Rated Hokage

Chapter 184 Chapter 183, Dean's Mother's Bedroom

Why is Hokage-sama in the dean's mother's bedroom?

Before he had time to think about it, the person sitting in the chair really spoke first.


"Hokage-sama." Dou Ban knelt there, lowered his eyebrows and bowed his head, not daring to ask more questions, not daring to guess randomly.

"No Naiyu said that you have made great progress in recent days, if you continue to stay here, it will be a waste of your talent."

Dou carefully savored the meaning of the truth, and then quickly said: "Master Hokage, I want to be with everyone, and I want to be with the dean's mother."

Nonoyu on the side reprimanded: "Idiot, what are you doing here all the time, I let you go out to serve Hokage-sama!"

When Nonaiyu spoke, Dou immediately lost his voice.

Zhen then said: "I just want to give you the status of a ninja, and you can still come here often in the future. If you want to see Nonoyu, you can do it anytime."

Only then did Dou heave a sigh of relief, and said, "It is a Dou cultivated by Master Hokage, and Dou is a tool of Master Hokage whether it is life or death."

These words were taught to him by Nonaiyu, not only him, but all the children here received this kind of education.

Zhenzhen said: "You are not asked to make tools, what you have to do is yourself, how can people do without self."

The pocket in the original book is because he lost himself, spent his whole life imitating the path taken by others, and constantly absorbing others to fill himself, so he became the appearance of being neither human nor ghost.

"You have to remember, you are Medicine Master Dou, you are Konoha Ninja Medicine Master Dou."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Answered loudly.

Zhen nodded and said: "The village will arrange a separate residence for you, and will also give you living expenses every month. You will learn to live alone in the future. You may feel a little lonely at first. Self-reliance is a must for people on the way to become strong. What you have to go through, when your friends become ninjas, they will be the same as you."

Nonoyu next to him said, "Thank you, Hokage-sama!"

"Thank you Hokage-sama!"

"Dou, I'm very optimistic about you, I hope you don't let me down."

Dou is a very talented person, which is a point ignored by many people in the original work. His talent may not be inferior to Kakashi, otherwise Orochimaru would not value him so much.

Zhen really has high hopes for Dou, hoping that he can become an extremely sharp and convenient knife in his hands.

After Dou left, he turned his head and saw Nonaiyu's worried face, and said, "Why, don't you want to part with it?"

Nonoyu forced a laugh: "They are all ninjas trained by you, Hokage-sama, so how could you be reluctant to part with them?"

Zhen said: "I know they regard you as a mother, and you also regard them as your own children. They will be the cornerstone of the village in the future, and they must learn to be self-reliant and grow up."

Nonaiyu could only agree: "You are right."

I really don't like Gen's way of training subordinates. He thinks such a group of tools is terrible. Although the sword is sharp, it is easy to hurt yourself.

These children are all orphans of the war, with no worries and cares. They must have a sense of belonging to the village. This is how the pharmacist Nonaiyu acts as a bond, as long as he can firmly control Nonaiyu.

Makoto pulled Nonoyu into his arms, and gently stroked her plump thighs with one hand.

"Except for Dou, the other children barely reach the level of ninja. If they become ninjas, they will definitely be far behind those who graduated from ninja schools."

The beautiful woman didn't resist, but her cheeks were a little shy. It was a good thing that Ulusi outside the door just broke through.

What Hokage wants to do to her, and which round she refuses, obedience is the best choice.

"It's only been a year for them, and it's hard to achieve such an effect." No Naiyu couldn't help but said, breathing more and more heavily.

"And the current standard is already very strict, hiss...intensify the training intensity...it will be counterproductive."

"It doesn't matter if you give the younger kids some more time. Some are already twelve years old. Just send these people to the graduating class of the ninja school for a year."

"Okay... Hokage-sama, this is easy to tear, there are buttons..."

"No Naoyu, you are too conservatively dressed."

"... I face some children every day, what do you want me to dress like."

"It's okay, I like the conservative feeling."


As the break approached, in the collective dormitory, a few children were playing around with unrelenting enthusiasm.

After taking a shower, Dou sat on his bed, a little absent-minded.

"What's the matter, Dou?" Ulussi leaned over.

"You're going to be a ninja soon, aren't you happy?"

Dou said with a helpless smile: "Some are reluctant to part with everyone."

Ulussi sneered and said, "There's nothing to be reluctant about, we will soon become ninjas!"

Someone laughed at him: "Ulusi, you almost failed last time. You are a hundred years away from becoming a ninja like Dou."

These words made Ulussi extremely ashamed: "I didn't perform well last time, and I will definitely win the first place in the next assessment!"

"It's not bad if you don't be the bottom of the crane, and you want to be the first."

"That's it."

Ulussi yelled angrily: "You guys, don't look down on people!"

Dou had no choice but to smooth things over and said, "Ulusi has also worked very hard during this time, and he came back very late today after practicing."

Ulussi snorted twice: "This uncle will definitely become a ninja!"

He stood on the bed and described his future: "I will not only be a ninja, but also a very powerful ninja, earn a lot of money, and then buy a lot of beautiful clothes for the dean's mother!"

A child next to him smiled and asked, "How powerful is a very powerful ninja?"

Ulussi got stuck for a while and scratched his head: "It's as powerful as... Hokage-sama!"

Someone disdainfully said: "Only you can compare with Hokage-sama?"

"Ulushi, do you want to be Hokage?"

Ulussi became anxious again: "It's not possible now, but it will definitely be possible in the future!"

"Just blow it!"

Everyone laughed, and Ulussi threw the pillow aside in anger, and a pillow fight broke out in an instant.

A pretty girl came running from the girls' dormitory next door, and said angrily at the door, "Can you guys keep your voice down, you're going to sleep, if you keep making noise, I'll tell the dean's mother!"

Dou couldn't help watching this scene with a smile on his face, and felt a little bit emotional that he was about to leave soon.


He thought of the two Uchiha family members he met in the forest today, one of whom was about the same age as himself.

Dou felt that after leaving this small circle, he was about to step into a big, big world.

It is so big that Ulussi's dream is nothing, and it is so big that the dean's mother has to be cautious.

I must work harder to live up to the expectations of the dean's mother!

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