Rated Hokage

Chapter 191 Chapter 190

Konoha Ninja School.

Standing in the highest classroom, I watched through the window that the children on the playground were conducting a ninja battle training under the command of the teacher.

Beside him is the principal of the ninja school, an old man who is nearly fifty years old.

The principal said: "The overall qualifications of this batch of children are not high, and some are a little more prominent. I am worried about whether they will graduate smoothly."

Zhen pondered for a while and said: "Is it because of the previous enrollment?"

The principal was a little embarrassed, because the previous enrollment was really a greeting, and he wanted to recruit more children from the village. At that time, it was really not Hokage.

He could only say: "Ninja schools have a set of standards for enrolling students, and there are not a few school-age children who are dismissed every year."

Zhen nodded and said: "It seems that I was too hasty at the beginning. There is no need to lower the graduation assessment standards. If there are children who cannot graduate by then, you can let them retake the course or send them to ordinary schools outside the village to continue their studies. Communicate with the parents , the village will bear all the expenses."

The principal nodded. This is indeed a good way to deal with it, but the parents of the students need to sit and work.

He spoke again: "About Uchiha Itachi..."

Zhen Zhen's eyes are also on the black-haired boy on the playground at this moment.

The principal said: "His talent is far beyond ordinary people. He has already acquired the quality of becoming a ninja after only one year in school. The teachers in the school feel that it is a waste of time for Uchiha to stay in school."

Really calmly said: "Graduation early?"

The principal said: "This kid is precocious. Even the graduates don't have his composure. There is absolutely no problem in becoming a ninja."

Graduating early is generally prohibited in peaceful times. Since the establishment of Konoha Village, there have been many talented people. Their strength changes at a very young age and they are far behind their peers.

But children are children after all, high talent does not mean qualified mind, especially in peaceful times, the village is more willing to spend a lot of time to cultivate and sharpen such people.

The village never minds late bloomers, but those who become famous at a young age are more likely to die young.

But there are always exceptions to everything. Uchiha Itachi's talent has made the entire ninja school unsuitable for him, just like Kakashi back then.

Regarding the future of such people, the village should carefully consider how to guide them.

Zhen thought about the list of jounin in the village and who would be the right one to guide him, but his confidants were all in important positions and couldn't be the jounin.

He asked: "Are there any girls with good personalities in the graduating class? Parents should be ordinary people."

The old principal thought for a while and nodded: "Yes."

"Let her be Uchiha Itachi's teammate."

"What about the other person?"

"I have my own arrangements."

After arranging Itachi's affairs, Zhen went to meet with several ministers of the Fire Nation to discuss some major issues related to the village and the country.

After becoming Hokage, I really got closer to the ministers of these countries, and I got to know each other better.

What is worth discussing is that in addition to the country of fire's support for Konoha, there are many places where Konoha is needed in the country of fire. When business and diplomacy need to go abroad, Konoha ninjas will be required to escort them to wipe out bandits and ransack their homes. Rebels also need the assistance of Konoha ninjas, and these are all free of charge, or in other words, the rewards are all paid in one lump sum in the funding of Konoha from the Kingdom of Fire.

The purpose of these ministers coming here this time is to ask Konoha Ninja to send someone to accompany the Fire Nation Mission to Tian Ning Guo to meet the Tian Zong Guo Princess, because the Fire Nation daimyo Minamoto-sama wants to take this princess as his concubine.

The Nation of Fire is not afraid of villains Xiaoxiao making trouble, and probably no one has the guts to do so. It's just a matter of the Nation of Fire's face. I hope it can really send out some decent ninjas.

The previous time when the Nation of Fire sent envoys to other countries, they really sent Maitedai ​​to escort them, but because Maitedai's behavior was too "unconventional", the envoys of the Nation of Fire felt very ashamed and returned home. Afterwards, the story spread, knowing that there was a ninja in Muye Village who liked to wear green tights and had very thick eyebrows, so Matt Dai became the object of resistance from these ministers, and they were unwilling to let Matt Dai protect him .

The daimyo wants to take the princess of another country as his concubine...

After hearing this news, I really thought about it. The relationship between Fire Nation and Tian Nation is not too close. Why did you suddenly send your own princess here as a concubine?

"Everyone, please rest assured that Konoha will definitely send a ninja that satisfies the daimyo."

Kakashi is very good at playing cool, let him go, I just hope that the princess of Tanokuni will not fall in love with Kakashi by then, and there will be another mythical love between the princess and the guard.

"So I'm going to trouble Lord Hokage." The ministers were also very polite.

At this time, Zhen suddenly said: "By the way, I heard that there are two guarding ninjas beside Yuan-sama who are old and have reached the age of retiring."

The minister said: "Yes, Ise-sama and Terajima-sama are almost fifty years old."

Zhen smiled and said: "It just so happens that I have a suitable candidate here, and I want to recommend it to Master Yuan."

Most of the twelve guards around the daimyo of the land of fire are elite ninjas chosen by the daimyo himself, and there will also be a few people from Konoha.

Several ministers looked at each other: "Master Yuan already has a suitable candidate, and Master Qingliangu is still in office..."

The Qinglian Valley he was talking about was a ninja from Konoha.

The smile on Makoto's face remained unchanged: "Konoha is the best place to train ninjas in the entire ninja world. Those ninja retainers or wave ninjas who are raised can't compare with our Konoha after all. I hope you can go back and have a good time with Gen-sama. Discuss, the person I recommend will definitely not disappoint Master Yuan."

"...I will understand later."

After the ministers of the Fire Nation left, they really called Kakashi and Maitekai to their eyes.

He first told Kakashi about going to Tanokuni to pick up the princess, and asked him to choose a few companions to perform this task together.

Kakashi has no objection, he never refuses the task.

Zhen said to Kai again: "Kai, I'm going to send you to a place so that you can have a good experience."

Kai was startled when he heard the words, "Where are you going?"

"Do you know the Twelve Guardians around the daimyo?"

The Guardian Twelve Warriors, as the name suggests, are the twelve elite ninjas who guard the daimyo.

Kakashi on the side was extremely surprised: "Master Hokage, do you want Kai to protect the Twelve Warriors?"

It was nothing more than that he was so surprised that it was against harmony for someone like Kai to take on such an important job.

Moreover, Kakashi has also heard about Kai's father's reputation with the Minister of the Fire Country.

Zhen pondered for a while and said: "It is precisely because even you feel that it is inappropriate that Kai is allowed to go. The word ninja does not just mean strength. Kai, you now have the Immortal Seal, and the peak strength ranks first in the entire Konoha." It’s worth it, but it may be too big a step for you, and you need to settle down.”

Kai listened thoughtfully.

Zhen smiled again: "Don't worry, I didn't let you stay there forever, two or three years, you can come back anytime you want."

The political circles in the Nation of Fire are boycotting Kai's father Matt Dai, but Shin sends Kai to Daimyo as a bodyguard.

I don't know what Daimyo will think after seeing Kai, and whether he has the urge to kill Makoto Hokage.

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