Rated Hokage

Chapter 186 Chapter 185

Yahiko looked at the handsome young man in front of him.

"Are you the White Dragon?"

"Yes, Lord Yahiko."

This person is slender, with long black hair neatly tied into a ponytail, and the whole person looks a little weak.

Yahiko looked at the information of this person in his hand, he was born in the Land of Rain, his family was broken due to the war, he has been living in exile, he joined a mercenary organization, he also worked as a bodyguard for some caravans, he has been through fire, wind, rain, fields, etc. , grass and many other countries.

This kind of information is all oral, and the credibility is not high, and this person needs to be carefully reviewed.

If these are true and the character is right, then it is indeed the person they need.

Only those who have felt the pain of war will hate war and want to stop it!

Yahiko said: "Since Nagato is very optimistic about you, you can stay in the village from now on, but you have to start as a ninja."

Bailong said: "As long as you can follow Nagato-sama."

Yahiko failed, looked at Nagato and said, "I didn't expect Nagato to have a follower."

Nagato was slightly embarrassed when he heard this.

Yahiko nodded to Bailong and said, "We are all companions in Yuyin, and we will help each other in the future."


Nagato left with Bailong, who was brought back to Yuyin by Nagato because he was a wandering ninja, and stayed in the guest house in the village.

After the establishment of a formal establishment, the village will also arrange a residence for him, and some relief money will be distributed in the first month.

On the way to the registration office, Nagato told Bailong: "Bailong, you are now a ninja of Yuyin Village, and many things are no better than those outside the village. Yuyin has its own rules. You must strictly abide by them and restrain yourself. temper."

"I understand, Nagato-sama."

"Although you started as a ninja, you have just entered the village after all, and with your ability, you will soon have the opportunity to be promoted."

"I will work hard."

The two walked up one step after another, from the upper level of Yuyin Village to the middle level, and the huge towers and drainage pipes around them dazzled people.

Because of the climate, the buildings in Yuyin Village are very distinctive. The lowest floor is not inhabited by people, but some machines are running. It has a strong industrial atmosphere, and the middle floor is the residential area.

Another large area is still under construction.

Seeing Bailong looking around, Nagato said, "The village is still in the construction stage, and many professional craftsmen have come to support from the Fire Nation. Yuyin will definitely get better and better."

Bailong said: "The relationship between Yuyin and Konoha is really good."

Nagato just gave a faint "hmm".

Bailong's eyes moved slightly: "Master Nagato has any dissatisfaction with Konoha?"

"No, don't guess."

The name "Bailong" was officially written on Yuyin's roster, and Bailong, who had received some living supplies and ninja supplies, returned to his new residence.

It's just a very simple house with not much space, a bed, a table, a wardrobe, and nothing else.

Standing in front of the window, Bailong looked at the dense rain outside, but Nagato's appearance kept flashing in his mind, his eyes became cold and fierce, and he still had the weak and submissive posture just now.

He muttered in a low voice: "Samsara eyes..."


Konoha Research Institute.

Tomona looked at the two twin boys in front of him, thoughtfully looking at the information in his hand.

These are the two special ones among the batch of test subjects left by Orochimaru. Their physical bodies are the same and they are all white. The original physical bodies have long been abandoned.

The data shows that Orochimaru split the souls of the twins into two parts when they were reincarnating their souls, and then reorganized them, which means that half of the souls of the two people in front of them actually belong to each other.

Such a method made Tomama feel horrified.

He didn't know how Orochimaru did it, but it was successful... It may not be a success, maybe one-half of the souls in one of the bodies were not pieced together, but squeezed together. Only within the body.

Orochimaru did not retain the technology in this area. Toikama had seen the art of spiritual transformation and the spiritual mysteries of the mountain clan, but he had no clue like Orochimaru at all.

split soul...

Is the split self still the self? Is the split self still the self?

This idea is too crazy, it seems that Orochimaru is a complete lunatic!

However, the information left in this area is all experimental records, and there is no technical information, which makes Toikama feel very sorry.

The twins in front of me are alive and well.

Not only them, but the rest of the test subjects are all successful cases of soul reincarnation.

But they are all reincarnations of living people, and Tobima is dead. Now, once his soul leaves this body, he will immediately return to the pure land.

The difficulty lies in this, the place that makes Tomona feel headache, there has been no clue.

As for the white eyes that he really asked him to study, he did study it and found that its principle is similar to that of Sharingan. power, and imprinted in the DNA.

All blood succession boundaries are based on the same principle: a special chakra is produced in the body, showing different states, engraved in the genes and passed on to future generations.

This is a fundamentally insoluble problem.

Tobima found that he had squeezed into a bottleneck, no matter what aspect, theoretical knowledge had reached the end of calculation, and the only way to break through it was like Orochimaru - to conduct human experiments!

But how do you talk to Hezhen?

Tell him that he needs a group of living people to carry out experiments, preferably children...

If it was when he was in power, there was no need to hesitate too much. The key is that Hinata is really Hokage now. Once he makes this request, it means that he has given Hinata a handle.

Once this kind of thing is exposed, his fate will become the same as Orochimaru. Even if he is resurrected, he will still be restrained by Hinata.

But the Fifth Hokage didn't make him hesitate for too long, Anbe came to tell Tobuma two days later that Hokage-sama had sent him a gift.

Fei Jian followed him to a stronghold outside the village and found a group of young children. These young children were dressed in ragged clothes, with confusion and fear in their eyes.

Anbu said that they were all orphans collected from various countries.

Tobima returned to the village without saying a word, looking at the now empty Konoha Kage Rock, it seemed that the Fifth Hokage had no intention of rebuilding it, nor did he intend to engrave his own rock statue on it.

The third Hokage, the fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato...they ended up where they are now only because of winners and losers.

As long as he wins in the end, it doesn't matter what he did in the middle, no one will know, and no one dares to mention it.

Brother, if one day I revive you...

I hope you don't blame me.

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