Rated Hokage

Chapter 193 Chapter 192

Two days later, in the territory of Bird Country.

"It's finally here." Hongdou stretched long and got off the carriage.

The entrance is a huge and beautiful lake, as rumored, it is amazing at a glance.

The Country of Birds is just a small country. Its land area is just a city in the Country of Fire. The whole country lives around a lake surrounded by lush forests. Its military strength is very limited, so it has always maintained neutrality and vigorously developed tourism. The flames of war rarely affected them.

As the evening approached, looking at the sparkling surface of the lake from a distance, the air was filled with mild fragrance. It was a gentle and softened evening.

Lin also took a deep breath: "What a good place."

Far away from the troubles in the village and the people she doesn't want to see, she just wants to relax here.

After Obito saw the huge and beautiful lake, his mood improved a lot. Even if he couldn't have a two-person date with Lin, it would be a good trip.

"Look, Lin, I didn't lie to you."

The three of them sent the employer to the destination, and got the mission feedback book and the remaining remuneration.

"Let's go shopping." Hongdou said enthusiastically.

Lin laughed: "We need to find a place to live first."

Hongdou said to Obito, "Obito, how about I trouble you to find a place to live?"

Obito naturally didn't want to, and secretly scolded Hong Dou, a tomboy.

Lin also said helplessly: "Let's go together, why leave this kind of work to Obito."

Obito was very moved when he heard the words, thinking that Lin is so gentle and understanding!

The three of them found a hotel with a lake-view room, and opened two rooms next to each other. When Obito stood in the room and looked at the beautiful scenery of the lake outside, he felt that it was a pity. If only he and Lin were here, what a pity. Great opportunity!

Maybe Lin will be very moved by this, and agree to her heart!

Looking at the red beans beside Lin, Obito felt even more intrusive, and hoped that this manly woman would be more interesting and create a space for himself and Lin.

Put the package in the room, and the three of them went out shopping together. When they came to the shopping street, Lin and Hongdou happily bought this thing in front, and Obito followed slowly behind with a bag. Shopping is a very stupid thing.

He saw Lin and Hongdou enter a clothing store with his own eyes, where they carefully selected and tried on their upper body, boasting to each other that this and that look good on each other, but in the end they didn't buy it.

As night fell, colorful lights were hung on the shopping street, and local residents and foreign tourists flocked in an endless stream.

In the residential area on the other side of the lake, people went to bed early and entered a peaceful dream.

In the dense crowd, several pairs of eyes were fixed on Obito and the three of them.

"The target has one more person, do you want to kill it together?"

"The opponent is Mitarai Anko, one of the crown guards, who was a student of the fourth generation, Jonin."

"Is that little girl a Jonin?"

"...It's not long since he was promoted to Jōnin, so it's not clear how strong he is."

"Don't be careless. The Crown Guard is an elite organization around Hokage. There are currently only four of them, and Hatake Kakashi is one of them."

Hatake Kakashi is currently the most prestigious rookie talent in Konoha. His father is White Fang, his teacher is Golden Shining, and he became a Jonin at a young age.

"Let's wait for the opportunity, it's best to lure Mitarai Red Bean away." # Konoha Village, the home of the Uchiha patriarch.

In the living room, Itachi was nervously looking at his father opposite, and what Fuyue was holding was a report card.

This report card is very special, it is the result of Itachi's independent test in the ninja school, and the standard of this test is the level of the graduating class.

After reading the report card, Fu Yue looked at his son: "You mean, the teacher at your school wants you to graduate early?"

Itachi responded: "Yes, the principal still wants you to go to school tomorrow to talk to you about this... Dad, do you think I should graduate early?"

Fuyue put down the report card, put his arms around his chest, raised his mouth and said, "Why not, since the school treats you with such a big battle, it means that they all recognize your talent and feel that you continue to stay in the ninja school It's a waste of time."

He was very happy and proud of this in his heart. How could his father be unhappy that his son could have such achievements?

The only such genius in the village is Kakashi, who became a jonin at the age of twelve, and since then the upper limit of the word genius has become Kakashi.

His son Itachi will surely become a genius ninja beyond Kakashi!

In the future, he will inherit his mantle and continue Uchiha's great cause of revitalization!

Fu Yue said: "I will see your principal tomorrow."

Itachi also smiled, feeling his father's joy.

Fu Yue suddenly straightened his face again: "Don't be proud and complacent. Graduating early is not uncommon in the past. Don't think that you are so good now. You are just a ninja reserve. There are also many good people among the ninjas."

Itachi quickly lowered his head and said, "Yes, Dad, I will work harder!"

Fu Yue just nodded lightly, showing the image of a strict father to the fullest.

"Father." Itachi said cautiously again.


"Mom hasn't come back yet."

"She has an appointment with your Aunt Kushina and Aunt Lingli today."

"Then shall we still eat?" Itachi asked involuntarily.



Itachi's stomach also rumbled at this time.

Fuyue was silent for a while, got up and said, "Come on, I'll take you to the eight generations of uncle's house for dinner."

At this moment, Mikoto is drinking heavily with Kushina and Ayari in the izakaya.

Lingli asked with drunken eyes: "Miqin, if you don't go home, what will happen to Fuyue and Itachi? Can Fuyue know how to cook?"

Meiqin only felt top-heavy, her whole body's center of gravity was on the short table in front of her.

"Fuyue, he... hiccup~ Forget it, he won't starve to death even if he's hungry."

Kushina, who was lying on the table, let out a burst of laughter.

Ling Li also laughed straight: "Miqin, you are amazing, I wish I could be like you, if that guy dares to provoke me, I will starve him and not cook for him."

Meiqin narrowed her eyes and asked, "Can't you cook?"

Lingli shook her head: "My sister and Qiuli cook at home, and my cooking is terrible, and Sibi doesn't even eat it."

Meiqin rubbed her forehead and said with a sudden smile: "If I dare to provoke you, you won't let him go to bed."

Lingli was even more helpless, and sneered: "Then he can die of happiness."

Meiqin was surprised: "There won't be any conflicts in the life of the two of you as a couple, can't he do it?"

The three sisters were the only ones in the box, and there was no taboo in chatting.

"No, he's great...I mean..."

Lingli was also a little delirious, shaking her head there, staggering: "If I don't let him go to bed, he must have crawled into my sister's bed."

Mikoto: "..."

Kushina, who was lying on the table, smiled even more happily at this time.

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