Rated Hokage

Chapter 207 206 Mikoto

Tobima said that he wanted to go around the world to have a look, and that he would naturally come back when the village needed him.

In fact, it is very difficult for him to let go of Konoha in his heart, and he must still want to take Konoha back, but it is not a wise move to fight against the real right now, and doing so will only hurt Konoha.

I have already touched the threshold of longevity, and there will always be my own era in the future, so why not change the way of life first.

Tokaima remembered what his elder brother had said to him.

Returning to the present world has made me too impetuous and selfish, and I need to settle down. It is a good choice to look around the ninja world, and find a way to restore the soul by the way.

In the future, he also planned to bring his eldest brother out of the dirt again and resurrect him.

It's one thing for him to think so, but it's another matter if he really gives him this chance, how can he give up something that already belongs to him.

After Tobuma left, Zhen walked around the institute again.

Everything here is too professional, I really can't understand it, and I don't have the time to tinker with these things.

He went to see those experimental subjects, and after thinking about it for a while, he called Anbu, and after impressing these people with the seal of tongue bane eradication, he could find a small town and send them to live there.

Soul reincarnation, soul splitting...

In the original book, Orochimaru made himself extremely weak because of the technique of reincarnation without corpses. It is presumably the same reason, but the method of performing the technique is different.

The curse seal was originally developed from Zhongwu, but Zhen once offered Zhongwu to Dashewan, but Dashewan didn't care about it at the time, but developed another secret technique.

In the battle with the Third Hokage, it is estimated that this kind of secret technique was used to escape.

I really didn't stay in the institute for too long, and it was already afternoon when I walked out.

With nothing to do, he could go straight home, but instead went in another direction.

The house of the head of the Uchiha clan.

Meiqin, who was doing housework, suddenly heard a knock on the door, hurried to open the door, and was surprised to find that the person standing outside the door was actually the real one.

"Fire... Hokage-sama!"

"Master Hokage, why are you here?" Mikoto said dryly.

Zhen chuckled: "Didn't you say that you wanted to invite me to your house as a guest?"

Miqin also forced a smile: "Yes, yes... why didn't Master Hokage say hello in advance, so I can prepare in advance."

After that day, she really never came to look for her. Mikoto thought that Hokage had lost interest in a married woman like herself, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief and stopped doing such despicable things.

Zhen smiled and asked: "Why, isn't it time for me to come?"

"No! Hokage-sama, please come in." Mikoto hastily stepped aside and asked Zhen to come in.

It seemed that she was the only one in the house, and Fuyue and Itachi were not seen.

"Senior Fuyue is not at home."

"Fuyue is at the fire department, and Itachi is on a mission...they won't be back until evening."

These words seem to have a lot of meaning, and Miqin couldn't help but pause when she said it, because she realized that she seemed to be implying something.

Shin sat on the sofa, Miqin brought him tea, and when he took the cup, Zhen touched Miqin's hand on purpose.

Miqin's body froze for a while, and she didn't make any resistance movements, just pretending that nothing happened.

Zhen said: "It seems that Senior Fuyue is also very busy on weekdays, but with such a virtuous and beautiful wife as Mrs. Mikoto at home, no matter how tired you think about it, it is worth it."

This sounds extremely ironic to Miqin now, so she can only force herself to agree with it with a smile.

Zhen continued to ask with a smile: "Senior Fuyue and Mrs. Mikoto have a good relationship, right?"


Meiqin didn't want to answer this question, she felt it was really intentional.

How is the relationship between them?

It was pretty good before, Miqin felt pretty good about herself, and felt that Fu Yue loved her.

The husband is the head of the clan, the son is excellent and sensible, the family is warm and harmonious, and he is respected wherever he goes. It was originally a perfect family.

But now, she and Fuyue can't speak a word when there is no Itachi at home.

Meiqin will also cook for him, and will continue to do housework, but every time she sees him, she feels incomparably disgusted in her heart, and she doesn't want to live in the same room with him anymore. Son Itachi sleeps.

"The two of us... that's all."

Zhen looked at her with a smile, knowing everything, he said: "I remember, Mrs. Meiqin said, what are you going to prepare for me?"


Meiqin's heart tightened when she heard this, and then she felt endlessly ashamed.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Mikoto still maintained a smile on her face, but subconsciously clenched the corners of her clothes.

A few days ago, she had made up her mind, but she never came, but she did come just when she was beginning to rejoice in her heart. Such ups and downs made her feel a little uneasy.

She knew she couldn't avoid it, how could she not understand such an obvious hint at that time, and she took the initiative to tease the other party.

Maybe in the eyes of the other party, she must be a woman who is extremely obscene and cheating on her husband.

Loneliness, humiliation, shame, desolation... All kinds of emotions filled her heart at the same time. She felt a little unspeakably sad, but she didn't feel that she was sorry for anyone.

It was Fu Yue who was sorry for himself, and he was also sorry for himself...

A feeling of breaking a can was born, Mikoto pursed her lips, and said slowly: "... Hokage-sama, please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and walked towards her bedroom.

Leaving the living room and closing the door, Mikoto let out a long sigh of relief. Her spirit was in a state of rigidity and tension just now. She knew what she was going to do next, and this critical moment made her relax again.

The figures of Fu Yue and Itachi couldn't stop flashing in her mind, and the arm holding the handle of the closet door froze and refused to move.

What the hell are you doing... Well, why is this happening?

Fuyue, do you know what I'm doing now...

She kept questioning in her heart, questioning herself, questioning those who couldn't hear her questioning.

But how can this be answered? Miqin rationally told herself that she should hate her husband, even if she wanted to take revenge on him, it would not be too much, but the more she thought about it, the more her heart ached. I love Fuyue deeply, my husband deeply, and this family deeply...

This mess of thoughts made her tremble all over, and her spirit almost collapsed.

At this moment, the door of the bedroom opened suddenly, and the sound of opening the door woke Mikoto awake.

"Mrs. Mikoto, aren't you ready yet?"

The voice of that person was inquiring, probing, and urging.

Hokage stood at the door, looking at her with a smile on his face.

Meiqin stiffened her neck, subconsciously forced a smile on her face, but forgot what to say.

The man walked towards her, the footsteps were so clear in this silent bedroom.

Her whole body was pressed against the door of the closet, and the other party pressed against her back.

Miqin finally came to her senses at this moment, she really wanted to resist, wanted to escape, but the other party was Hokage.

She pressed her forehead against the wardrobe, and could feel her breath bouncing off the wooden board in front of her.

"Hokage-sama... please don't be impatient."

"I'm not in a hurry."


Extremely embarrassed, she clung to the door of the closet, and being touched by outsiders made her whole body stiff.

A thick layer of haze covered Miqin's heart, making her breathless.

The sound in the room was very close, so close that even the friction of the closet door could be heard clearly, the sound sounded as if they were passing through the room, she was far away in the sound, the sound flow Retreat, and quickly roll back, so back and forth endlessly.

The window on the side suddenly opened for some reason, adding a lot of light to the dark bedroom, and the wind came in, caressing the bodies of the two figures.

The light coming in obliquely divided the whole bedroom into light and dark halves, and they were bathing in the warm sunlight together with the flowers and plants in the courtyard.

The pillows and quilts on the bed were stacked neatly, and there was a group photo of her family on the table. Itachi stood between Fuyue and Mikoto, all three of them had smiles on their faces.

She somewhat forgot herself, like the flowers and plants outside, enduring the penetration of spring.

She lost herself, as if she was in the twilight of the spring breeze and the setting sun.

The sunlight was suddenly blocked by the twisted window screen, and she thought of herself.

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