Rated Hokage

Chapter 214 Chapter 213

Itachi came to the place where he met his companions full of thoughts.

"Morning, Itachi."

"Morning, Xinzi, Dou."

Seeing the boy's absent-mindedness, Sakurada Shinko leaned closer: "What are you thinking about?"

Itachi took a step back and hurriedly said, "It's okay."

Xinzi laughed: "You have written the words 'I have something on your mind' on your face."

Itachi couldn't help touching his cheek when he heard the words, which made Xinzi laugh out loud.

Dou also couldn't help but said, "If you have anything to say, you can tell us, maybe we can help."

What Itachi felt worried about was that his father was leaving the village, how could Dou and Xinzi be able to help with such a matter.

Moreover, his father was punished by Hokage-sama to leave because he made a mistake. Thinking that he might not see his father for a long time, he felt a little lonely.

Seeing Itachi didn't want to say more, the two couldn't force it.

Xinzi said, "Why hasn't Master Qingsi come yet?"

Dou said, "It's still ten minutes before the appointed time."

Xinzi muttered, "It's okay to come ten minutes earlier."

The three stood on a flyover, looking around aimlessly.

The high tower at Shadow Rock is still under construction, and the workers can be seen from a distance busy in full swing.

Xinzi suddenly asked: "Tell me, why didn't Hokage-sama build a tower instead of rebuilding Shadow Rock?"

Dou thought about it: "Isn't it because the fourth generation...is a sinner?"

This is a widely spread and highly credible statement in the village, because if you want to rebuild Kageiwa, you will inevitably face the problem of whether to carve the rock statue of the Fourth Hokage again. Many people think that Hokage is because of this. Shadow Rock was not rebuilt.

Xinzi asked again: "Then what is this tower for?"

Dou shook his head: "I don't know, but since Hokage-sama ordered it to be built, there must be a use for it."

This answer was meaningless, and Xinzi rolled his eyes involuntarily.

At this time, Hinata Kiyomi also arrived.

Xinzi complained: "Teacher Qingsi, you are too slow, it is not a good habit to make girls wait for you."

Qingsi smiled and said: "I should not be late."

As he spoke, he took out three papers and placed them in front of the three of them.

"This is……"

The three of them each took a look and were all startled.

Kiyoshi said: "The Chunin exam is coming soon, I have signed up for you."

Xinzi couldn't help but said: "Teacher Qingsi, we have only graduated for less than a year, isn't it too early to take the Chunin exam?"

Kiyoshi said: "It's getting late, I know your level well, so I won't embarrass you in the past. Of course, the Chunin Exam is not mandatory for you to take, I just won this place for you , It’s up to you whether you want to participate or not.”

Itachi was very interested in this: "In the Chunin exam, there must be strong people from every village."

Kiyoshi smiled and said: "That's natural. The Joint Chunin Exam is a grand gathering of elite ninjas from various villages. Opportunities are rare."

Dou behaved very casually. In his opinion, the Chunin Exam was just a platform for promotion. He didn't look forward to meeting the strong like Itachi. If everyone else was weaker, the pressure on himself would be less competitive. .

Xinzi glanced at the two companions left and right, she was much weaker than them, she sighed a little dejectedly, she was very worried that she would lag behind.

"The task will not be carried out in the past two days, you should think about it carefully." # "Yanli, do you want to stay with me for lunch at noon?"

"Isn't it good to accompany you?"

"...Of course."

Meiqin looked at Ayari, who was helping her with the housework, and didn't know what to say. She naturally knew that the other party was out of kindness, and she was the one who was awkward.

Ling Li smiled and said, "Then why don't you go prepare lunch and make me hungry?"

She was kneeling on the ground and mopping the floor with a mop. She basically didn't have to do this kind of thing at home, and she didn't mind doing it once in a while.

"Then I'll trouble you to mop the floor. If you're tired, you don't have to do it."

Mikoto got up and was about to go to the kitchen, when she suddenly felt unwell and retched a few times there, but Ayori didn't care about it, she lay down on the ground and concentrated on her work.

She rubbed her chest, breathed a long sigh of relief and walked into the kitchen.

Lingli wiped the floor, tables and chairs of the entire living room, and couldn't help smiling when she saw the clean and tidy room. She found that cleaning the room and doing housework is a very stress-relieving thing, which can make her transfer Focus, stop thinking about those annoying things.

She raised her voice and asked, "Meiqin, does the bedroom need to be cleaned?"

Meiqin poked her head out from the kitchen: "Excuse me, the master bedroom is not in use, just clean the guest bedroom."

Lingli then went to the guest room as she said. She knew that Mikoto and Fuyue slept in separate rooms. It has been a month or two. She asked Mikoto if she had a fight with Fuyue before, but Mikoto just hesitated. Say more.

Looking at some of Mikoto's daily necessities in the room, Lingli couldn't help laughing: "Really, Fuyue is gone, so I didn't know how to make out with him last night."

Immediately, he started to work hard, but when he was mopping the floor, he accidentally knocked over the garbage basket beside him, and some packaging bags, paper towels and other things in it spilled out instantly.

Seeing this, Ayari quickly picked up the trash can and began to pick up the trash one by one.

But at this moment, a strange thing caught her attention.

She had only seen this thing in Ayano's room yesterday, a white pregnancy test stick with two red lines on it.

Looking at this thing, Lingli couldn't help being a little dazed.

Miqin is pregnant?

This is a good thing, I never saw her say...

Until Meiqin called her to eat outside.

There were only two of us, and the lunch was very simple. After washing hands and sitting at the dining table, Lingli was thoughtful.

"Isn't it done in the bedroom?"


Meiqin filled half a bowl of rice for Lingli, and another bowl for herself.

Seeing this, Lingli said, "You have a good appetite."

Meiqin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Isn't it... doing housework, I'm a little tired, and I forgot to serve you a bowl too."

Lingli said: "No, I still have half a bowl of food."

Meiqin took a mouthful of vegetables into her mouth, and just after chewing a few mouthfuls, the strong feeling of vomiting came again, and she quickly covered her mouth to resist the urge.

Seeing her appearance, Lingli moved her eyes and asked with a smile: "Why, do you think your cooking is unpalatable?"

Meiqin said, "It's just that my stomach has been a little uncomfortable for the past two days."

Lingli also took a bite of the meal, seeing how Meiqin was eating deliciously after recovering, she suddenly asked: "Fuyue left this morning, didn't you two sleep together last night?"

Meiqin froze for a moment, then said, "No."

Ling Li smiled and said, "I don't know how long it will take for him to see you again after leaving, how did you hold back?"

Meiqin gave her a white look: "I'm not very keen on that kind of thing, don't make me so horny."

Lingli smiled and asked again: "Could it be that you haven't had sex once in the past two months?"

While eating, Meiqin responded casually: "No."

The smile on Aya's face gradually faded when she heard this.


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