Rated Hokage

187 Chapter 186, White Snake Immortal

Yuno Country, a small country located in the northeast of Fire Country, is a well-known hot spring resort, often gathering tourists and businessmen from all over the world.

Miqin and Kushina came all the way to a small town here, found a hot spring hotel to stay, and started to enjoy the time.

Kushina was still in low spirits at first, but her mood turned better after Mikoto took her here to soak in the hot springs, go shopping, and enjoy delicious food.

In the misty hot spring pool, two beautiful bodies are submerged in the water, only the head is leaking out.

"It's really comfortable. If I can live like this every day, I'd be willing to die." Meiqin said with her eyes closed, leaning her head against the edge of the pool.

"There must be a hot spring hotel in the village." Kushina said.

"The village can't compare with this place, and there are acquaintances everywhere, and they always greet everyone with a smile."

Kushina said, "Isn't it good to have many friends?"

Meiqin laughed: "There are so many friends, they are just acquaintances."

She turned over and lay on the edge of the hot spring pool instead, turned her head to look at Kushina and said with a smile: "Only you are my friend, and Lingli is also counted, but unfortunately she can't come here because she has to look after the child .”

Kushina asked: "Couldn't Ayari give the child to her sister to look after? I remember that she has a maid who takes care of the child at home."

Meiqin was helpless: "Her sister has no milk, what should Ning Ci do if she is hungry?"

Kushina just thought of this, and said "Oh".

She said: "Raising children is very troublesome."

Miqin smiled and said, "The trouble is more troublesome, but it's all worth it. Itachi is very sensible now, and you will understand later."

Kushina just looked at the misty ceiling, and from time to time a few drops of cold water fell on her face and slid down her cheeks.

Miqin belatedly realized that she had said something wrong, so she said, "What to eat later, I heard that there is eel rice in the hotel."

Jiu Xinna said in a muffled voice, "I want to eat barbecue."

Meiqin smiled lightly: "Okay, would you like a drink?"


The two of them didn't soak for too long. After the chat, they came out of the hot spring pool, rinsed again, and wrapped their bodies in a towel to wipe off.

"Kushina, you have a really good figure." Mikoto couldn't help but reached out and touched Kushina's waist.

"You're pretty skinny, too."

"I have fat."

"Then do you still eat barbecue?"


The two walked out of the hotel arm in arm, and were about to go to the barbecue restaurant, but suddenly saw many people surrounded on the street ahead.

Driven by curiosity, the two women took a closer look, and they saw a man wearing a black veil and turban surrounded by people, who was tied with a thick lavender hemp rope.

"The Immortal White Snake will come to the White Snake Shrine tomorrow night to listen to the appeals of ordinary people, and select the most benevolent person to bestow blessings on them and eliminate the three disasters and six diseases..."

Immortal White Snake?

Kushina and Mikoto looked at each other.

Kushina muttered in a low voice, "It's a deceptive trick."

Mikoto nodded approvingly.

"Don't talk nonsense!" A woman next to her warned the two of them in shock.

"White Snake Immortal is a real immortal! He cured many seriously ill patients in our town, and even allowed the blacksmith Fuutarou's broken arm to grow back!"

Rebirth of severed limbs... Really?

Miqin and Kushina were a little surprised when they heard the words, only one of them had done this kind of thing in their knowledge.

Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru!

But Orochimaru is dead, and many people have seen his body with their own eyes.

Meiqin chatted with the woman: "Elder sister, is this White Snake Immortal so powerful?"

The woman raised her eyebrows and said: "Of course! Immortal White Snake not only helps us heal our injuries, but also blesses his believers and fulfills any wishes of this believer. Previously, some people were infertile for more than ten years, and they couldn't do it after seeing many doctors. Immediately after receiving the blessing of the White Snake Immortal, she became pregnant."

Is it really that powerful?

Kushina and Mikoto are still skeptical, this kind of thing sounds too much like a scam, and these ordinary people are precisely the most vulnerable targets.

Kushina suddenly couldn't help asking: "Really, can all wishes be fulfilled?"

The woman said: "Of course, but only those who worship the White Snake Fairy devoutly will have the chance to be blessed."

Miqin dragged Kushina out of the crowd: "Kusina, you don't believe it, do you?"

Kushina bowed her head in silence: "...just curious."

Miqin looked at Kushina's appearance, pondered for a while and said, "Then go and have a look to see if it's true or not."

Both of them are ninjas, and Kushina's strength is not weak, even if he encounters some scammer's trap, he will not be in any danger.

Seeing Kushina looking at her, Miqin smiled and said, "If it's really a fairy, it's okay to pay a visit."


I also inquired about the White Snake Immortal here, and found that everyone in the town was in awe of the White Snake Immortal.

It is said that Immortal White Snake came here suddenly not long ago. It is estimated that he did not leave because he could not see the suffering of the people here, and chose to stay here to help the people.

On the second day, when they were ready, they went to the White Snake Shrine in the back mountain together with many people in the town. There were many people who came to pay homage. It seemed that all the people in the town had come. It's crowded, and many people come here early in order to have a front seat.

Fortunately, Kushina and Mikoto were ninjas, and they walked up the steep rock wall and soon reached the top of the mountain.

It was not so crowded here, and everyone stood in an orderly manner, looking in awe at the huge shrine not far away.

There were quite a few people dressed as believers in black clothes yesterday, standing neatly on both sides.

Mikoto and Kushina looked at each other, and they looked quite decent, and then two figures came out from the shrine, making the two women's eyes widen instantly.

And everyone on the top of the mountain knelt down after seeing these two figures.

These two figures were dressed in the clothes worn by ordinary people, and their figures were also human, but the heads of boa constrictors were exposed from the collars of their coats! The mouth keeps spitting out letters, but the snake pupils reveal human emotions.

monster? !

Miqin and Kushina thought with a little horror in their hearts, seeing these two people... the eyes of the two snakes locked on themselves.

They were the only ones still standing on the top of the mountain.

"The Immortal White Snake wants to see you." One of the snakes spoke out.

Mikoto pinched herself, and then reminded Kushina in a low voice: "It's okay, it should be just a ninja."

It is not too uncommon for ninja beasts to be able to talk.

Glancing at the kneeling people around them, the two comforted themselves in this way, then followed the two snakes into the shrine.

Walking into the main hall, the scene inside left the two of them speechless in shock.

Between them lies a giant snow-white python coiled in the center of the main hall. The width of its body alone is as high as a person, and the scales all over its body are countless small white snakes. The most frightening thing is that this giant python has Eight heads!

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