Rated Hokage

Chapter 208 Chapter 207

It was already evening when he really came out of Fuyue's house, and he happened to meet Fuyue head-on.

Fu Yue was obviously stunned when he saw the truth, his expression changed rapidly, and then he bent down.

"... Hokage-sama."

"Senior Fuyue, did you just come back from work?"


Fu Yue bowed very low and looked at the ground with his head.

"I didn't expect Hokage-sama to come to my humble house, Mikoto didn't neglect Hokage-sama."

Zhen laughed softly: "How come, Mrs. Meiqin has done everything thoughtfully, which makes me very satisfied."

"... Hokage-sama is satisfied."

"Senior Fuyue is busy with work on weekdays, so don't neglect your wife. I think Mrs. Mikoto seems very lonely at home alone."

"...What Hokage-sama said is true."

Zhen didn't say much to him, and left here directly.

Fuyue walked into the living room and saw that the door of Meiqin's bedroom was open, but he didn't know what was going on inside.

The room was very quiet, Fu Yue just walked to the sofa and sat down silently, not knowing what he was thinking without saying a word.

Some time later, Mikoto came out of the bedroom, fully dressed and walked into the bathroom without even looking at Fuyue on the sofa.

Fu Yue seemed to want to say something, but seeing Mikoto's attitude, he held back the words.

There was a sound of splashing water in the bathroom, and after a while, Itachi also came back.


"Itachi." A smile appeared on Fuyue's face.

Mikoto also came out after taking a shower, her expression became gentle when she looked at Itachi.

"Are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

Itachi smiled and said, "Mom can do anything."

"Okay, wait a little longer."

Mikoto went to prepare dinner, and Itachi came to Fugaku's side and asked quietly.

"Dad, did you quarrel with Mom?"

Fu Yue was silent for a while, and then said: "No."

Itachi continued to ask, "Then why does Mom ignore you, Dad?"

Fu Yue just said: "Itachi, things between adults are very complicated, there is nothing between me and your mother, don't think too much."

"oh……" # Huomen didn't make Zhen wait too long, and arrested Beiliuhu within three or four days after leaving the village.

According to what he said, Beiliuhu was indeed hiding near Mount Sumeru, and developed a mercenary organization that took in a lot of Rangren and Rebellious Ren, and made a living by accepting the employment of others.

Beiluhu's strength is not weak, and it is considered relatively good among Jonin, but this is not enough in front of Huomen. The strength of Huomen can completely walk sideways in the ninja world. What is lacking now is only rich battles experienced.

Beiliuhu, who was captured, was temporarily detained in the torture department, waiting for Zhen to interrogate himself.

Beiruhu's appearance is quite different from the one on the arrest warrant given by Konoha. He used to be tall and tall, and his appearance can be called handsome.

But now he has become very thin, and most of his body is bound by bandages.

He has obviously begun to transform himself, and he probably has also incorporated some foreign blood successors.

There were only Zhen and Bei Liuhu in the interrogation room.

Really lifted the restriction of his mouth.

"Beliuho, it's our first meeting."

Beliuhu stared at Zhen and said, "Master Hokage is as young as the rumors say."

Shin crossed his arms and asked with a light smile, "Rumor? How did it spread about me in the ninja world?"

Beiliuhu said: "It is rumored that the Fifth Hokage can fly into the sky and escape from the earth, move mountains to fill the sea, control the flames that destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and can become a giant with a height of 100 meters."

I can't help but click my tongue, this is really passing on myself as a fairy.

He also knew that it was all due to the battle with Yun Nin.

"It sounds too fake."

Beiliuhu said: "I used to think it was a fake, but after fighting with the boy who came to arrest me, I believed it a little bit. With such a talent as a personal guard, then as Hokage, you will only be able to Stronger than him."

Zhen heard the words and couldn't help laughing: "It's really nice to speak."

Beiluhu continued: "Everything I said is true. Today's Konoha is extremely lucky to have a young hero like you."

Zhen smiled and said: "Why, do you think I won't kill you after saying these words?"

Beiliuhu didn't show any fear when he heard the words, but said: "I'm just a traitor. It doesn't matter if the people who pursue me kill me directly, but if you can make Hokage-sama condescend to come to see me in person, I'd rather of some value."

Zhen Bian said: "You are really smart, I am very interested in your technique of ghost sprouting."

Beiliuhu was shocked, and then lowered his head. His whole body was bound, and he could only show his respect with this action: "It is my honor for you to value me, Hokage-sama. I am also a Konoha ninja. Lord Sandaime expelled me back then, but I have always longed to return to the village, and I hope Lord Hokage can make it happen, and I will dedicate everything to the village."

