Rated Hokage

Chapter 185 Chapter 184

Country of Rain, Hidden Rain Village.

The leader of Yuyin, Yahiko, is staring at the documents on the desk in front of him.

He said helplessly, "Is there still so much?"

These are applications written by ninjas in the village.

Nagato said: "The ninjas in the village now hope to join Akari."

Yahiko pondered: "If everyone in the village joins Akatsuki, then what is the meaning of Akatsuki's existence?"

He opened one casually, looked at the content but was unmoved.

If there were so many portraits joining Akatsuki before they entered Yuyin, he would definitely be overjoyed.

Nagato said doubtfully, "Why don't everyone join Akatsuki, so that Amane will be more stable in our hands."

Yahiko just silently smiled wryly.

If he raises the threshold for entering Akatsuki, then those people below will sharpen their heads and want to enter Akatsuki's organization.

Then Xiao's status in the village would be elevated invisibly, surpassing all departments. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to stop this situation.

But what if everyone is really allowed to join the Akatsuki organization...

Xiao is Yuyin, is Yuyin Xiao?

Yahiko was thinking there.

"What are you thinking?"

Xiao Nan walked in with a light smile at this moment.

Yahiko told her about the current situation and his troubles.

Xiao Nan thought for a while and said, "The trouble is that Xiao's status in the village is too special, and she has become a collective."

Yahiko was helpless: "It can't be dissolved."

Akatsuki is his hard work, and the companions in it have followed him from the beginning to the present.

Xiaonan said: "We can determine the position of the Xiao organization."

Yahiko was stunned, and Nagato next to him also asked doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

Xiaonan said: "It would be good to turn the Akatsuki organization into a department in the village. The Hokage over Konoha has established an organization called Mian. We can follow suit and turn Akatsuki into an elite ninja with enough strength. joined department."

Yahiko frowned and said, "Wouldn't Akatsuki become a complete armed force?"

Xiaonan said: "Our Yuyin's internal structure is complete, and we don't need any extra departments to come out. Xiao can exist in this form, and it is good not to let Xiao's members hold any real power, and our village is lacking such power, so we can continue Search for strong people in the ninja world and take them into Akatsuki."

Yahiko is still unwilling: "This is contrary to the original intention of Yu Xiao's establishment, but it is all our like-minded companions.

Xiaonan smiled and said, "Isn't the whole Yuyin now our like-minded companions, Yahiko, are you clinging to Yu Xiao's status?"

This sentence seemed to enter Yahiko's heart, and he sat there in a daze for a long time.

He is now the leader of Yuyin...

After a long time, Yahiko put away all the letters and threw them into the trash can.

"You're right, Xiaonan."

He breathed a sigh of relief: "From now on, the Akatsuki organization will be reorganized, and the new Akatsuki will also be a brand new Akatsuki. In the future, the entire ninja world will be in awe of Akatsuki!"

"That..." Nagato at the side suddenly faltered.

"What's wrong?" Yahiko asked.

Nagato said embarrassingly: "It's nothing, it's just that there are a few of those people that I was very optimistic about..."

Yahiko smiled and said: "Don't worry, they still have a chance to enter Akatsuki, everyone has this chance, but Nagato, you are considered to be in a high position in the village now, you should be careful in dealing with people, many people's smiling faces I don't know what it's like."

Xiaonan also said: "Yahiko is right, Nagato, don't promise to others easily."

Seeing that he was seen through by two people, Nagato became even more embarrassed, scratched his head and said: "I really have someone I want to introduce to you."

"His name is Bailong, a wandering ninja. I have been in contact with him for a while, and his strength and character are very good. He can be included in Xiaoli."


Konoha Hospital.

Lin waited outside the operating room for a long time, and finally saw the doctor inside come out.

"It's all right, and you can recover after a few days of recuperation."

Lin hurried in, and on the two operating tables lay Kakashi and Obito, each with gauze wrapped around one eye.

