Rated Hokage

Chapter 205 Chapter 204

"The resurrection method I mentioned earlier has no such side effects, a real resurrection."

This method is naturally the ability of the reincarnation eye, a natural technique of reincarnation, which requires the self-sacrifice of the caster in exchange for the lives of others.

But this method is more stringent than the one just now. The only remaining eyes of reincarnation in the world are only one pair. In the case of Nagato of Yuyin Village, it is difficult to let Nagato willingly exchange his life for the life of the second Hokage. ?

Toboma stared at Zhen, waiting for Zhen to tell the next resurrection method.

However, I really didn't intend to tell him now, but just said: "I need to go back and check the information."

If Tobuma is told this method now, will Tobuma do something against Nagato.

I really can't be sure, the Second Hokage is not a good man and a believer.

The current Yuyin Village is still very useful for Konoha.

Fei Jian frowned secretly, but he had no choice but to take the initiative, after all, it was always the truth.

But with the harvest of soul splitting, it is not in vain.

He didn't go back to the research institute immediately, but went to the place where the scrolls were stored in the village to find the documents of the Uzumaki clan that he had said.

After staying there for a day and a night, the harvest is roughly the same as what I really said.

There is a god of death in the world, and the ghoul seal of the Uzumaki family is an advanced sealing technique that summons the god of death to assist in combat.

The god of death is the god who supervises the cycle of life and death, and sends the soul of a person to the pure land after death.

He suddenly understood what was going on with the twins in the institute, and why Orochimaru tried to fuse their souls together.

If you can use other people's souls to fill the vacancy after your split, can you use the filled part of the soul as a substitute for the god of death in the next split?

If this is successful, then this method of soul reincarnation can be turned into a secret technique that can live forever!

This idea made Tobima suddenly enlightened, and he was completely convinced of Dashemaru's talent in his heart.

The Fourth Hokage, the descendant of this village, has gone astray, but he is definitely a genius among geniuses.

He couldn't wait to return to the Institute to continue his research.

He has found a new path, and he wants to see the results as soon as possible.

On Zhen's side, he also read almost all the books in the clan again.

But nothing.

In fact, he has read the collection of books in the book countless times.

Most of the so-called ancient books record Hinata's history before Konoha built the village, and there is no mention of Tenseigan.

If you hadn't read the original book, you probably wouldn't have known there was such a thing as Tenseiken.

Obviously, Hinata is of the same family as Otsutsuki on the moon, but too many things have been lost.

The little thought in his heart was gone, which made him a little reconciled.

Is the method of merging Baiyan really only available to the Baiyan family on the moon?

During the two days, he was really distracted, and Lingli asked him what happened at the dinner table.

I can only say that I have encountered a problem, and I can't think of a good solution for the time being.

Looking at the son in the stroller, Xiao Ningci also stretched out his hand as if he wanted to hug Zhen. Zhen didn't spend much time with the child every day, but the child did not reject Zhen at all.

Zhenhuai was pacing back and forth in the room with her son in her arms, while Lingli sat on the sofa and looked at the two with a smile.

If you can make Tenseikan, you can also give a pair to your children.

I suddenly thought of it again.

Afterwards, I felt a little bewildered, there was nothing wrong with the horoscope, and I have been annoyed by it for the past two days.

"Tell me, what kind of person will Neji become in the future?" Zhen suddenly asked Ayari.

Ling Li laughed: "What kind of person do you want him to be?"

Zhen was silent for a while, and said: "Be like me, be a strong man in this world."

Ling Li said, "Then what if he doesn't want to? If he has his own hobbies, or even doesn't want to be a ninja, what will you do?"

Zhen said: "The future of a child is completely affected by the growth environment. If the growth environment and education methods we give him make him have other ideas, we can only respect him."

Lingli smiled lightly: "You can take it easy."

Jin said, "I will support him in whatever he does."

Looking at Xiao Ningci's bright and big eyes, the white pupils are not like the black and brown pupils of ordinary people, which can clearly reflect the face.

What would this child see himself in...

After staying with Neji and Ayari for a while, Zhen left home to continue his work on Hokage.

Sitting on the desk, I saw the latest mission status of Hyuga Kiyomi's team, the performance of Yakushidou and Itachi.

Really looking at this document thoughtfully.

Regarding the research on Sharingan, the biggest achievement of Orochimaru seems to be the cloning technology. He once had an experimental product called Uchiha Shin, who has a special constitution that can accommodate all kinds of foreign blood inheritance without being rejected. Using the clone left by Orochimaru Technology has created a lot of Sharingan, and completed the self-evolution of Sharingan. Although the ability performance is not very good, it is indeed a kaleidoscope.

However, Orochimaru has not carried out research on cloning technology, and this technology is not really what it wants strictly speaking.

If there is a complete technology now, he will definitely ask Tobima to study it, but now he can only start again. How long will it take, how many years? Over ten years?

Except for Orochimaru, none of the people engaged in human experimentation and biological research in Naruto World is a whole person, and they all turned themselves into monsters with neither human nor ghost, and I really resisted this.

After contemplating for a long time, it suddenly occurred to me that there seems to be another person who has been studying the blood succession boundary.


His Ghost Bud Luo technique can fuse with Blood Successor Limit, although he also turned himself into a monster, but he has ready-made technology at the moment.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, grab it first and then talk.

He summoned Huomen.

"There was a traitor named Beiliuhu in the village many years ago. You lead a team to capture him."

"Beliuhu?" Huomen couldn't help thinking, he had never heard of this name.

Beiliuhu and Sannin were still their friends at the same time, but they were unknown people who were chased and killed by the third generation because of their research on combined ninjutsu.

"There is his information in the list of traitors and ninjas. You can go and have a look. When you arrest him, you can go to Mount Sumeru to investigate."

"I see."

At dusk, the setting sun is shining in the west, and a full moon is rising in the sky in the east, hidden in the twilight.

Really staring at the moon.

When will I be able to see the Datongmu family there?

There seems to be a teleportation array leading to the moon on the earth, but it is hidden somewhere.

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