This person is very good at judging the situation, knowing the current situation and protecting himself is the most important thing.

Zhen just took out a pen and paper and put it on the table in front of him, waved lightly with one hand, and the rope on Beiliuhu's body was instantly loosened.

Seeing this situation, Bei Liuhu couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"Let's write down the technique of Guiyaluo first."

Beiliuhu knew that if he resisted, he would die, and if he negotiated conditions, he would definitely die. He would also be prying into his memory by those in the Yamanaka family. The only way out was to cooperate as much as possible to obtain Hokage's tolerance.

Immediately picked up a pen, and wrote his life's painstaking efforts - the technique of ghost bud Luo on the paper.

The process was a bit long, but I really wasn't in a hurry, I just watched him write densely packed words on this blank paper.

Finally, Beiliuhu put down his pen and said respectfully, "Master Hokage, please take a look."

I really reviewed it from beginning to end, thinking carefully about the principle and feasibility of this technique.

This is not a simple technique, but a lengthy process that combines many things and factors such as human experiments, sealing rituals, and weather.

It really seems that there are many unnecessary things, and what he wants is not the technique itself of Guiyaluo. He is not interested in transforming himself into a human and ghost.

What he wanted was a method of extracting blood succession boundaries during the operation. If all the low-level methods of obtaining blood succession boundaries were obtained through transplanting blood cells, he would be too disappointed.

After reading it, Zhen raised the rope between his hands and tied it back to Beiliuhu's body, and then got up to leave.

Seeing this, Beiliuhu quickly said: "If you have any doubts, Hokage-sama, you can come and ask me."

Zhen ignored him and left the interrogation room.

Onibuyajutsu, with the caster as the core, absorbs the power of other ninjas into the body and becomes a part of its own body.

In the original book, Beiliuhu's subordinates even fused themselves with the psychic beast through this technique.

And what Beiliuhu wants to do is to fuse five different blood succession boundaries to obtain immortality.

But this is not what I really want. This method is too rough and ugly. It just absorbs the external power into the body, which is no different from Danzo's Sharingan arm.

In the final analysis, it is just "borrowing" power, and it does not completely belong to "self" this power.

What I really want is something that can decipher the genetic code of the blood succession limit, something that can decipher the secret of that special chakra.

Senjujuma, Uchiha Madara, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, they are all the Chakra reincarnations of Asura and Indra.

Why can Chakra be reincarnated? Shouldn't the reincarnation be a human soul?

Really want to know why.

But Beliuhu's Ghost Bud Luo technique is not useless. I really studied it several times, and then came to the research institute and found two mice for experiments.

And with the use of the Ghost Bud Luo technique, the two little white mice actually fused together, turning into a bloated, weird white mouse with two heads.

The important thing is that it is alive!

This really surprised me.

Whether it is Orochimaru or Tobima, the process of their human experiments is very long, requiring sufficient preparation in advance, delicate and rigorous surgical procedures, and subsequent observation periods.

And this ghost bud Luo technique is just a simple technique to fuse two biological individuals together.

But this is also an extremely cruel and unnatural art. No wonder the third generation banned it and hunted down Beiliuhu.

This operation is far more cruel than ordinary human experiments, because fusing two people together does not guarantee what they will look like after the operation. Or four legs in the lower body, or maybe two legs sharing two bodies...

How could it not be forbidden to transform people into such things.

Orochimaru's human experiment is for the evolution of the human body, making people more perfect.

Beryuhu, on the other hand, is purely for gaining great power.

It is also recorded in the text written by Beiliuho that this kind of temporarily fused creature will not live for a long time, at most a few days of life.

It takes a lot of preparation to be perfect.

I really found out some organs that Orochimaru had refrigerated for later use.

He tried to fuse the two hearts together, but he succeeded, but he didn't know if it could be used. After all, it was something that was dissected and not on the human body.

Then really fused the two eyes together to form a brand new eye.

Zhen put it in a glass bottle, asked Anbu to bring a previous test subject, and sent them to Konoha Hospital together, and immediately arranged for eye replacement surgery.

A few days later, I really went to observe the condition of the test subject. According to what he said and what the doctor said, there seemed to be no problem with the eyes.

This gave Zhen a little confidence, and then he began to prepare for the Tenseigan fusion experiment.

Give an order to the Ministry of Science and Craftsmanship to make several huge containers that can store Chakra.

What he wants to make is not the Tenseigan of Otsutsuki Tonero, but the Tenseigan weapon used by the Otsutsuki clan on the moon when they wiped out the main family!

Today is ten thousand, ask for a ticket

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