"Lin." Seeing Lin walking in, Obito smiled immediately.

Kakashi lay there feeling reborn, something that had been pressing on him was finally removed.

In Obito's heart, there is an indescribable feeling. It is true that he got his Sharingan back as he wished, but what does this friend think in his heart...how does he think about the Sharingan he gave him...

Lin couldn't help but said: "You two, why didn't you notify me in advance when you did this kind of thing suddenly, and you didn't tell me until after the operation."

Obito scratched his head: "This is not a big deal."

"Why not..." Lin wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it.

Of course she knew the meaning of this eye, and she also knew what kind of mental state Kakashi was in when they thought Obito was dead.

"Lin." Kakashi said at this moment, interrupting her.

He looked at Obito, was silent for a moment and said, "Obito, I think it's better to say something."

"What are you talking about..."

Obito and Rin both looked at him.

"Obito, this sharingan is an extremely important treasure to me. It represents the entrustment and will of a friend. I thought about using this eye to see the world for you in the future, and borrowing your power Let's protect the village together... and Lin."

"I've always thought so..."

"Obito, it was you who made me wake up, I am very grateful to you."

Obito was stunned for a while, then suddenly muttered in a low voice: "You bastard, why are you so serious and sensational all of a sudden..."

"Later, when you returned to the village, I thought about returning this eye to you, and after all, I am not from Uchiha. This eye cannot fully exert its power on me, but I am afraid that you will Misunderstanding, so I have been hesitating..."

Obito interrupted him suddenly: "Kakashi!"


He grinned and said, "Unexpectedly, you are more hypocritical than I thought."

Kakashi also let out a laugh: "To be honest, now that this sharingan is returned to its original owner, it makes me feel a lot easier, and I feel like I don't have to bear anything anymore."

Obito laughed and scolded: "Of course you don't have to bear anything, and I'm not dead."

This eye used to be the carrier of the friendship between the two. The emotion was too heavy after life and death, which made them so cautious, but that emotion was not all in this eye, but in each other's hearts.

Lin also smiled at this time: "Okay, it's time for lunch. Are you going to eat the hospital's sick meal, or go out to eat with me?"

The two were undergoing eye surgery, and the level of medical treatment in the village was extremely professional, with little impact on the body.

Obito immediately said: "Of course we go out to eat!"

Lin said again: "You can't eat much good food when you go out to eat. Let's eat something light after the operation."

Kakashi: "Let's have a ramen."


After Obito separated from Kakashi and Rin, he didn't go back to his home immediately, but went to the patriarch's.

He wanted to tell Fuyue about his successful eye replacement surgery.

Fu Yue asked: "Is there any discomfort in the eyes?"

Obito shook his head: "No, it feels like it can be used. The doctor said that it needs to be checked again, and the gauze can be removed after a period of time."

Fu Yue said: "Listen to the doctor, so as not to leave any hidden diseases. After the gauze is removed, Sharingan probably needs to get used to it for a while. Because the two eyes were on different people before, the degree of exercise is also different."

"I understand, Master Fuyue."

"Go back first, just take a good rest during this time."

After Obito left, Fuyue began to think about Obito's eye-opening plan.

The condition for opening the eyes of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is to experience a huge amount of negative emotions. The best way is to witness the death of a loved one.

There are only two people closest to Obito, one is Hatake Kakashi and the other is Nohara Rin.

Kakashi is now Hokage's valet, one of the crown guards. If he dies, Hokage will definitely investigate to the end.

The key is that Kakashi's strength is not weak. I heard that he killed nearly 30 rock ninjas by himself some time ago, which is also a leader among Jonin.

Then Nohara Lin is undoubtedly the best candidate.

An ordinary Chunin, who used to have a golden halo on her head as a student of the golden flash, but now that the golden flash has become a prisoner, there is no one who can protect her.

As long as it is properly arranged, so that she dies while going out on a mission with Obito, this matter will not cause any waves at all, and Hokage probably won't even ask.

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