Rated Hokage

213 Chapter 212, bitch

Neji is his own child, and the future Hinata and Hanabi may also be his own children.

It seems that the child in Mikoto's belly is already Sasuke.

If this continues, several protagonists in the original book will call themselves fathers.

It was a strange feeling.

Ayano saw that there was no response for a long time, so she couldn't help asking: "Don't you want to?"

Zhen Zhen took a look at her and said, "There is no need to rush this kind of thing, just let it take its course. If you can conceive, you can give birth with peace of mind."

He knew what Ayano meant. The woman said she wanted a child, but she actually wanted a title.

Knowing that he had agreed, Ayano suppressed the joy in her heart and said in a low voice, "I see."

After dinner, I really went to the baby's room, where Lingli and Xia Zheng were teasing Xiao Neji together.

Zhen gave Xia a look to let her leave, and moved over by himself.

Lingli glanced at him and said, "Is it finished?"

"It's over."

"How do you say it?"

Zhen chuckled: "Can't you guess it?"

Ling Li curled her lips: "What can I guess about the two of you?"

Zhen immediately corrected her: "What is the matter of the two of us, it is the matter of our family."

In this round, Lingli did not refute, and looked down at her son.

Xiao Ningci was awake at the moment, staring at the two of them with big eyes, and really stretched out a finger in front of him, and Xiao Ningci quickly held it with two pink and tender hands. Really fingers.

When he moved slightly, he giggled.

He suddenly said: "You said, if Ning Ci had a younger brother, it would be good, and he won't be lonely in the future."

Ling Li said: "Don't you want a daughter?"

Zhen said: "Son and daughter are the same, I like my children."

"Then you go and have sex with my sister, and I didn't stop you."

"We'll talk about the matter with Ayano later, just let nature take its course."

Lingli felt something was wrong when she heard it, she suddenly looked at Zhen with vigilance: "Don't hit me, I won't have another child, last time it hurt me to death!"

Zhen sneered: "I didn't say to let you have a baby..."

Ling Li was stunned for a moment, a little confused. Seeing Zhen's hesitant appearance, her thoughts suddenly turned and she thought of a bad possibility, and her complexion instantly became bad.

She stared at Zhen and asked, "What did you say you wanted to tell me at the dinner table just now?"

Zhen hesitated and said: "Just... I want to find a younger brother for Neji."


Ling Li's eyes seemed to be eating people: "Is it your beautiful female secretary, you made her belly big?"

Zhen immediately said: "You think too much, she is only so old, how could I attack her."

But these words made Lingli's gaze even colder, and she found that there was a woman she didn't know.

Some beautiful single women around her quickly flashed in her mind, and suddenly froze on a figure.

Lingli was also taken aback by her own thought, she widened her eyes and asked, "It can't be... Kushina!"


I really feel dizzy for a while, this woman's guess is a bit accurate, Jiu Xinnai is not pregnant yet.

Lingli breathed a sigh of relief, if her best friend was given by her husband, she would be a little hard to accept, let alone her sister, does this guy pick the people around her?

But after rejoicing, he was quickly filled with anger.

"who is she!"

Zhen was silent for a while, but actually asked: "Who is it... can you accept it?"

Ling Li was stunned, never expecting that Zhen could give such an absurd answer.

In a panic, he bared his teeth and clawed at him and hammered at him.

"You bloody bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Zhen then hurriedly said: "Ning Ci...Ning Ci is looking at us."

After hearing this, Lingli turned to look at Neji, and saw that he was not crying.

At this time, Zhen said shamelessly: "You see that Ning Ci doesn't cry, he must also want to have a younger brother."

Ling Li laughed angrily at him, and said in a low voice: "Get out!"

I really wanted to say something, but I saw her glaring at me again: "Get out!"

In desperation, Zhen had no choice but to get up and leave the nursery.

When he opened the door, he found that Xia Zhengjiang was lying on the door and eavesdropping on something. He was probably attracted by the noise of fighting inside, and when Jianzhen came out, he bowed his head and walked aside in embarrassment.

