Rated Hokage

Chapter 192 Chapter 191

The northern border of Fire Country, bordering Tian Country.

Kakashi followed among the crowd, waiting for Princess Tanokuni's arrival.

He also came with several Konoha ninjas, wearing traditional Konoha combat uniforms, standing very eye-catching among this group of mission ministers.

It was getting close to noon, and the ninja who went to investigate the situation returned.

"Captain Kakashi, the princess is here!"

When the mission heard the words, they immediately cheered up, and everyone was ready to fight.

Looking from a distance, I finally saw a convoy approaching here, and many people surrounded a luxurious carriage.

When the two parties met, the leaders of each party would explain the meaning of their daimyo. After some handover procedures, a woman in beautiful clothes slowly walked out of the carriage of the Tianzhi Kingdom team. Her clothes were full of jewels and black. Her hair was tied in a bun, and her face was covered by a layer of tulle, making it hard to see clearly, but even so, one could guess how beautiful the face was under the veil.

The Konoha ninja in the crowd couldn't help but look straight.

"This princess is so beautiful!"


"Captain Kakashi, what's the name of the princess?"

Kakashi was also looking at the princess, and thought for a while after hearing the words: "... Ki Inada Hime."

The princess seemed to have a sense of it, and glanced at Kakashi, her eyes were bright and flowing, and even Kakashi, who was usually not close to women, couldn't help but choked.

Qi Inada Hime...

He silently recited the princess's name, and watched her being assisted into the carriage prepared by the Fire Nation Mission.

The curtain was lowered, completely blocking the figure that made many people present lose their minds.

After Kakashi regained his composure, he suddenly felt afraid for a while. Such a woman is definitely not a kind person. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a disaster for the country and the people. After entering the Land of Fire, I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, and I don’t know if the daimyo can hold it.

After all the etiquette and ceremonies were completed, everyone in the Fire Nation changed direction and started their return journey. # Konoha Shopping Street.

"Mission, what mission?" Lin heard that Obito invited her to go out to perform the mission, not surprised.

Obito said enthusiastically: "The escort mission to the country of birds, I heard that the scenery there is very beautiful, we can go and see together."

Lin was not very interested, and asked, "Is it just the two of us?"

Obito was a little shy: "Ah... the level of this task is not high, it is enough for the two of us to go."

Lin immediately sensed what he was thinking, and casually said, "Let me think about it."

Obito is still strongly recommending to Lin: "Lin, there is a very beautiful lake in the Bird Country, and there are many beautiful birds living by the lake..."

Lin listened absent-mindedly, her eyes casually scanning the shops on both sides of the street.

This task was recommended to him by his companions from the Tu tribe. He said that going out alone with a girl is undoubtedly the fastest way to warm up the relationship, and if you invite him to travel directly, he will definitely be rejected, so there is such a task.

Obito was extremely looking forward to the fact that he and Lin could go on missions together, and hoped that Lin would agree.

In the past two days, Lin was still feeling annoyed by what he really forced to kiss her and what he said earlier, and she couldn't arouse any interest in the mission that Obito said.

In fact, it is not impossible to go out to relax, but she refuses to go out alone with the soil.

"Lin! Obito!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded not far away, it was Hong, and Hong Dou was beside him.

After saying hello, Hongdou said, "Dating?"

Obito smiled embarrassedly when he heard the words, but Lin was helpless: "Don't talk nonsense."

She looked at Hong and Hongdou in front of her eyes, and suddenly became thoughtful.

Lin said, "You two seem to be very busy."

Xi Hihong laughed: "Where are you free, isn't it usually like this?"

Because the village is currently short of manpower, all ninjas in service now have a lot of tasks, but they still have a lot of free time, just a few days less than before.

Lin looked at Obito and asked, "Obito, the mission you mentioned just now is to go to the country of birds, right?"

Obito cheered up, thinking that Lin was going to agree, so he nodded vigorously.

Hong heard the words and said in surprise: "The country of birds, is it so far away?"

