Rated Hokage

Chapter 206 Chapter 205

Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

Kai and Seiriya, who is also one of the guardian ninjas, came out of Minamoto-sama's sleeping place and looked at the ministers waiting anxiously outside.

Qingliangu said: "Daimyo is not feeling well today, so let's discuss some political affairs in another day."

The ministers all showed resentment when they heard the words, and someone directly called him by name and asked, "Is Qi Daotian Ji in there?"

Qingliangu was helpless: "...Daiming needs someone to take care of him."

The ministers were in an uproar, and some couldn't help but yelled: "The witch! She is a witch! She is the country's disaster star!"

Qingliangu had no choice but to ask the guards to drag this person away.

It is also because this is not the first time that these ministers have been so excited.

The daimyo didn't care about political affairs for a long time, and stayed with Qi Inada Hime every day.

Qingliangu persuaded everyone to leave, a small number of people turned around and left, and some chose to continue waiting here, vowing to see the daimyo.

Qingliangu had to leave with Kai. Both of them were born in Konoha. When Kai first arrived, he received a lot of care from Qingliangu.

Kai couldn't help asking Qingliangu: "Why is Master Yuan doing this? Isn't it his job to handle government affairs?"

In his impression, his Hokage is a very dedicated person.

Qingliangu said: "Daimyo and Hokage are different. Hokage is only managing the village, but this country belongs to the daimyo. The daimyo can do whatever they want. These ministers can only advise the daimyo, but they cannot force them to do so. What does he do."

Kai is a little hard to understand, no matter what the daimyo should leave the country alone.

He had also seen that Qi Dao Tian Ji, and many people praised her beauty. Kai felt that this woman was just beautiful.

In his opinion, beauty is a very useless thing.

He thought so, but Qingliangu didn't. Qingliangu could understand why the daimyo loved that woman so much. When he first saw Qi Inada Ji, he was deeply attracted by her beauty.

She looks like a goddess in the world. Qinglian Valley has never seen such a beautiful woman. If she can get her favor, she is willing to die.

It's a pity that he is not a daimyo, that is a woman that only a daimyo can enjoy. # After leaving the Huo sect, the matter of Tenseigan was put on hold for the time being, and I really didn't worry about it every day.

In fact, there are very few things that bother him. All aspects of the village are going smoothly. The daily official duties are not too heavy, and there is a lot of free time.

Maruyoshi Kosuke has gradually adapted to the current job of the ninja squad leader, and has also changed into a green ninja combat uniform, instead of carrying a pot on his back every time he performs a mission like before. The whole person looks a little better aura.

The reason why he is carrying the cooking utensils is because Kosuke Maruhoshi is also a food ninja. A food ninja is a special group of ninjas. As the name suggests, they are very good at cooking. Every time they perform a mission, there is a food ninja in the team who can cook something delicious. The meals are far more comfortable than eating Bingliang pills.

However, because the concept of food ninja itself is contrary to the concept of ninjas, many missions failed because ninjas were greedy for food and enjoyment, and their status gradually declined.

And under the real high pressure, Matt Dai finally became a Chunin. I heard that he forgot to sleep and eat because of reading every day, and his whole body was going to be dazed.

After being successfully promoted to Chunin, Dai became more confident. His son is not only the champion of Naruto, but also the guardian ninja of the daimyo. This makes him always show off his son when he is with others.

The only bad thing is that without the company of my son, I feel a little lonely, and I run handstands in the village alone every day.

The Department of Science and Craftsmanship has also entered into operation. These highly professional things really can't give them any advice, they can only set goals for them.

First try to develop a simple and portable short-distance communication device.

In the original book, Kakashi and Naruto used this communication device during their missions, but it has not been developed yet.

In the future, there will be things like computers and many electronic devices combined with chakra.

In fact, in the modern society before the real world, the mechs and high-tech weapons in those sci-fi movies could all be realized as a shell.

The main reason is that the energy problem cannot be solved. Otherwise, a ton of iron bumps will have to be charged once after two steps.

