Rated Hokage

Chapter 198 Chapter 197

"I'm back."

Itachi pushed open the door of his own house and shouted at the same time.

A figure quickly rushed out of the room, clasping his shoulders firmly, Itachi was taken aback, and then realized that it was his father, but seeing his anxious expression, he felt very strange, in Itachi's impression, his father had never So flustered.


"Itachi, how are you?" Fu Yue asked eagerly.

Itachi was confused and said, "I'm fine."

"Were you at Zhishui's house last night?"

"Yes... I also went to Hokage-sama and met Hokage-sama." Itachi laughed while talking, "It was Shisui who took me there, and Hokage-sama talked to me a lot, encouraging me a lot if."

Fuyue suddenly caught a glimpse of Itachi's back neck with a sharp eye, and he peeled off Itachi's collar vigorously, only to find that it was a complicated seal, which was absolutely absent before last night.

After seeing this seal, Fu Yue seemed to have lost all his strength, he slumped on the ground weakly, lowered his head and laughed a few times.

"Father, what's wrong with you?" Itachi looked at his father puzzled, not understanding what happened.

He glanced at the living room and found that the house seemed a little deserted.

"Where's mom?"


At this time, Fu Yue stood up slowly again. Even with the height difference, Itachi couldn't see his father's face clearly.

"Mother Ni... went out on something, and she won't be back until very late."

"Oh...then shall we go to Uncle Yatsudai's house for dinner today?"

Fuyue didn't respond, and just stood there, Itachi felt that his father was a little different from before.


Hokage house.

"What are you thinking, absent-minded?"

Seeing Mikoto staring at Ningci sleeping soundly in the stroller, Lingli asked with a smile.

Meiqin raised her head and smiled, "I'm thinking...what will Ning Ci be like in the future, will he be the same as his father?"

Ling Li smiled lightly and said, "Don't be like his father, you can learn the good things, and forget about the bad things."

Meiqin asked, "What's bad?"

This Lingli didn't say anything, in her opinion, everything is really good, the only bad thing is that this guy is a playful bastard.

She had already put up with her sister's affairs, but not long ago, she saw this bastard taking advantage of Xia and reaching out to touch her ass.

This made Aya very angry, and then thought that this guy also has a beautiful female secretary, so how absurd it would be in the office!

My son must not harm girls like his father in the future, he must be educated from an early age.

Lingli changed the topic and smiled: "Miqin, you like children so much, why don't you have another baby with Fuyue? Itachi is so sensible now, you have the time and energy to have another baby, and itachi is also arguing to think about it." Want a sibling?"

Meiqin just smiled lightly: "...Let's talk about it later."

When mentioning Fu Yue, her expression was very calm, and only Itachi could make her feel a little turbulent.

However, Lingli continued to persuade: "To be honest, the village now advocates more children and more children, and in the future, I can be with Neji as a companion. It's a pity for Kushina, otherwise the children of our three families can grow up together. If Whoever of you gave birth to a girl might get married in the future."


The future drawn by Ayari is indeed very beautiful, Mikoto also thought so.

By that time, Itachi had grown up and became a ninja in charge of his own work. The three families got together lively and lively. Their elders drank and chatted, and the children also played together. If he gave birth to a daughter, maybe someone Tian will take Neji or Kushina's child home and say that this is his boyfriend...

But this kind of thing was just thought about before, how ironic it sounds now.

My own home, my own husband...

Miqin stretched out her hand to caress Neji's cheek, and said softly: "Our Neji will definitely become a great man in the future."

Ayano comes over and asks Ayari what she would like to have for dinner, but Ayari asks Mikoto if she wants to stay for dinner tonight, and to her surprise, Mikoto agrees.

Ling Li smiled and said, "You don't care about the two in your family now?"

Miqin just said, "They won't be hungry."

Her eyes stayed on Ayano's back. Ayano's older sister is very beautiful, and more feminine than Ayano. Although she usually dresses plainly, she can't hide her plump figure.

On the other hand, on Ayari's side, Mikoto was sometimes worried about whether she would be so hungry that Ningji, two sisters of the same mother, why there is such a big gap there.

No wonder he really climbed into her bed.

Mikoto looked down at her own chest, it seemed that she was not much better than Ayari.

There is a sexy secretary in the office, and there is a beautiful maid at home, so it's not bad that this Hokage-sama is a bit of a womanizer.

Ayari is also aware of this, and probably has nothing to do about it.

Mikoto was thinking this way, when she was thinking, she suddenly saw Lingli looking at her strangely.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Ling Li said: "You are very strange, why have you been staring at my sister just now?"

Meiqin said: "...It's okay, I just think that Ms. Ayano is very beautiful and very feminine."

Ayari curled her lips: "Am I not feminine?"

Meiqin smiled and said, "You have it too, but your sister is more mature."

Ayari sighed: "So men like mature ones, right?"

Miqin didn't know how to respond to these words, so she could only say, "Maybe...everyone has their own love."

Seeing that Lingli seemed a little bored, she said again: "Master Hokage must love you."

Lingli didn't answer this question either, she was thinking in her heart that she is not the only one who really loves, and she doesn't know how many sweet love words she has said to other women.

It was already dark outside, and the lights in the mansion were turned on.

Lord Fifth Hokage also came back at this time.

"Really, you're back." Ling Li said with a smile after seeing Zhen.

"Yeah, I don't have much to do today, so I don't need to work overtime."

Naturally, she came to Ayari and leaned over to kiss her cheek. In front of Mikoto, Ayari was very shy and beat him a few times to show her resistance.

Meiqin didn't say anything teasing this time, but just quietly watched the two get intimate.

Zhen looked at Meiqin Youyou again and said: "Mrs. Meiqin is not leaving at this late hour, are you going to stay for dinner?"

Meiqin smiled lightly and said, "Why, is Hokage-sama stingy with a meal?"

Zhen smiled and said: "How come, it's okay if you want to live here at night, my house is quite big."

At this moment, Lingli gave him a hammer, saying that he was out of shape.

After chatting a few words, Zhen said: "Is the meal ready yet? I'm already hungry. Let's go to the kitchen first."

Mikoto watched him walk towards the kitchen. She remembered that Ayano was still in the kitchen at this time, but she caught a glimpse of the smile on Ayari's face from the corner of her eye, as if she was happy for the real kiss.

"Ayari..." she said calmly.


"...It's nothing." Meiqin lowered her head again.

What she wants to say is that if a woman is too attached to a man, she will become selfless.

At that time, I will only break through my bottom line again and again for this man, and finally become bottomless.

She also felt that she was really talking too much.

What is your bottom line...

Miqin thought of what Fu Yue said to herself last night, which directly tore up her happy and beautiful family... No, it was a dream that was torn apart. She found that she had actually been living in a illusory bubble. It's just reality.

Fuyue, Fuyue, don't you love me... Why, would you do such a thing?

Meiqin thought about it and left herself with one last answer.


Everything she did was for Itachi.

As for Fuyue...

Fuyue, Fuyue...

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