Zhen stared at her, reached out and ruffled her hair vigorously, making it a mess.

"What are you listening to?!"

Xia didn't dare to resist, and after he left, she made a face at his back and began to straighten her hair.

In the baby's room, Lingli sat beside Ningji motionless, and Xiao Ningji made a sound at this moment, stretching out his hands as if wanting to be hugged by her.

Holding her son in her arms, Lingli suddenly felt very wronged. Not only could she not get all his love, but even what belonged to Neji would be separated.

That night, I really wanted to go back to my bedroom to sleep and found that the door was tightly closed and locked from the inside, so I had to go to Ayano's room instead.

the next day.

Uchiha Fugaku has left. He has already notified his family members of this matter, and said that during his absence, all matters in the family can be referred to Uchiha Yatsushiro.

This behavior was obviously suppressed by Hokage, but no one from the tribe said anything.

Naruto released the news that because of Fuyue's wrong order, Uchiha died five ninjas.

Uchiha Tiehuo, Inaohi, and the others...these people all know each other, and many of them have a good relationship with them. From their point of view, it seems reasonable for the head of the family to be punished for this.

After Fugaku left early, Ayori came to Mikoto's house suddenly.

Meiqin couldn't help being a little alarmed when she saw her good friend, after all, she was pregnant with her man's child.

"Ayari, why are you here?"

Lingli just walked into the living room angrily, and sat down on the sofa.

Seeing her like this, Meiqin felt apprehensive, wondering if she already knew and Xingshi came to question her.

"It really pissed me off!"

Meiqin still poured a glass of water for her and asked, "Who is mad at you?"

Lingli snorted coldly: "Who else could there be except that bastard?"

As a result, she drank most of the water directly on her back.

Mikoto asked dryly, "What happened?"

Ayari glanced at Miqin, but this glance shocked Miqin.

The two are close friends who have a very good relationship, and they usually talk about everything. Lingli was silent for a moment and pursed her lips and said, "That bastard... made other women's bellies bigger."

Mikoto's pupils opened slightly, and she froze there motionless.

At this time, Lingli continued to say angrily: "I knew that bastard was definitely not an honest guy. I was really blind back then, why did I marry him..."


Meiqin came back to her senses after hearing her call, and asked cautiously, "You...don't know which woman is who?"

"He didn't say it. I thought it might be Jiu Xinnai, but he denied it."

Mikoto asked again: "It's Kushina's words... Can you accept it?"

Ling Li immediately stared and said: "Of course not! Kushina is such a good friend of mine, how could he betray me!"

She said and shook her head suddenly: "No, no, Kushina would definitely not do that. If it was really Jiushina, she must have been forced."

Meiqin thought to herself when she heard the words, you really have a good idea of ​​your own man.

Lingli looked at Mikoto suspiciously: "What do you mean? Do you know something? Could it be Kushina?"

Miqin shook her head again and again: "No, that's all I asked, and you also said that Kushina would never do something like that."

Only then did Lingli heave a sigh of relief, picked up the pillow on the sofa beside her, put it on her leg and beat it hard, then said, "Damn bastard! Damn bitch! Don't let me know who she is!"

Mikoto: "..."

"What's wrong with you, Miqin, why don't you look in a good mood?"

Meiqin forced a smile and said, "I...I'm fine, didn't Fuyue leave today?"

Ling Li was surprised: "Fuyue left, where did he go?"

Miqin then told Ayari about Fuyue's transfer and the apparent reason.

Lingli didn't know what to say when she heard the words: "Fuyue definitely doesn't want to do this, and there is no need to punish him like this. How about I go and talk to Zhen?"

Miqin shook her head: "No, Hokage-sama has his own discretion in matters related to the village, so let's not get involved."

"How long will it take Fuyue to come back?"

"……have no idea."

Lingli looked at Miqin, and suddenly felt that she would be lonely for a long time to come, so she couldn't help feeling sorry for her, and got up and hugged her.

"Isn't it boring for you to be alone at home, you can come to me often, and I will come to you often."

Mikoto just smiled unnaturally and didn't say anything.

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