The Ark reactor in the Marvel movie Iron Man solves this problem. With something that can power the mecha, Iron Man can fly to the sky and escape from the earth. Of course, it is only "science fiction". Words are too far away.

But I really think that Naruto World can achieve this, using chakra to become a kind of energy.

The Gundam puppet that Kankuro imagined in Infinite Tsukiyomi's dreamland may not be impossible, and it will not be too far away.

At noon, I really went to Samyi's place and took a nap there.

Now Yumuren has completely become a docile kitten in front of Zhenzhen. She has completely resigned to her fate, mainly thanks to Samyi's good training.

The three girls have their own characteristics, Samuyi is cold and glamorous but obedient, Mabui is gentle and a little cowardly, and Yumu is wild in his heart even though he is docile on the surface.

To have three such girls in my hand is naturally very satisfying in my heart, but the flowers have not yet fully bloomed, and it is not the best time to pick them.

In addition to Samuel and the others, I really go to Kushina's place from time to time, and Kushina seems to be used to it. She knows that she will not let her go, and she will cooperate consciously every time she really goes, unlike before. So resist.

She has also been persistently begging that Zhen can release the water gate, but how could Zhen make her wish, she just kept drawing cakes for her.

And besides trusting him and trying to please him, Jiu Xinna has no other way at all.

But when he was really lying on Samui's bed and taking a nap, he was suddenly awakened by an extremely strong chakra.

This chakra erupted in the village, and it affected a wide range. It is estimated that it could alarm all the ninjas in the village.

And the feeling of this chakra is also very familiar, it is from the Second Hokage Senju Togama.

"Master Hokage?" Azabui who was waiting on the side asked suspiciously.

Zhen frowned and thought for a moment, put on his clothes, left the room and flew directly towards the research institute.

The research institute was in a mess, and the instruments around were directly damaged by the close-range impact of the chakra just now.

Three figures on the ground.

A Bai Jue who had lost his vitality, a red-haired young man, and the last one was wrapped in bandages and sealed.

The real eyes showed shock: "You..."

Na Baijue is undoubtedly a sacrifice that was reincarnated from the filthy soil.

Then this red-haired young man is a thousand hands!

His appearance, demeanor, and eyes are the same as Toizuma's, and his hair is as red as blood. He is a living person!

The red-haired young man sat on the ground, looked at his hands and muttered to himself: "It's such a long-lost feeling, the taste of life..."

Then he stood up slowly and looked at Zhen.

"Why, are you surprised to see me now?"

The real expression moved slightly: "You have also created a brand new physical body."

Toikama calmly said: "These are the technologies left by Orochimaru, and they are not difficult."

The red hair on that head is obviously a sign of the blood of the Uzumaki family.

Fei Jian let out a long breath, and held his neck with one hand and twisted it gently: "Bai Jue is the foundation, with the addition of Qianshou and whirlpool, it is a brand new me."

Shin asked: "Why no Uchiha?"

Fei Jian said: "I don't need things that can affect emotions and erode sanity."

True eyes flickered: "You split yourself?"

Tomona looked at the bandaged body on the ground.

"I have improved the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and the part of my split soul is still preserved by me and stored in this physical body."

He formed a seal with one hand and sealed it into a scroll.

"So do you feel any different from before?"

Tomona looked at the scroll in his hand: "No."

The real expression moved slightly.

I only heard Feijian slowly say: "To be honest, I regret it a little. Splitting the soul is a terrible thing."

"You can realize that you are not complete, but you will feel that you are now complete in personality and thinking."

"That is to say, although the part of my soul that was split by me is weak, it has already become a complete individual. If you give him a body that can be freely controlled, it will be another me."

"This is different from the avatar technique. That I will not obey me, and will not be absorbed by me willingly."

"So, it's a terrible thing."

After being silent for a long time, he said: "You are all crazy."

Feijian said: "I will find a way to restore the soul. I am far inferior to Orochimaru in my attainments in the human body and soul. I have always just picked up people's wisdom."

still today

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