Hongdou was just a chunin who had just been promoted not long ago.

Hong couldn't help reminding in a low voice: "Hongdou, it's not good for you to call Lord Hokage that way."

But Hongdou snorted coldly: "He is a pervert, a big pervert! Don't let me catch the opportunity, or I will goug his eyes! Then castrate him!"

Yuhihong listened with confusion, did Hokage-sama do something to Hongdou, otherwise why would Hongdou hate him so much...

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