Rated Hokage

Chapter 199 Chapter 198


Zhen, who was washing his hands and preparing to eat, turned his head and found Mikoto standing at the door, so he made room for her.


Meiqin looked at Zhen with a half-smile, "I didn't expect Hokage-sama to be able to cook, did you stay in the kitchen for so long just now to help Ms. Ayano prepare dinner?"

The meaning in the words is self-evident, and I can't help but raise my eyebrows slightly.

Miqin came to the sink, leaned slightly and began to rinse her hands with the tap, and as she bent down, her skirt was lifted up high, and her body instantly showed a seductive curve.

This made Zhen Zhen's eyes stop on the two round and towering balls under her waist.

After washing her hands, Miqin turned to look at him, and she didn't know if she noticed that the other party was peeping at her, drying her wet hands there and asking, "Is there any towel?"

Zhen motioned to the light-colored towel beside him: "That's mine."

"Forget it." Meiqin didn't go to get it when she heard the words, but directly put her hand on the brown sweater on her chest and wiped it. With crystal water drops.

After wiping her hands, she walked past Zhen's side and walked out of the bathroom.

Really sniffing the scent of fragrance left by her walk, couldn't help grinning.

This woman has quite a set.

It seems that Fu Yue did what he said.

It is undoubtedly more uncomfortable for a man to do this than to kill himself, but who made him a father? Among the choices given by Zhen, Fu Yue can only choose his own children.

And this kind of big sister who has to make compromises for the sake of her family and children has always been loved very much.

at the dinner table.

Zhen sat at the main table, and Ayano did not come to the table when there were guests at home.

The food is a little richer than before, and Ayano's cooking skills are already pretty good. After tasting it, Mikoto couldn't help but praise that the taste is very good.

Then she said that Lingli was too comfortable now, Yilai stretched out her hand to eat and opened her mouth, the child and the servants helped to watch over her, and she only needed to feed her on weekdays, and she didn't need to face the child's crying at all.

Although Uchiha has a large clan, there has never been Hinata's concept of dignity and class. Even the patriarch is just a pure leader, so there is no saying that there are servants in the family.

It is possible to hire a nanny, but in Mikoto's view, it is completely unnecessary.

This is also related to the history of the two races.

In the Warring States period before Konoha built the village, Uchiha was a group of mercenaries who got paid by selling their own strength, and at that time, Hinata was already a famous ninja family, just like those rich and famous families in that country.

Going back to history can also understand that Uchiha's ancestor was Indra, a person who was abandoned by Ninja.

And Hyuga's ancestor was Otsutsuki Yumura, even if he wasn't orthodox in the ninja sect, his status was absolutely light.

Regarding what Mikoto said, Ayari just laughed and said why would she want to experience such a life when she could enjoy it.

Meiqin smiled lightly: "It seems that what Mrs. Hokage did is really genuine."

Really pretending to be displeased: "What do you mean by saying that? His heart can be punished."

Meiqin gave him a blank look when she heard the words, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw the inadvertent amorous feelings.

There were no outsiders at the dinner table, and both of them knew they were joking, so Miqin didn't take it into consideration.

During the chat, weasel was mentioned again.

Ayari said, "Isn't Itachi graduating early from ninja school?"

Zhen nodded and said: "That's right, it's a waste of talent for this kid to stay in school."

Aya's ideal is that if Itachi is so young now and forms a team with those twelve or thirteen-year-old children in the graduating class, can they get along well, will they be bullied, and other issues.

Zhen said: "Don't worry, the teammates arranged for him are all very good people, and even if he is bullied, just fight back."

Lingli couldn't help being angry when she heard the words: "How can you teach children like this, you are still Hokage."

Meiqin smiled and said, "Although Itachi is young, he has a very stable temperament, and generally won't conflict with others."

Shinya said: "This child's mind is indeed far beyond ordinary people, and given the correct guidance, his future achievements will be limitless."

Ayari looked at Mikoto with a smile and said, "Did you hear that Hokage-sama praised your son."

Miqin was naturally delighted to hear such words, she glanced at Zhen with her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Master Hokage has such a high opinion of our Itachi, do you think he can be Hokage in the future?"

Zhen smiled lightly and said: "A good person doesn't have to be Hokage, this kid will have his own ideas, don't put too much pressure on him."

Meiqin smiled and said, "Why do I think that you want your son to be Hokage?"

I couldn't help squinting my eyes, thinking that this woman is really not taboo at all.

Lingli said at this time: "Why can't my son be Hokage, his father is Hokage, and he will definitely be stronger than his father in the future!"

Meiqin said perfunctorily, "Yes, your son is the best."

At this moment, Zhen suddenly felt a slight itching from his calf, and looked left and right at Ayari and Mikoto.

The two were still talking there, Ayari seemed to want to argue with Miqin about her son, Miqin also acted nonchalantly.

With a calm expression on his face, he continued to eat with his head down, and listened to the two talking there.

The touch on the calf became more and more clear, and he opened his underwear and rubbed against his ankle from time to time, but the other party's movements seemed very jerky.

I really found it interesting and began to enjoy this different kind of stimulation.

After dinner, Ayano and Mikoto sat and talked for a while, and Ayano came to clean up the mess.

"It's getting late, I should say goodbye." Meiqin glanced at the sky outside, then glanced at Zhenzhen and said.

"Then I'll see you off." Zhen also got up at the same time.

The two walked out of the bright living room, walked into the dark pavilion, and walked all the way to the main entrance.

The really close Mikoto was very close, and she could clearly smell the faint fragrance emanating from her body.

Every woman has a different taste, even the two sisters Ayano and Ayari have their own characteristics and fragrances.

"It seems Hokage-sama hasn't visited my house for a while." Mikoto said.

"I'm busy with business, so I can't take time off." Zhen sighed.

Fu smiled again: "If Mrs. Meiqin misses me, she can come to my office to look for me."

Meiqin said angrily: "Master Hokage is really not serious. Is it okay to flirt with a married man?"

Zhen smiled and said: "It's just a joke, why take it seriously."

Even though that kind of thing happened under the dinner table just now, the two of them still maintained their reserve on the surface.

"I've learned a few new dishes recently, Hokage-sama can take Ayari to my place to try."

"Okay, let's see if Ayari has time."

"What if Ayari doesn't have time?"

"Then I can only go by myself."

This man was just saying that he was too busy with work, Miqin sneered in her heart.

At the main entrance, Zhen also stopped.

"Goodbye, Mrs. Mikoto."

After saying goodbye, she was about to leave, but Meiqin suddenly felt a pain in her buttocks, and when she turned her head, she saw Zhen holding up a hand and waving it towards her with a smile.

Without saying anything, Mikoto didn't even change her expression in the dark, she just turned around and left Hokage Mansion, her figure disappeared into the night.

The street was deserted, and I was walking alone.

The way home is too long, and the street lights ahead have never noticed that there are so many.

Itachi was still waiting for her at home.

"Low, really low...Uchiha Mikoto..."


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