Obito quickly said: "It's not too far away, and the task is very easy. You can have a good time there after you get there."

Hongsi thought: "I heard that Bird Country is very beautiful, very suitable for traveling..."

Obito looked at Lin expectantly.

Lin suddenly asked Hong and Hongdou, "Do you two want to go?"

Hong and Hongdou were both startled: "Us?"

Obito was a little dumbfounded, he expected to go out with Lin alone.

Hongdou shook her head again and again: "I don't want to be a light bulb."

Lin rolled her eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about? You all know the relationship between me and Obito."

Hongdou shrugged and said, "I don't really care, I'm just afraid that some people will be unwilling."

She looked at Obito again: "Obito, do you mind if the four of us go together?"

Obito: "..."

Of course he minded in his heart, but how could he say such words, he showed a signature smile on his face: "Of course I don't mind, but you three girls, I'm the only man, I'm afraid it will be embarrassing."

Hongdou said: "You don't need to think of us as girls, or don't think of yourself as a boy."

The corner of Obito's mouth twitched, and he hated Hongdou, a man, to death.

Hong smiled and said, "We're all friends, so what's the embarrassment? Do you want to call Kakashi again?"

As she spoke, she deliberately blinked at Lin.

After Shiranui Genma and Ebisu learned that Obito was going to accompany the three girls on a mission, they were filled with envy and hatred.

Sarutobi Asma approached Obito with a sullen face, and asked him if he could bring himself with him on this mission. Because of the popularity, he also wanted to participate.

Obito was a little numb in his heart, but the originally planned two-person trip was about to turn into a group outing. Those who didn't know probably thought this mission was a very difficult A-level mission.

He went to ask Lin for her opinion, and then Hong found out about it, and for some reason, Hong didn't go.

In the end, it became a three-person task of Lin, Hongdou and Obito.

For Rin, it's fine as long as she's not alone with Obito.

It's a pity that Obito secretly, if the red beans don't go, it will be fine, if the red is there, maybe he can give himself an assist.

On the day of the mission, the employer couldn't help being suspicious when he saw three such young people escorting him.

Hongdou dispelled his employer's doubts by directly revealing his identity as a jounin. Since he entered the crown, he was really promoted to become a jounin.

The dumpling shop on Muye South Street.

Genma Shiranui, Ebisu, and Aoba Yamashiro who were the same age were sitting together and chatting.

Xuan Jian looked at Asma on the opposite side and asked with a smile: "Why didn't Asma go to the country of birds?"

Asma showed embarrassment: "I have other things at the moment, so I don't plan to go."

Xuan Jian said with a smile: "I heard that Hong is not going either."

Ebisu also said, "It's because you acted too hastily and made Hong unhappy."

Asma showed helplessness. It is not a secret in this circle that he likes red, but the current progress is still the same as Obito, which belongs to unrequited love.

Yamashiro Aoba said: "It seems to be just a C-level mission. The three of them, one Jōnin and two Chunin, are too talented. If you add Hong and Asma, I think Hokage-sama will get angry."

Asma said: "There are red beans, it's all right."

His implication is that the relationship between Hongdou and Hokage is very good.

Ebisu looked thoughtful: "You tell me how did Anko become a Jōnin? She has only been a Jōnin for less than a year, faster than Kakashi, and she has made great progress."

Asma blurted out: "Could it be through the back door?"

Everyone looked over.

"What goes through the back door?"

"Whose back door?"

Asma said: "Just go through the back door. Hongdou and Hokage-sama have such a good relationship, and Hokage-sama is a little more relaxed about her requirements."

Xuanjian was helpless: "Kai said before that Hongdou is very strong, maybe he has trained very hard in private."

Everyone thought about it.

Ebisu said at this time: "Kai also left the village, suddenly I feel so deserted."

Asma sighed: "In the past, we were either Hokage's guards or Daimyo's guards in the same period. It seems that we are very poor."

Xuanjian laughed: "You also work hard to practice, maybe you can join the crown guard."

Asma pursed her lips, feeling that she still had to find a way to please Hong.

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